Dawn Infinity

Vol 13 Chapter 76: : The courage to sacrifice

Zhang Heng discovered that the only way to keep the gate of the Backward Path from closing is to provide its energy.It is not so much that his continuous resurrection supports the gate, it is more that the gate draws his life by continuously killing him. Energy, and this energy is provided indirectly by the green oak mask, which can support the gate not to close.

And he could see everything that Chu Hao experienced and saw in the path back. Those pictures didn't seem to be seen by the naked eye, but were directly transmitted to his mind through the spirit, he saw When Chu Hao was born, he saw Chu Hao's past, saw the sister who depended on each other for life, saw the elderly couple who treated him like parents and children, saw the innocent and kind people in that small town, and saw the C organization. How to hunt down him and his sister, how did he survive his childhood, how did he find like-minded companions, and how did he sacrifice those companions...with his heart.

This way of growing step by step and becoming stronger step by step, step by step and the remaining brothers and sisters created a rebel organization, step by step became taciturn, only showing the strong side, as if he was cold-blooded and merciless...

Zhang Heng remained silent and watched all this in silence until the biggest change happened. It was a year after the rebel organization was established. A meme broke out somewhere on the earth. It was called'Mushroom,' The meme is very indescribable, very incomprehensible, and even impossible to believe and imagine. Once it breaks out completely, and once the number of people is lifted, the entire world, human beings, all living things, and even the earth will become nothingness.

It was a gamble, based on his life, based on his partner's life, based on his sister's life, based on the existence of the entire human world. Because of the road, he now secretly entered that world, participated in this gambling, and then...

This is exactly what Zhang Heng is seeing now.He saw that Chu Hao had gathered the souls of his partners. This was the last part of the entrance to the path of returning to the backtracking. The two roads that were placed in front of Chu Hao. One is just like what happened in the original time stream, secretly helping myself at that time, and finally sealing the meme, and removing all the members of the C organization that were blocked.

And the other way... he can save his sister, his relatives, who have been protecting him and warming him, like a mother-like role, the softest in his heart, the biggest taboo in his heart, he... can save her of.

At this moment, even Ares, who had been attacking Zhang Heng, stopped. He and Zhang Heng both watched Chu Hao's choice attentively, and watched the crying, humble, and cowardly mortal's choice.

"Save her, save your own heart, idiot captain, this world can turn around without her, but without her, you lose her again, and your hand ruined her, can you still not fall? Don't go Don't care about the righteousness, don't care about anything, don't care about what happens in the world, I hold this door, I must... can support you until you return, so go save her."

Zhang Heng roared loudly, desperately, he had already seen it cracked, and in the endless pain that had been shattering his body, he had the greatest strength to roar and roar these words, he wanted to pass his heart to Chu Hao, trance Between, in a trance...

In that countless billions of billions of trillions of years ago, at the beginning of that day, when the chaos was undivided, he was no longer Zhang Heng. The world was born, but because he was born late and did not absorb enough nutrients, he appeared to be a very weak innate creature. In a trance, he was seriously injured in a predator battle, and then was rescued by an acquired garbage and weak "food"... …

In a daze, inexplicable memories flooded into his mind. He could no longer distinguish what is reality, what is memory, and what is fantasy. With the loudest roar, he screamed out the words that had been buried in his heart for countless years.

"So live for yourself. Don't sacrifice yourself to protect others."

"This chaos of the weak and the strong, so cruel and dark, I will destroy the world without you."

In the picture of Backtracking, Chu Hao, who was already crying as if he had made a decision, rushed into the memetic burst area, used his greatest strength to reach the core, and then hugged that already. The woman who closed her eyes to die and was still smiling, at this moment, the world line...the time line...the line of cause and effect...has changed

"Hahahaha, it really is so, a righteous look, isn't it also hypocritical and hypocritical in the end? It's not good to choose yourself from the beginning, and hypocritically saying that you want to save everyone, such hypocrisy..."

Ares seems to have seen a very funny joke, or that because he betrayed the Olympus gods, he can't see the light, see the kindness, and always expect others to become the same darkness and sin as himself. After getting the balance, he laughed loudly there, and at the same time planned to continue attacking Zhang Heng.

At first, when he saw Zhang Heng, he shuddered at the moment that the pieces of meat recovered into a human form. Zhang Heng's eyes, what kind of eyes were they, he couldn't use words to describe it carefully, he only knew him. In fear, it is a mortal who is dying constantly, and it is obviously an ant that can't hurt him even if it is intact, but the look in his eyes...

"Don't laugh at the courage of a man to sacrifice, Ares...I will kill you." Zhang Heng looked at Ares quietly, and said such words in the constant crushing and recovery.

Ares took a step back, then flushed fiercely, and roared loudly: "You mortal, you ant **** mortal, can't you die obediently, don't you trouble our gods like this? Didn’t you see? Your captain, this hypocritical mortal, because he looked back on the road to hell, has now disappeared in the timeline, in the law of cause and effect, soon, all his traces will disappear, and you will never again. Remember him, everything you have done is in vain, I will kill you." While he was talking, he had already exploded with his greatest power, his whole body shone with brilliance, and the sacred majesty, so that the appearance and image of the gods turned into shining light. Booming towards Zhang Heng, who was hanging on the door of the Backtracking Path, once and again, he completely beaten Zhang Heng into flesh, so that Zhang Heng could no longer yell any words...

At the same time, in the image of Chu Hao in the backtracking path, Chu Hao's figure really began to fade, as if it was erased by something, and gradually faded, but at this time there is something unknown. Power maintains Chu Hao's last and most basic existence, forcibly distorting the existence of the world line, time line, and the law of causality

This power is something that Zhang Heng, Ares, and even Chu Hao himself, or almost all beings on this plane cannot perceive, not only them, but even the entire multiverse watching all these great and vast beings, they can't. Perceived and imagined, only a very small number of existences can be truly felt, and such an existence...there is only one in this plane.

"This is... this is..."

On the human-shaped mountain peak, the part that represents the human-shaped eyes suddenly opened, and blood-red rays of light were transmitted from the eyes.At the same time, at a very remote place from the plane of the underworld, it represented the true place of death, destination, rest and dying. , The multiverse's manifestation of death and death is somewhere under the suppression of a huge roulette. A huge humanoid creature with double horns, three heads and six arms, covered in blood, has stood up. Since the history of mankind, After being exiled from here, this existence was so moved for the first time, and it was also the first time for such a fierce action.He did not take into account the energy fluctuations that erupted because of his actions, which caused the deaths and injuries of his people. Can't care about it...

"The world...how could it be, how could the world be human..."

The humanoid mountain did not care about the magic circle under his feet, and the three living gods Zeus, Poseidon, and Athena who were still being pumped out of energy. At the same time, bright red magma began to gush out from the place of this giant mountain, and the human-shaped giant mountain did not turn back, and strode towards the backtracking path in great strides.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you, kill you..."

Ares snarled frantically, beating Zhang Heng frantically.In fact, neither he nor Zhang Heng found that the door to the backtracking road had stopped closing, but both people still stood there habitually until Ares. Tired of the fight, Zhang Heng, who almost fell into a coma while twisting his mind, stood there and gasped for breath. Then, he heard Zhang Heng's words that hadn't stopped and ignited his anger again...

"...Don't, don't laugh at... the courage of a man to sacrifice..."

Ares snarled frantically again, lifting Zhang Heng to the ground, but at this moment, the top of the sky cracked fiercely, huge, infinite, and the vast light from where the sky cracked. It shot down, and then several radiant human figures shot straight down like lightning. One of them shot behind Ares almost in the blink of an eye, and as soon as he grasped his arm, Zheng Zha's voice also rang~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have seen it all, I have seen all this... Zhang Heng, Chu Hao, I recognize you... and then..."

"Aris, don't you understand? Don't laugh at the courage of a man to sacrifice."

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