“On the”Flying Sky”,

Morgans shouted excitedly on the other side of the Den Den Mushi

“Ah~hahaha, Lord Shiqi, your big news is really explosive, ah~hahaha”

“The legendary pirate returns after 20 years of seclusion and defeats two admirals of the navy in his first battle!”

“What do you think of this title?”

“Ah~, has this matter been spread like this?”

Shiki was wrapped in bandages all over his body. He coughed a few times, and there were obviously more wrinkles and age spots on his face.

After fighting Aokiji and Kizaru with all his strength, the active armament color that burst out with all his strength made his body unable to bear the burden.

Even under the treatment of Luo and DR. Indigo, the injury is no longer a problem.

However, his vitality has also been greatly depleted.

He fought desperately, otherwise, how could a 70-year-old man who had wasted more than 20 years fight to that extent with a young man in his forties or fifties.

This is just like Whitebeard during the”Marine War”.

He fought desperately.

If he didn’t fight desperately, how strong could this old body that had fought for decades be?

“Ah~ Hahaha, thank you Mr. Shiqi for the big news. I have already found all the information you need and will send it to you now.”

Morgans thought that the big news of Shiqi’s transaction before was the news of the battle with the two generals.

So he also hurried to find out the information Shiqi needed.

“Jie~Haha, Morgans, you underestimate me, the Golden Lion. It’s just a battle with two little ghosts. How’s the big news?”

“Wait for me, I will soon give you a piece of news that will shake the world upside down.”

Morganus’ body trembled uncontrollably with excitement when he heard Ski’s answer.

For so many years, since Roger was executed, there has been no major event that shocked the world and could shake the world upside down!

They are all trivial matters. Morganus is already deeply tired of these reports.

Now, he can’t wait to know what kind of big event it is!


“Let’s stop here today!”

Looking at Den Den Mushi, Morganus was going crazy, and Shiki hung up the Den Den Mushi with a bad taste.

He sent Morganus’s message to the gorilla Scaredo in the paradise.

Luo had already taken his crew to the East China Sea to snatch the thousand-year-old dragon bone.

Now he sent the specific location to him and waited for good news from the two of them.

And Shiki himself, according to the original plan, went to find scientists who studied the”life factor”.

According to the plot of the original work, there are three scientists who are openly studying the”life factor”.

Vegapunk, who is 500 years ahead of the world, the evil scientist-Caesar Clown, and the king of Germa 66-Vinsmoke Judge.

Among these people, Vegapunk is in the hands of the World Government.

Caesar Clown’s character is a problem, and Shiki doesn’t trust him, and Shiki doesn’t know where Caesar is now.

Only Vinsmoke, who cares about his own Germa 66 kingdom, is concerned. Mok Judge is easier to handle.


Shiki looked at his old face through the mirror.

Before that, let’s give the world a little fear of meteorites falling from the sky!

The Navy Headquarters-Marinford, on the huge and majestic walls, well-trained soldiers are patrolling seriously, even though this is the Navy Headquarters, one of the most powerful positions in the world.

It is impossible for any enemy to come here to make trouble, but the elite soldiers still do their tasks conscientiously.

On the top of the headquarters building in the shape of a castle tower, a seagull flag holding a scale flutters in the wind.

It symbolizes the maintenance of world peace and order!

In the square, a large number of soldiers faced the rising sun, trained hard, and sweated.

The entire headquarters base is surrounded by a thriving and positive atmosphere.

Suddenly, the sky dimmed, and a huge shadow enveloped the entire base.

The puzzled soldier looked up at the sky,


Intense screams filled the entire Marinford.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!…

Instantly, a large number of high-ranking naval officers appeared on the city wall at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

“Golden Lion, this is too much!”

Sengoku looked up at the huge island in the sky, which was falling straight down. He gritted his teeth and cursed.

Akainu sneered:”This is the end of being soft-hearted, Marshal Sengoku!”

Sengoku seemed not to hear him and turned to look at Aokiji.

Aokiji said seriously:”Ah, the island is descending too fast, I can’t guarantee that I can stop it.”

Sengoku looked at the panicked soldiers and officers, and couldn’t help but get angry:”Why are you panicking? Go protect the family members behind the base first!”

As a soldier of the headquarters, the most elite fighter of the navy, he was so panicked after encountering something, which really made Zhan Guo dissatisfied.

As the huge island continued to fall, his face was rippled by the huge wind pressure.

When the island dropped to a certain height, Akainu took the initiative.

With the powerful impact force like a volcanic eruption, countless lava rushed to the sky and shattered part of the island.

At the same time, countless attacks also rushed into the sky.

The slash of the swordsman, the slash of the storm foot, the explosive laser of the”light speed kick” of Kizaru, Zhan Guo transformed into a huge Buddha, and a huge shock wave came out of his hand.

But the huge island is too heavy.

Even if various attacks can shatter part of the island, they cannot damage the main body of the island in a short time.

“Ice Age!”

At the critical moment, Aokiji, who had been preparing for a long time, used his ultimate move.

From the sea surface, an extremely huge ice column extended diagonally from the sea surface to the air. It went straight to the bottom of the island.

The huge island, with its boundless downward force, crushed the ice column directly.

Although it did not stop the island from falling, it was obvious that the island had some tilt and position changes.


The icicles continued to extend, moving the island outward little by little.

With the attack of Akainu and others, the island continued to break.

Finally, when the island was about to land,

Aokiji used the huge icicles as a fulcrum to move the still huge island to the sea far away from Marinford.

Although the sea surface was covered with thick ice at this time, the fall of the island still stirred up thousands of huge waves, almost drowning Marinford.

Sengoku lifted the transformation and looked around, and he couldn’t help but get angry.

Although the main body of the island did not land directly on Marinford, in order to reduce the size of the island, the rubble they broke was like a meteorite, destroying many buildings in Marinford.

A large number of soldiers were hit by the rubble because of their strength or luck, causing a lot of damage.

Because of Akainu’s ability, there were many magma meteorites in the rubble, which caused more damage to the buildings in Marinford.

Even the headquarters building collapsed on a large scale.

The whole Marinford was like being bombed, with broken buildings, rivers of blood, and corpses everywhere.

“”Golden Lion!!!”

Sengoku could no longer hold back, and his anger was boundless.

The only person in the world who had such ability was the Golden Lion Shiki. On this new day, the Navy Headquarters – Marinford, was almost in ruins.

“Super big news!!!”

“The Navy Headquarters – Marinford, was attacked by a huge island!!!”

“Shocked! The Navy Headquarters was destroyed, who did it!!!”

“Shocking news! Shocking news!”

“Legendary pirate-Golden Lion strikes in revenge, huge island destroys Navy Headquarters!”

After Shiki and the two admirals fought and shocked the world, another shocking news came.

Navy Headquarters, the top base of the Navy, was attacked and almost destroyed.

This serious blow to the dignity of the Navy made those ambitious pirates very excited.

More than ten days have passed since the battle between Golden Lion and the two admirals, but the aftermath of this battle continues to spread around the world.

It’s not that everyone is so enthusiastic about this battle, but from the 5th day of the battle to the present 7 or 8 days, every day, there will be a huge island in the Navy Headquarters-Marinford, doing free fall above it.

Now, the land around Marinford has expanded more than ten times.

But Sengoku was not happy with the expansion of the headquarters, because the original place of the headquarters was already a ruin.

Now the middle and low-level soldiers of the Navy Headquarters and all their families have evacuated Marinford.

Only some vice admirals are left. And the generals, to deal with the islands that fall every day.

These days, the news from the newspaper is free, and a large number of reports are distributed to various places every day through news birds.

Newspapers are like snow, filling the sky.

The Five Elders of the World Government were furious and scolded Sengoku, asking him to solve the matter immediately.

But after the 7th day, in Marijoa, the Five Elders and others were smoking and drinking with Sengoku, and no one spoke. There was silence in Pangu City.

The God of Law and War – Topman Wachurisheng spoke with difficulty, breaking the silence in the room.

“Haven’t you found Shiki yet?”

Zhan Guo has been numb these days.

“With Shiqi’s ability, it’s too difficult to find him.”

“And now Kizaru is the only one left to look for, and those with weaker strength and who can fly might not survive if they encounter Shiki”

“Can we contact Shiki now?” said the environmental warrior god, Marcus Maz, who was wearing a dark blue suit, had long straight white hair and a long beard.

“He has been gone for 20 years and we don’t have enough information about his connections!”

“That means we can’t contact him!”

Everyone was silent again.

Facing the rogue fruit ability of Shiki’s Float-Float Fruit, there was really no way out when the air control ability was insufficient. Moreover, Shiki did not appear in this incident. Only uninhabited islands landed from the sky.

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