Dawn Infinity

Vol 13 Chapter 41: : God God

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Chu Hao had a feeling of wanting to vomit, but he didn't know how to vomit. Moreover, the voice before, or the will attached to Hades before, said so much information that he suddenly felt a little bit He couldn't get his head back, but the information gave him a guess that he had been thinking about. Of course, he still needs to deal with the face in front of him that seems to be overwhelmed by the ****. Dis...

"If it was a higher-level power that brought you here, would you believe it?" Chu Hao pondered for a moment, and then he said such words.

Hades also gradually calmed down at this moment. A cloud of jet black appeared in his eyes, and his entire eyes quickly transformed into this color. A jet black atmosphere also appeared around his body. This state lasted for about five or six seconds, and then He returned to his original state and looked at Chu Hao and said, "Mortal, do you think I would believe it? Even Zeus can't make me like this..."

"Then what if it's a god?" Chu Hao simply said such a sentence, and sure enough, as he saw it, Hades' face changed in an instant. It was very shocking, very surprised, and even very panicked. expression.

In an instant, Hades turned into a black shadow and rushed in front of Chu Hao, but maybe he was thinking about something. He didn't attack Chu Hao or contact him for the first time, but looked at him with a condescending attitude. Chu Hao said coldly: "Tell me everything you know, even a mortal, even if you are a sage, is absolutely impossible to know any information about God. So, tell me everything you know, otherwise I don't mind letting you experience the deepest despair in hell. Believe me, that is the ultimate despair that no creatures, including gods, are willing to experience!"

"His Honorable Hades, please believe me, I am definitely not here to be your enemy, on the contrary, I have brought great news, very important news..." Chu Hao smiled.

Hades nodded slightly, his eyes still sharp, as if only waiting for Chu Hao to speak.

"I am not a sage in this world." Chu Hao said with a smile.

"I come from another world, and I want to be honorable like His Royal Highness Hades. I must already know that there are countless different worlds outside of this world? I am a sage from another world." Chu Hao said Here, the speech was paused briefly.

And Hades seemed to be lost in thought. He said after a moment, "That makes sense. Under my brother’s full effort to wipe out this world, there have been no sages for many years. Almost all sages. The inheritance is all extinct, and I also know that there is a sage who has appeared, and he is still a very powerful sage. I was already very curious before. If you really come from another world, then this makes sense. But... there is a loophole in your words. I don't think you can cross the world with your strength. You know, even our gods have no ability to cross the world alone."

"Does it mean the principles of civilization?" Chu Hao said with a calm smile.

"The principle of civilization? It's okay to describe it this way, but we call it a crystal wall, an invisible and innocent wall that isolates every world. Then tell me now, how did you cross the crystal wall?" Ha Diss still stared at Chu Hao firmly, without giving him any chance to divert the topic. 【First Release】

"That's what I want to illustrate."

Chu Hao put away his smiling expression, but showed a serious expression: "In fact, there is a deeper barrier between the world and the world. In addition to the huge power required to enter each other's world, each The world has its own different laws. This is what I call the principles of civilization. If the laws are wrong, maybe God will fall instantly when he goes to another world. Only God can pass through the world safely, and I Then I have been to a relic of the fallen **** of the gods, in that relic, I got a relic and bound to its soul, so that I have the ability to travel through the world."

Hades' eyes flashed, and he immediately said: "Let me see the relic you got! Right away! Mortal!"

Chu Hao sneered in his heart, but he had to do a full set for the show. He immediately bowed slightly: "His Royal Highness, since I dared to see you and even planned to see His Highness Zeus before, then I naturally have the most thorough plan. , Believe me, Your Highness, no one is an idiot. I also cherish my life. This relic has been bound to my soul. If I destroy me, it will be destroyed. And this is the relic of the gods. God's existence can't deprive it from my soul, you want to see, that's naturally no problem..." While speaking, Chu Hao had already opened his half-plane entrance in front of him.

This is actually an adventure he is taking, because as far as he knows from the information he has obtained from the Godhead, the demiplane is very precious. It is something that even the main **** of a plane cannot easily obtain. It is based solely on opportunity and The precious treasures between the planes that can only be obtained by adventure, once a **** obtains the demiplane, then some of its essence can be separated from the plane where it was born. Of course, it still cannot be completely separated from it. If it is the birth position When the face dies, this **** will still die, but before that, it is almost indestructible, even if it is completely destroyed, some of his essence will be preserved, and there is still the possibility of a comeback.

Hades is also one of the most important gods in this world. He can be regarded as one of the three main gods in this world. He is also powerful and knowledgeable. When Chu Hao opened his semiplane, he exclaimed. Said: "Demiplane! You have a private demiplane!?"

In the voice, Hades turned into a black light and rushed straight into the demiplane, and then Chu Hao felt a power in his demiplane, but this power was too weak, simple These descriptions were as if he was holding an egg in his hand, and then a fly, no, an ant trying to grab the egg from him, almost imperceptible power, and only then did he breathe a sigh of relief. .

The gods can obtain partial control of a plane. In the plane they were born in, they are essentially manifestation and personification of certain rules belonging to this plane. Similarly, for half-positions with incomplete rules. On the face of it, they can also control, or even go further, to completely turn the demiplane into their home field. This is the so-called kingdom of God, the real kingdom of God, not just a **** virtualized by divinity. country.

So the moment Hades saw the demiplane, he immediately grabbed control of the demiplane, but it is a pity...this demiplane is actually Chu Hao’s exchange item, and its ownership has already been carried out at the main god." "Registration", it is not an exaggeration to say that it is soul binding.

Chu Hao absolutely did not believe that a mere deity that was not the only plane could seize things from the main god. You must know that even after so many reincarnation worlds, he has seen the gods and the high demon planes, and even Even the Primordial Plane has been seen, but Chu Hao still does not understand what the Lord God is. The world of reincarnation spans almost the entire multi-universe civilization, making the Samsara team ignore technology, magic and other civilizations with different rules. The reason, the endless exchanges, this has exceeded Chu Hao's most extreme imagination, not to mention this native god, I am afraid that the gods can't touch the main god, right?

Chu Hao didn't even think Hades could seize his demiplane!

Chu Hao sneered in his heart, and put his consciousness into the half plane, and saw that Hades had recovered from black light to a human form, but his image was so bad that he was almost bent over and languished, almost kneeling. On the ground, even Chu Hao had a feeling that as long as he gave the order, the demiplane would directly digest Hades with the power of the main god, and this was a great tonic for his demiplane. It can directly complement many of the rules of his demiplane, especially the rules of underworld, life and death, and negative energy.

Chu Hao hesitated a little, but still did not close the entrance and exit of the demiplane. At this moment, a group of pale black rays of light rushed out from the entrance and exit, and immediately transformed into the image of Hades, and Hades is really at this moment. His face was full of horror. After a long time, he tried his best to bring out a trace of majesty. He murmured: "I feel a power. This is a vast and indescribable power... This is God. God? Even though it has fallen, it is still so terrifying..."

"Yes." Chu Hao nodded affirmatively: "I can't control this power at all. This power is only lurking in my demiplane. I only have the ability to shuttle through the plane, but..."

"But?" Hades looked at Chu Hao, his eyes flickered faintly, and a fierce and murderous intent slowly condensed.

"At that time, I was not the only one who went to the remains of the gods. In fact, it is more accurate to say that I only got a relic, and the other person really got the remains of the gods. If he can be killed , Then I can get the key to control the true power of my relic from him, so I need your power to cooperate with me to kill this person." Chu Hao said seriously.

The killing intent in Hades's eyes slightly diminished. He lowered his head slightly and did not let Chu Hao see his expression. He just asked: "Then what can I get? And I can't cross the plane, how can I help you? Kill that person?"

"That person will come to this plane soon." Chu Hao said immediately, "I'll explain here. He just got his legacy. I think you also know that only power is real, even if it's a god. The Yize also cannot make a mortal become a god, so he can only rely on long-term accumulation, or..."

"Divinity and... Godhead?" Hades had already remedied all this by himself, and he murmured.

"Yes, that person needs a lot of divinity and divine personality, so he will come to this plane, and then kill you and the gods, absorb your divinity and divine personality, but this is actually an opportunity when he can attack When we are, we can actually attack him. This relic of mine can restrain him a little. At that time, the power of you and the gods will be needed. I only need to open the key of this relic of mine, and the rest of the gods All the relics of God can be given to your princes. I have self-knowledge and no power. I can’t get too much at all. So I only need the key. Of course, in order to allow me to survive after your princes get the fruits of the battle, so I I hope you can swear by your god’s name against Styx, before I leave this position, to ensure my safety in this plane, so that I will tell you the time and place of that person’s arrival, and at the same time , Will also restrain him when fighting him." Chu Hao said immediately.

Hades did not speak at this time, but walked around with his head down. After a long time, he said: "The Styx Oath, you actually know the Styx Oath... Then you must know that the Styx Oath only It is useful for gods or demi-gods with divine nature. This is just a one-sided oath. It can indeed bind me and protect your life, so that our next cooperation will be more harmonious, but... what about Can I restrain you?"

"It's impossible." Chu Hao spread his hand and said, "But what can I do? You and the gods, you are all gods, you can kill me anytime you want, and I'm afraid it's violated. Oath, what can I do? Kill the gods? Or **** the relics? Snatch the relics from the gods? So, whether this vow is going to be issued, whether our covenant is established, you are in fact completely self-determined."

Hades raised his head and glanced at Chu Hao silently, before he said in a low voice, "I can also catch and kill you now, and then find everything in your soul. I am a god!"

"I have a demiplane." Chu Hao smiled immediately, and he said softly, "I can enter the demiplane at any time. It's not that I underestimate Your Highness. I'm afraid that if you gather all the powers of the gods of your Highness, I'm afraid it's impossible. Destroy every bit of my demiplane, right? The reason why I need the oath of my Highness is that I don't have to guard against your Highness when a battle occurs, that's all."

Okay, Chu Hao is talking nonsense again. His demiplane is actually too fragile. Hades just wanted to seize the demiplane. If he changed the method and only destroyed the demiplane, he would not feel it at all. The power of any main god...

Hades was silent again. He was silent for a long time this time. He seemed to think about a lot of things. Then he exhaled and said, "I now swear by the name of Hades, the **** of the underworld, by pointing to Styx. This mortal will give me the trophy that belongs to me during and after the war~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then I will guarantee his safety before leaving this position."

(Haha, is there a language loophole? What kind of trophies belong to him...what exactly? Does it include my demiplane? Hehe...but it doesn't matter, anyway, he finally entered the game.)

Just as Chu Hao sneered in his heart, Hades vowed and said: "Yes, the last thing, about the gods and the descendants, don't tell any of them except to me. God, otherwise I’m the only one who has issued the Styx Oath, and they won’t show mercy to you. I think, you also know that Zeus has issued an oracle to kill you, right?"

Chu Hao immediately made an embarrassed expression and said, "If this is the case, relying on your and my strength, we may not be able to fight against that person. After all, he has the legacy of the gods..."

"It's okay..."

Hades turned his head, his body turned into black light again, and then flew directly into the distant darkness, only his voice reached Chu Hao's ears.

"In addition to my brothers, there are even more levels of power in this world... that is greater than Zeus, the closest, or in other words, the power of the gods..."

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