"In other words, can this life paper really point to Ace's location?"

Luffy lay on the ground and looked at the life paper in his hand!

"Of course! It's going to be mutually appealing! "

Bai Yu took out half of it, this was torn off for Bai Yu at that time!

The two sheets attract each other and then point in one direction together!

"That's awesome!"

"It's amazing!"

"I don't know how to do it!"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Look at Luffy, the direction that the two pieces of paper point to together is the direction of Ace!"

"Haha! That's how it is!

Luffy sat up happily!

"Luffy, lend me your hat!"

"Huh? No, here you go!

Luffy took off his straw hat and handed it to Nami!

Nami took the straw hat and took out the needle and thread: "Since it is such an important thing, I will help you sew it into the ribbon on the straw hat, save you carelessly and lose it!" Okay, done! White feathers, do you need it?

Bai Yu patted the sealing scroll behind him and said, "No, I'll just put this directly into the sealing scroll!"

"Haha, thanks! This makes you feel much more at ease!

Luffy took the straw hat that Nami had sewn up with the life paper and put it on his head!

Wei Wei looked into the distance and said, "Everyone! Not far beyond that rock is Juba! Keep up the hard work, everyone!

"It's finally here!"

"It's coming!"

"Great, saved!"

"Juba! Here we are! "

When everyone stepped on the dunes, there was a light in the distance!

"There's a light over there!"

"Already to Juba? The wind and sand are too big to see clearly!

Bai Yu looked at the city in the distance and turned his head and said, "Weiwei, are you sure that the city that was swept by that sandstorm is Juba?"

Wei Wei's eyes widened and said in disbelief: "What! Sandstorm! How could Juba be attacked by a sandstorm!

Shouhe looked at the sandstorm that swept Yuba, looked at the sky again, and touched his chin!

When everyone approached, they were stunned!

The entire city was buried by sandstorms! A few scattered trees were also bent by the sand!

"How so!"

Vivi looked at the appearance of the city of Juba, and couldn't come back to her senses for a long time!

Solon shook his head and said, "It's really miserable! It's no different from Irmar!

Yamaji turned his head with a cigarette and asked, "Isn't this an oasis?" Vivi!

Luffy was sticking out his tongue for water!

Vivi muttered, "Too much sand caused the formation to rise, and the oasis was engulfed and engulfed!" Bai

Yu squatted on the ground, touched the sand and turned his head to look at Shouhe!

Shouhe waved his hand and said, "There is still salvation!" This oasis is not dead yet! "

At this time, suddenly there was the sound of shovels shoveling sand!

An old man over half a hundred years old is digging water in the pit in front!

"Are you travelers? Desert safaris are tiring!

The old man said while digging the well with great effort: "I'm really sorry! The city has dried up! But rest well! Hostels everywhere! Those are the best places in the city right now!

Vivi covered her face and asked, "I want to ask, where is the rebel army?" I heard they are in this city!

"What are you looking for the rebels for! You don't want to join the rebel army! The

old man changed his face instantly!

The next moment, buckets and cups were thrown madly and smashed into everyone!

"Those idiots are no longer in the city!"

"What do you say!"

"How so!"

White feathers lie flat directly!

The old man said while digging the well: "Since it didn't rain three years ago, sandstorms have been sweeping the city non-stop, and Juba has been engulfed little by little, and there is no way to carry out a protracted war of rebellion here, so those guys have moved to Katlea!"

Luffy turned to look at Vivi and asked, "Catlaya! Vivi, where is that? Is it close to here?

"It's an oasis near Narohara!"

At this time, Qioba suddenly remembered: "Katlea, isn't that the city where my lost and eyelashes meet?" Camel

eyelashes nodded, and Joba began to translate synchronously!

"Huh? While saving me, Eyelash was helping the rebels carry goods to Katlea!

"You're a guy! Why don't you say it sooner! "

Usopp, Sanji and Luffy just start the circle kick!

"The eyelashes say, how do I know!"

"You bastard!"

The camel's eyelashes were kicked by Luffy again!

Bai Yu pointed to his eyelashes and yelled: "Flatten it, give me smoke!"

Solon held his forehead and said, "So why the hell did we come here!" "

Vivi? You just called her Vivi! The

old man walked over slowly!

Luffy quickly waved his hand and said, "Hey! Uncle! Vivi is not a princess!

Bai Yu jumped up and roared: "Stupid, you are directly exposed!"

The old man staggered up from the pit, looked at Vivi and said with some excitement: "Are you Vivi?" Isn't it! Great, you're still alive! It's me! Can't recognize it? It's no wonder! I've lost a little weight!

"You are, Uncle Doto!"

Wei Wei looked at the thin old man in front of her, and she couldn't imagine that the somewhat chubby Uncle Doto back then had become what he is now!

"That's right, it's me!"

Old man Doto stretched out his thin hands and pressed them on Weiwei's shoulders and said, "Weiwei, I!" Believe in His Majesty the King, he will never do anything to betray the country! Right! Old

man Toto knelt on the ground, tears dripping down!

"Rebellion or something is simply stupid! Those stinky boys! It's just that it hasn't rained for three years, so what! I believe in His Majesty! The same is true for most citizens, and I have advised many times! But it still couldn't stop them! Their physical strength is also almost at the limit, and they should make a break in the next attack! They have long been determined to die! Please! Vivi, you must stop those silly boys!

Wei Wei handed the handkerchief to Old Master Doto and said, "Uncle Toto, don't worry, I will definitely stop the rebellion!"

"Thank you! Vivi! Old

man Toto looked at Vivi with a hopeful glint in his eyes!

In a hotel, Nami and Vivi are cleaning up their beds, and I don't know why, inexplicably set off a pillow fight!

First Solon and Usopp, then accidentally injured Choba, and then Sanji, who wanted to warm Vivi up, was inexplicably involved again!

Outside, old man Doto was still digging water, and Luffy squatted on the side and said, "Hey, uncle, haven't you got water yet?" It's not easy for you to live in this kind of place! Bai Yu gave me ice cubes, and also gave some to Uncle! "Good


Bai Yu made a few ice cubes on the side and handed them to Luffy and Old Master Doto!

"Ah, thank you, what an amazing ability!"

Old man Toto carefully held the ice cubes in his mouth and continued to dig for water!

"The water will definitely come out, and the oasis of Juba is still alive! Yuba will not lose to the sand! No matter how many times I will dig it out! This is the land given to me by His Majesty the King!

Bai Yu squatted down and grabbed the sand on the ground: "Old man Toto is right, there is still hope in this oasis, it is still alive!"

"Is it! Then I'll help too!

Luffy jumped to Old Man Toto and started a dog-like digging directly with his hand!

"You wait! Don't throw the sand you dig into the hole I dug! Then I'm not digging for nothing!

Bai Yu looked at Luffy and Old Man Toto and smiled, and then closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe rarely lay quietly beside Bai Yu!

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