Of course,

Shiqi was just joking.

He was not so hungry that he would have sex with any woman he saw.

But he also used the matter of Alabasta to threaten Princess Vivi a little.

Vivi, dressed as a maid, began to serve tea and water to Shiqi.

On the Golden Lion, although in most cases no manpower is needed.

But a princess of a country, wearing a sexy maid outfit, doing Shiqi’s orders, also greatly satisfied his bad taste.

It is worthy of being the Grand Line, and the climate change can be said to be very disorderly.

At the beginning, the sun was shining brightly, but after passing a sea area, heavy snow fell all over the sky like goose feathers, and soon a thick layer of snow covered the deck.


Nami and Cosette happily ran and played on the deck, and soon they built a big snowman.

Nami felt the weather and wind direction here. She couldn’t help but exclaimed:

“I finally understand why this place is called the Grand Line!”

“The changes in the climate and ocean currents here are so strange! All the sailing knowledge I learned before is useless!”

“The currents here are constantly changing. If it weren’t for Master Shiki, who has been controlling the sailboat with his power, we wouldn’t be able to move forward for a long time!”

Weiwei lifted her maid uniform, and her pretty face, which was a little red because of shyness, was also full of pride.

“It’s not easy to conquer the Grand Line!”

As a person born in the Grand Line, she has seen too many pirates from all over the world, but they were eliminated by the Grand Line just because of the climate.

Seeing the surprised Nami, Vivi couldn’t help but feel proud.

Humph! You still have a lot to learn~

As a little thief who has been on the sea for many years.

Nami will not spoil Vivi.

Just one sentence made Princess Vivi blush and run into the cabin.

“This maid outfit you are wearing is what I use to please Lord Shiki!”

“And it was worn by me~”

Weiwei ran into the cabin and looked at her revealing outfit. She seemed to recall the lascivious sounds she heard at night.

Maybe this dress was worn by Nami yesterday and was stolen by Shiki….Being treated like that by Shiqi~

Vivi’s face, the blush of embarrassment became redder and redder.

But she didn’t dare to take it off.

The whole person was like an attractive flower in bud, and he wanted to hold her in his arms and bully her well.

Shiqi watched Nami bullying Vivi, and couldn’t help but laugh a little. Although the maid outfit

753 was bought for Nami by Shiqi for the atmosphere.

However, the one on Vivi was still clean.

You know, with Shiqi’s ability, these things are basically disposable.

There is no such thing as uniforms, black silk, white silk, and all kinds of silk that are still intact after being worn.

The Golden Lion sailed out of that sea area, and the weather returned to the temperature of early summer.

The sky was clear and white clouds floated in the sky.

Nami nestled quietly in Shiqi’s arms, and she didn’t seem to be in a very good mood.

Shiqi gently stroked the soft orange hair and asked softly:

“What’s wrong? I’m in a bad mood!”


Nami nodded and said:”I just feel that the knowledge I learned is of no use now!”

“I have a dream! I want to draw a map of the whole world!”

Nami raised her head, her eyes exuding a determined look.

Then, there was a hint of decadence.

“But now, the knowledge I learned before is useless~”

Nami was a little sad.

As a strong girl who has been facing the dangerous world since she was a child, this kind of emotion rarely appears in Nami.

In the past, no matter what difficulties she encountered, she would face them positively.

Of course, she could only face them positively.

But now it is different. Now she has Shiqi to protect her from the wind and rain.

Nami’s character has also softened a little.

After all, whether it is a man or a woman, if there is someone to rely on behind him, his character will change.

“Oh, you are worried about this!”

“There is no need to worry, we still have a long way to go. There is enough time for you to grow.”

“Besides, I know a place!”

“That place has the world’s top meteorologists. When I finish my work in Alabasta, I will take you there to study!”

“Your dream will come true!”

“My great navigator!”

He applied a little force to give the little beauty in his arms a little more sense of security.

“Remember, you are no longer facing this world alone, you have me with you!”


Nami was moved and hugged Shiki tightly with her backhand, burying herself in Shiki’s arms.

Shiki didn’t want his women to be just tools to vent his desires.

With Shiki’s ability, he could have as many tools as he wanted.

And why Shiki likes Nami and Princess Vivi is because of their strong performance in the original book.

It is because of the kind of character that can maintain kindness after suffering so much hardship.

In addition, everyone has their own unique abilities.

For example, Nami’s top talent as a navigator, Vivi’s princess status and ability to govern the country.

These special points are the reason why Shiki likes them.

Guided by the recording pointer, the Golden Lion headed towards Whiskey Mountain.

This was Vivi’s request, saying that her partner was still waiting for her to return.

So after exchanging the”bunny girl suit”, Shiki agreed to go to Whiskey Mountain.

From a distance, an island with a huge cactus appeared in front of Shiki.

In front of the huge cactus, there is a large town.

Directly in front, there is a river that allows the ship to go directly inland.

The Golden Lion moved along the river, and many people on both sides cheered enthusiastically!


“Welcome to the ‘Welcome Town’ Whiskey Hill!!!”


“Welcome to our town!!”

“Welcome to the Great Route】!!”

Among the welcoming people, there were lovely girls, nuns holding crosses, and children holding toy daggers.

Of course, there were more young and middle-aged people.

“Welcome, long live the warriors of the sea!!!”

At this time, a man with strange curly hair came out to greet them.

“welcome…Ahem! Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma~~~~~”

“Welcome, my name is Igram”

“You may be surprised to learn that Whiskey Hill is a…”

Before Igram could finish his lines, Weiwei, who had changed her clothes, got off the boat and interrupted him!

“All right, Igram!”

“No need to act anymore, I found a way to save the country!”

“Winemaking and music…What!!!”

Igram didn’t react and continued to speak according to his lines.

Suddenly, he heard Weiwei mention”country” and then he reacted.

“You can’t talk nonsense here, my princess!”


At this time, Shi Ji spoke

“Now that you have found your partner, get to work!”

“”Leave this group of people to me!”

Hearing Shiqi’s urging,

Weiwei quickly pulled Igram aside and told him what happened.

When the people around who were welcoming him didn’t know what happened, a nun in nun’s clothes pushed through the crowd and came out.

“I don’t know what happened, but it doesn’t matter!”

“There are only one man and two women. I just asked someone to check. There is no reward for them. I guess they are the son of some rich family.””

“Just take it directly without wasting precious food!”

“Let him know that the Grand Line is not a place where he can just wander around.”

As he said this, he tore off the nun’s clothes, revealing a body like a strong man.

“”Okay, Mr. Monday!”

After hearing Miss Monday’s words, the people who were originally welcoming her, whether children or cute girls, took out their weapons and showed ferocious smiles.

“Hahahaha, it’s so hard to endure!!!”

“Yes, just three pirates, wouldn’t it be better to just capture them?~”

“Hehehe, be careful when fighting, those two beautiful girls are still very valuable!”

“That’s right, I want that orange-haired beauty!”

“I want the one with pink hair!”

“”Hey, you guys want a beauty, then I want that handsome guy!”

A disgusting male voice came out.

In an instant, there was a vacancy next to him, and all the men left him.

Looking at the bounty hunters who were ready to move,

Shiki did not make a move.

Instead, he silently stepped back and let Nami out.

Seeing that Shiki actually hid in front of a woman, many people shouted at him with contempt.


“He actually hid behind a woman, what a shameless bastard!”

“Come out, let’s fight to the death!”

A lot of dirty words rushed towards Shiki.

But Shiki was not angry.

After all, Shiki looked at the originally clear sky, and he didn’t know when it was covered with dark clouds!

Just smile lightly, why bother with the dead.

Facing the enemies surrounding her,

Nami did not panic at all.

Instead, she smiled and said:”Everyone, look at the sky!”

At this time, Barlot’s people discovered that the sky, which was very close to them, was covered by thick dark clouds.

“Hey, everyone, look, there is something wrong with this dark cloud, right?”

Even though I have been on the Grand Line and experienced so much strange weather, this dark cloud is still the first time I have seen it so close to me.

At this time, it was Monday who discovered the problem.

“It must be this woman who did this. Let’s take her down first!”

As she said that, she punched Nami directly.

The punch hit Nami’s face hard, but Monday was not happy. Instead, she became more terrified.

Because Nami, who was hit by her, turned into a cloud of mist.

Then, she floated in the air.

Even if she had never seen this kind of thing, she had heard of it.

“this…this…This is…Natural Devil Fruit!!!”

Nami laughed in the air and didn’t answer anything.

She just said mischievously:”The dark clouds are coming, it’s raining, put away the clothes!!!”

She waved her arm down:

“Weather: Thunderstorm!”


Under Nami’s control, countless lightning bolts shot out from the dark clouds.

Everyone present was struck by lightning.

Everyone who was struck by lightning had white smoke coming out of their mouths and their bodies were charred.

In the stench of electrolysis in the air, they fell heavily to the ground.

No one present was spared.

Even Shiki was struck by a bolt of lightning.

He flicked away the lightning bolt with his hand.

Shiki reached out and hugged the excited Nami, letting her jump in his arms!

Natural Devil Fruit – Cloud Cloud Fruit.

This is one of the apologies of the World Government. It is also a fruit that no one wants to eat.

Most of the natural fruits rely on the lethality of the natural elements themselves.

Just like Akainu’s magma, Kizaru’s laser, and Aokiji’s freezing.

They are born with extremely strong lethality.

No development is required, they are extremely strong. It’s tough.

However, like Smoker’s Smoke Fruit.

If it doesn’t have a good brain and is not developed to a high level. How can the smoke itself compete with magma?

The same is true for the Cloud-Cloud Fruit.

The fruit element itself has no lethality, so it is discarded.

Just like throwing away garbage, throwing away a Shiki.

But what they didn’t expect was that a fruit that they regarded as a chicken rib.

Was eaten by a person with top navigator talent.

At the same time, next to this person, there is a human from another world who has received high school education.

Then, thunder and lightning clouds, high temperature balls, hurricanes, etc. can all be done through the Cloud-Cloud Fruit. No one is more suitable to eat this fruit than Nami.

Not long after Barlot’s people were dealt with.

Vivi came back This time

I came to Whiskey Mountain to tell Ikareem about the situation and to get the Eternal Pointer of Alabasta.

Afterwards, Ikareem will pack up the things here.

Then he will drive the boat himself and return directly to Alabasta with Vivi’s pet black duck.

And Vivi, together with Shiqi, used Shiqi’s ability to fly to Alabasta.

Although Shiqi still wanted to go to the small garden again to see if the dinosaurs there were suitable for transformation into mutant warriors.

But because the situation in Alabasta is more tense. So they didn’t stay any longer. After all, if one more person died, Shiqi would have one less citizen.

Yes, although we haven’t arrived in Alabasta yet.

But Shiqi already feels that it is his private property.

The Golden Lion sped in the air, and it took only one day to Arrived at Alubana, the capital of Alabasta.

At this time, in the palace of Alubana, the guards were patrolling carefully.

In recent times, the power of the rebels has been growing.

In order to prevent anyone from harming the king, Adjutant Jaka ordered that the safety of the king must be protected.

The hot sun shines directly on the palace.

Even in the capital where it rains frequently, it is so hot.

I really don’t know what’s going on in a place that hasn’t rained for three years.

Just as the guard was thinking about it, suddenly a shadow enveloped him. At first he didn’t care, thinking it was a cloud.

However, the shadow got closer and closer, and he realized that something was wrong. He looked up.

He saw a huge sailing ship floating above his head, and it was getting closer and closer to the palace.


“”There are enemies!!!”

The panicked soldiers did not forget their duties and immediately sounded the alarm.

Upon hearing the alarm, a large number of soldiers surrounded them. Just as they were nervously surrounding the Golden Lion, a familiar figure appeared in front of them.


Princess Vivi!!!”.

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