After explaining his request, the information that Shiki needed was delivered by the fax Den Den Mushi.

A day ago, the Heart Pirates appeared on Fuslo Island. According to the latest news, they have not left yet.

According to the map that was faxed along with the news,

Shiki flew the”Flying Sky” towards the destination.

“”Master Shiki, a pirate ship has been spotted below.”

Hearing that another pirate had been spotted, Shiki used his ability to rise out of thin air.

He rushed out of the red building and came to the outside of the”Flying Sky”.

On the sea surface several thousand meters below, a bright pirate ship was approaching a merchant ship.

Under the telescope, even the pirate’s hideous face could be seen very clearly.

“The Flying Sky descended suddenly and approached the sea.

On the merchant ship, the sailors were praying, hoping for a miracle to save them. On the pirate ship, the pirates were sharpening their knives, ready to reap this batch of wealth.

Suddenly, the sailors and pirates felt a huge shadow covering them.


“what is this!!!”

“���The island is flying in the sky!!!”

The people who were suddenly shrouded in shadows looked up curiously, only to find that a huge island had appeared above them.

The island was shaped like a ship, with a large number of oars on both sides.

There seemed to be buildings and sails on the island, but it was not clear from the bottom up. All they could see was a golden lion head statue in front of the ship-shaped island, like the bow of a ship.

Everyone was stunned and could not control themselves because of this strange sight.

“what is this!”

“not…It can’t be a ship!!!”

Before everyone could recover from their shock, a huge slash came straight at the pirate ship from above.


The sailors on the merchant ship only saw a huge crescent-shaped slash passing over the pirate ship.

Suddenly, a crack a hundred miles long appeared on the sea, and everything in its path was split in two.

“big…Sea…The sea split open!”

“”The pirate ship, the pirate ship is flying!”

The pirate ship that was broken into two rushed into the sky under the power of the Float-Float Fruit.

Shiki is the user of the Float-Float Fruit, a floating person who can make himself or objects float in the air without gravity, and can control the objects he touches (i.e. non-living things) to float.

After decades of development, the Float-Float Fruit, as a parahuman devil fruit, has already awakened.

Parahuman: The”awakening” of ability can affect things other than the ability user himself.

Therefore, now Shiki does not have to touch the object with his hand to control it.

Within a certain range, he can use the air, his own slashes and other things as a medium to control the object. Non-living things that touch these media.

On the way to the North Sea, whenever Shiki encounters a pirate ship, he will slash it.

While experiencing the power of breaking the sea with one kick, he will add some experimental materials to Indigo.

This experience of being able to control everything really makes Shiki addicted. This is still the aging Golden Lion. I can’t imagine how strong the peak Golden Lion would be. The captured pirates were sent to Indigo’s laboratory.

The pirate ship looted them, left the valuables, and the broken ship directly abandoned the”Flying Sky”.

As for whether anyone will complain about throwing objects from high altitudes, sorry, that is none of Shiki’s business. I can only say that you are unlucky.

“The Flying Sky sped through the air, leaving behind only the torn sea and the surviving merchant ships.

The torn sea healed again, stirring up thousands of huge waves.

“Hurry up and grab the railing, the huge waves are coming!!!”

Without even bothering to thank their savior, the sailors fell into a new round of crisis. In the port tavern of

Fossloe Island , Trafalgar Law wore a furry winter hat with leopard spots on his head, and his long sword”Ghost Cry” was placed beside him. He rested his legs on the table in front of him, watching the polar bear-like Bepo and Xiaqi playing around leisurely.

“Xia Qi~ I want to eat shaved ice~”

“This is a bar, Bepo! Where can I get you shaved ice? Let’s drink!”

“Oh, sorry!”

“There is no need to apologize, why should I apologize!”

“Oh! Sorry, I was wrong.~”

“Ahhh! I’m going crazy, don’t apologize, Bepo!!!”

Telan watched all this quietly and felt very warm.

“Look, what is that!!!”

“In my heaven, there is an island flying in the sky!”

“That looks like a ship. Look, it has sails and oars!”

“How is that possible? How could a ship fly in the sky? That must be an island!”

“Are you stupid? Can an island fly in the sky?”

“Who knows? In the picture book of”Big Liar”, didn’t someone say that the island flew into the sky?”

“That’s a picture book! Shut up, I don’t want to talk to SB!”

Outside the tavern, I don’t know what happened, but suddenly there was a noisy discussion.


Telan felt a little uneasy for some reason.

“Bepo, Xiaqi, and Peijin, it’s time for us to go out.”

After that, they paid the bill and left the tavern.


After leaving the tavern, they finally understood why the people outside were so surprised.

In the sky, they saw a huge ship-shaped island, almost as big as the island of Voslo, floating quietly above the island of Voslo.

While Luo was shocked, he keenly noticed that at the highest point of the island ship, a pirate flag was fluttering in the wind.

“So the pirate flag is…”

On the round rudder, a skeleton with a lion’s mane was emitting an arrogant aura.

I was still wondering when I saw a figure floating down from the island.

As the figure got closer, I could finally see him clearly.

He was nearly 5 meters tall, wearing a black suit, with long golden hair fluttering in the wind.

Two long swords replaced his legs, emitting an extremely sharp aura.

Although he looked older, he exuded an arrogant aura.


When Luo was wondering who this was, an old pirate in his 40s was shaking all over and trembling constantly.

It seemed that he had seen something particularly terrible.

“gold…gold…Golden Lion, it’s Golden Lion Shiki!!!”

The old pirate wailed, bringing the atmosphere to a climax.

“Golden Lion!!!”

“How is it possible! The great pirate from 20 years ago!!!”

“he…he…Didn’t he die? Didn’t he die in the underwater prison?”

“The world hegemon 20 years ago actually appeared in the North Sea. What big event is going to happen?”

There are many residents and pirates present, who are in their 40s and 50s. When they were young, it was the period when the Golden Lion roamed the sea. The Golden Lion of that period was no worse than the so-called Four Emperors today, and was even stronger.

This could almost wipe out Roger’s existence.

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