"You guys are so daring! Actually sitting here to eat! Captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Portcas D. Ace!

Smogg looked at Ace and White Feather and said, "What I didn't expect even more was you, the Straw Hat Pirates, and the White Feather with Different Pupils!" It is clear that the first time he entered the Great Voyage, he would actually know such a big man! "

Whitebeard Pirates!"

"That dumb little brother turned out to be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"By the way, he, the tattoo on his back is the pattern of the white-bearded pirates!"

"Look at the eyes of that little brother next to him! Different pupil white feather, I remember it was a pirate with a reward of 28 million Bailey!

Smogg took his cigar and asked, "So, can you tell me what you want to do in this country?"

Ace and White Feather sat on the chairs and turned to look at Smogg

, "I'm looking for someone, looking for my brother!"

"I came to eat, I've been hungry for a long time!"

Ace looked at Smogg and said, "So what am I going to do?" "

Obediently caught!"

"I refuse, I can't do that!"

"Well, too!"

Smogg looked at Bai Yu and said, "What about you?" Is it obediently caught, or resist!

Bai Yu spread out his hands and said, "Of course it resisted!" By the way, the letter I gave you, did you send it for me?

"Speaking of which!"

Smogg looked at Bai Yu and said, "Not long after the letter was sent, the Navy has added a new department, the Four Seas Inspectorate, and Vice Admiral Karp is now leading the team to patrol the Four Seas!" So was it you proposing? White feathers!

"Hahaha! Is it Old Man Kapuna!

Bai Yu instantly bloomed with joy and said, "There is an unexpected joy!" Originally, I just wanted the Navy headquarters to thoroughly investigate the situation of the Four Seas Branch and rectify the inside of the Navy, but I didn't expect to let Old Man Karp go, and now I finally don't have to worry about it!

"Less proud!"

Smogg looked at Bai Yu and said, "I'm here to catch Straw Hat Luffy and you guy!" But I didn't expect to meet the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Ace looked at Bai Yu and spread out his hands and said, "It turned out that it wasn't to catch me, so can you let me go?"

"That's not going to work! I'm the Navy!

Smogg's right arm turned into smoke, looked at Ace and White Feather, and said, "You are pirates!" How could I let you go!

Ace raised his head and looked at Smogg, "What a boring reason!" Besides, you're here to catch Luffy, so have fun!

"Wait a minute!"

The Nine Lamas raised his paw with a toothpick in his hand and said, "You can fight, but I refuse!" Strenuous exercise just after eating is not good for the body! After

the Nine Lamas finished speaking, he climbed into the neckline of the white feather and got into the tailed beast space!

The corners of Bai Yu's mouth twitched slightly, lazy to say lazy, if you don't want to fight, you don't want to fight, what a rotten reason to find!

"Oh! What is that white feather? Talking red fox? Or nine tails!

"That's my partner, the tailed beast, the Nine Lamas!"

"I didn't expect this creature!"

Smogg looked at Ace and White Feather with a black line!

Aren't you two taking me too seriously!

Ace is not afraid of Smogg, and Bai Yu is not afraid either!

You definitely can't beat it, but if you want to catch yourself, it's a dream!

Just as Smog was about to strike, an idiot suddenly crashed directly into Smog and smashed directly on Smogg, and then Smog smashed on Ace and White Feather!

The three people directly crashed through the wall and flew out!

And the culprit sat directly on the chair and shouted: "Uncle, eat, eat, eat!" The

restaurant owner looked at the wall that had been knocked through next to him, and then at Luffy, who was clamoring for a meal, swallowed his saliva, and then brought him a table of food!

Ace and White Feather climbed up from the ruins, and Ace patted his hat and said, "What bastard!" Really!

Bai Yu rubbed his waist and said, "What bastard can it be!" This familiar feeling must be Luffy's idiot!


Ace and Bai Yu walked back towards the passage that was smashed out, and apologized to a table of guests on the way!

"Ah, sorry to disturb your meal!"

When Ace and Bai Yu returned to the store, they saw that it was indeed Luffy's guy, and he was still stuffing food into his mouth without doing anything!

Ace looked at Luffy in surprise!

"Hey! Luffy, it's..." Before

Ace could say anything, he was slapped on the ground by Smog behind him along with White Feather!

"Straw Hat Kid!"

Smog walked up to Luffy and looked at Luffy who was crazy about food, "You made me easy to find!" Straw Hat Kid! You really came to Alabastan!

Luffy looked at Smog while dazzling his meal!

"Stop eating!"

Ten seconds later!

Luffy finally remembered Smogg!

"It's you! Smoke Man! Why are you here! Wait a minute!

Luffy picked up all the food on the table and stuffed it into his mouth!

"Thank you for the hospitality!"

Then turn around and run!

Luffy's little head is still very flexible, knowing that he is not his opponent!


Smog chased straight after him!

"Wait! Luffy! It's me! Ace

also got up and chased after him with his bag!

The restaurant owner looked at them and muttered, "Eat the overlord meal!"

"Smogg, you fellow!"

Bai Yu rubbed his head and slowly got up, hearing the boss's words, he took out a wad of Bailey from his pocket and put it on the table, then took it and put it on his head: "Ah, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Hey, wait for me! "

Luffy, this guy ran all the way, and then managed to bring the navy pursuing him to Nami's hiding place!

"Found the Straw Hats! Grab them!

"Luffy! You idiot! "

Nami, they hurriedly grabbed the supplies they just bought and ran away!

A group of navies chased Luffy after them, and Smog rushed to the front!

"You can't run away! White Fist! "

Just as Smog was about to catch Luffy, Ace arrived!

"Yang Yan!"

A fiery flame blocked Smogg's attack!

"It's you!"

Ace stood in front of the navy with his bag on his back and said, "Stop!" Although you are smoke and I am fire, it is difficult to tell the difference between victory and defeat with your and my ability alone!

Solon looked at Ace and said, "That guy is a Devil Fruit powerhouse!"

Usopp held the bucket and said, "Who the hell is he?" Why help us! "


Luffy looked at Ace blankly, he didn't expect to meet Ace here!

Ace turned his head to look at Luffy and smiled and said, "You haven't changed at all!" Luffy!

"Ace, it's Ace! You ate the Devil Fruit! Ace

nodded and said, "Well, I ate the roasted fruit!" "

At this time, Bai Yu also rushed over, and the reinforcements of the opposite navy also arrived here!

"I'll go after you, you guys run first!" I'll be there soon! These people are held back by me! Come on! "

Let's go!"

Luffy turned around directly and took the lead to run, for Ace, Luffy is 100% believed!

"Then you come on!"

Bai Yu also turned around and ran away with Luffy!

There's no time to train the navy right now!

Sanji looked back at Ace and said, "Hey, Luffy! Who the hell is that guy!

Nami and Vivi also asked, "Is it someone Luffy knows?"

Luffy smiled as he ran, "yes! He's my older brother!

Smogg looked at Ace and said, "I can't figure it out, why are you helping Straw Hat Luffy, and you seem to be familiar with the white feathers of different pupils!"

Ace looked at Smogg and smiled: "There is a naughty brother, the brother will always be very worried, even if there are good friends to take care of, you always have to come and see for yourself, don't you!" "

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