"Damn it! This time, I must bring the locator to him, and Solon, that road idiot! Bai

Yu ran all the way, and finally arrived at a small town under the guidance of the Nine Lamas, jumped back and forth on the roof for a while, and finally found Solon lying on the ground and Luffy in a cage!

"Solon! Luffy! Finally found you! "

White Feather jumps off the roof and discovers that in addition to Luffy and Solon, there is also a woman and a dog!

Bai Yu frowned and looked at the injured Solon: "Hey, what happened, Solon, why are you injured?" And Luffy, you idiot, how can you be locked up in a cage!

Luffy was locked in the cage and looked at Bai Yu with a grin, "Ah! Bai Yu, you have found me again! The

Nine Lamas stood on the ground and held their paws and said, "Of course, it's because of me, the Nine Lamas!" In other words, how did you two do it! How could it be so embarrassing?

"Nani! A talking red fox with nine tails! The

girl with orange hair, wearing white stripes, half sleeves and shorts, and showing her big white legs looked at the Nine Lamas in shock!

The Nine Lamas glanced at the girl and said, "Cut! Another idiot!

"Hello, my name is Bai Yu, in other words, who are you?" Why are they with Luffy?

"Ah, my name is Nami, and I'm a thief who specializes in pirates! Are you their companion? So you're a pirate too!

Nami looked at the boy with different eyes in front of her and immediately changed her attitude, faintly revealing a trace of disgust.

"Forget it, I'll take a look at Solon's wound first!"

Solon lay on the ground and looked at Bai Yu and said, "Bai Yu, you ninjas still heal?"

"Of course!"

Bai Yu nodded and pointed to the blue diamond mark on his finger: "There are professional medical ninjas, but I haven't learned other medical ninjutsu except for this on my head, and you are still a lot closer to dying, it's too wasteful for me to open this ninjutsu!" So..."

Solon looked at Bai Yu's smile a little flustered!

"So what are you going to do!"

Bai Yu removed the sealing scroll he was carrying, untied it, took out alcohol, bandages, and some wound medicine, and said, "Of course, it's for you to simply stitch up the wound!"

Solon watched as Bai Yu took out a sharp thousand books and put it on the thread, and said in horror: "Hey, hey! What are you doing! Don't come here!

"Don't worry! I'm still good at suturing wounds! Gee, Solon, your waist has been pierced!

"Hahaha, Solon little ghost, don't worry! The white feather kid is professional! But if there is no anesthetic, I won't give you anesthetics, you endure a little pain! After

that, the Nine Lamas smiled wickedly and held Solon down to death!

Solon was restrained by the Nine Lamas and resisted, and he couldn't helplessly speak: "Damn, Bai Yu, you'd better sew me a little better, or I'll slaughter you!"

"Don't worry! I'll sew it for you to look good! Hahaha!

Luffy looked at the Nine Lamas and the three of them laughed too.

Bai Yu is very reliable, this Solon will be fine!

At this time, Nami threw a rusty key in front of Luffy and said, "Let's give this to you first, even if you thank you for saving me!"

"Ah, it's the key to the cage! Did you send it to me on purpose?

Nami looked at Luffy and said, "Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to owe you guys!" After

detoxifying Solon's wound and preparing to suture it, Bai Yu turned to look at Nami and said, "Luffy, who is she?"

"Ah, she's a navigator!"

After that, Luffy reached for the key, and the key was swallowed by the dog in the next second!

In an instant, everyone present froze!

The corners of Bai Yu's mouth twitched slightly, this dog is a real dog!

Forget it for a while, just open the cage violently!

Luffy and the dog's beanie eyes looked at each other, and the next moment directly grabbed the dog's neck and shook it up and down!

"Abominable! Damn it! Damn it! You smelly dog, spit out the keys! This is not dog food! Give it back to me! "

One person and one dog start the battle in an instant!

Solon was a little helpless, and then looked at Bai Yu and said, "Hey, Bai Yu, you gave me anesthetics!" "

Ah! I don't have anesthetics, how can I give you anesthetics!

When Solon heard this, his eyes widened in horror and said, "Then I don't feel anything at all!" Bai Yu, what did you do!

Bai Yu raised the thousand books in his hand and said with a grin: "Hee hee, don't worry, I didn't give you anesthetics, but my thousand books are coated with anesthetics!" "

All of Bai Yu's weapons are coated with anesthetics!

Solon's mentality exploded and shouted, "You fellow! Make it clear next time! "

Cut, is it just anesthetic?"

The Ninth Lama glanced at Solon and said, "In the past, all that could be smeared on Bai Yu's weapons was poison!"

"Abominable fox, I'll cut you sooner or later!"

The Nine Lamas pressed Solon's head down with his claws and said, "Be honest, just sewed the thread, be careful to break it!" It's very troublesome to sew up at that time! "

Solon heard this and lay flat on the ground, forget it, how about love!

At this moment, an old man dressed in armor rushed over to stop this human-dog war!

"You little devils, you are not allowed to bully Xiuxiu!"

Luffy pinched the dog's neck and turned to look at the old man, "Huh?

Bai Yu looked at the dog in Luffy's hand and said, "Eh, it should be the name of this dog, in other words... We seem to be bullied, this dog is directly showing five in a wave of operation!

Solon gritted his teeth to resist the effects of the anesthetic and sat up, "Hey, old man, who are you?" I

saw this old man stand up and say proudly: "I am the mayor of Orange Town!" It's you, what are you!

At this moment, the mayor saw Solon, who had just been bandaged around his waist, and said, "You are injured, you must have been brutally killed by that Bucky's murderer!" It's good that it's already stitched and bandaged, oh, this bow is cute! "

Huh? Bow? Solon

looked down at the bandage that bandaged the wound, and it was actually tied into a bow!

"Bai Yu, you guy!"

"Hey! I didn't do it!

Bai Yu waved his hand and said, "This is bandaged for you by the Nine Lamas!"

"Well, Solon imp, my bow looks good!"

"What a ghost! Who wants a bow! You guy, cut you sooner or later!

The Nine Lamas tilted his head with his paws and said, "Cut! Rude little ghost head!

Although the old man was shocked by the Nine Lamas, he quickly adjusted and said, "Although the wound has been sutured and bandaged, this is not a place to rest!" Come with me first! Bai

Yu helped Solon who had not yet been anesthetic, and followed the old man to his house, so that Solon could lie on the boat and rest well.

As a result, this guy Solon fell asleep in bed!

Frightened, Bai Yu thought that Solunga had succumbed, and almost unsealed the Yin seal on the spot.

Looking at Solon who was sleeping huffing, Bai Yu also leaned on the chair and dozed off, after all, he had been floating on the sea for a long time, and he had been running wildly on the sea for a long time for Luffy, an idiot!

Outside, the town elder told Xiuxiu's story to Luffy, Nami, and the Nine Lamas while feeding Xiuxiu.

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