"Is your body really okay?"

Bell turns into flight mode and flies towards Albana!

"It's okay! I ate meat! Luffy

was carrying a large bucket of water and still holding a piece of meat in his hand, and was about to break open Bai Yu's mouth and stuff the meat into Bai Yu's mouth!

The Nine Lamas quickly stretched out his claws and held Luffy down!

"Don't! He's just poisoned, just let him rest well, don't choke him to death!

Luffy looked at the sleepy Bai Yu and said, "Let's give him some meat, so he wakes up quickly!"

"Let me help him eat!"

Shouhe quickly took the meat and stuffed it into his mouth!

It's really afraid that if you don't pay attention, Luffy, this idiot, directly stuffs the meat into Bai Yu's mouth!

The corners of the flying Bell's mouth twitched slightly!

Are these two goods really human?

It's just poisoned!

Fatal wounds, not important, is it!

At that time, Bell looked at the miserable appearance of the two of them, and thought that Luffy and White Feather were about to quack!

As a result, Luffy recovered his spirits after eating the meat and clamored to beat up Klockdar!

Bai Yu's clothes were soaked with blood, although there were no wounds on his body, his face was as white as paper, and his lips were poisoned and purple!

But just don't die!

And you can recover just by sleeping!

Bell shook his head, I am the most resistant animal fruit ability is not as resistant as the two of them!

Where did Princess Vivi meet these two goods!

Just as Luffy and White Feather rushed to Alba!

The battle over there has begun!

The people of the Straw Hat Pirates confronted the senior agents of the Baroque Work Club who came to stop Vivi!

Everyone is dressed in white cloaks and rides the Karoo Duck Rapid Reaction Force, attracting the senior agents of the Baroque Work Society and opening the way for Vivi to stop the rebels!

Solon vs. MR.1!

Our Solon was seriously injured again, and at the last moment, the Solon Small Universe erupted, as if hearing the breath of all things and comprehending the realm of cutting iron!

Finish your opponent with one sword!

Yamaji vs. MR.2!

A duel between kicking skills and shemale boxing techniques!

Originally, Yamaji was absolutely fine to single out, his kicking skills were above the MR.2 shemale boxing technique, and he would not be too seriously injured if he won MR.2!

However, when Mr.2 becomes Nami's appearance when Yamaji attacks, and then takes advantage of Yamaji's idiot to backhand a kick!

In the end, Yamaji discovered that his fruit ability could not be used with physical skills, and would turn into his own face when attacking!

Subsequently, Yamaji won!

But the crushing game was beaten into a turnaround by him, and he was not lightly injured!

"Cough, cough, you won, kill me! Anyway, I can't escape the fate of being destroyed by the organization! "

Mr.2 is lying on the ground, and he doesn't even have the strength to turn over!

Instead of being killed by your own people, it is better to give heads to the guys who defeated themselves!

Yamaji held out his hand to Mr.2 with an after-the-fact cigarette and said, "What a good duel!"

Mr.2 looked at Yamaji with emotion, and then held Yamaji's hand!

Is this a symbol of friendship between real opponents!

Then, with a backhand, Yamaji took Usopp's windshield off the head of the MR.2!

"Goodbye, our sniper's windshield goggles will return to the original owner!"

"Also, it really gave me a fatal blow!"

And the sniper Usopp is the dull man Mr.4 who fights with Choiba and the mole-fruit ability who likes Rap, miss. Christmas, and a gun that eats the devil fruit and turns into a dog!

Usopp is worthy of being a pure meat sniper, a show operation, was caught by the opposite side and directly hit by a four-ton baseball bat did not die, but also was caught and smashed two walls in succession!

Finally assisted Joba to find the opponent's weakness, coupled with Usopp's command and cooperation and the final blow, he won three kills!

Looking at Usopp, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, Choiba rushed over and cried: "Usopp! Brace yourself a little! Don't die! Who will help me find a doctor! O doctor!

"You, aren't you!"

"Ah, yes! Usopp you hold on!

Qioba hurriedly pulled out his small medical backpack!

Finally, Nami the Navigator took out the exclusive weapon that Usopp made for her, the weather stick, and fought with two fingers!

Nami has basically not made a move since she got on the boat, because she knows that she is a war scumbag, but this time for the sake of Vivi, and for the sake of not being dragged down by everyone in the future, trouble Usopp to make this exclusive special weapon for free!

However, this weapon has been in her hand for so long, Nami has not had time to study it, causing her to read the instruction manual of the weapon in battle!

Finally, Nami confirmed!

Usopp this pit goods, most of the functions of the weather stick are used for banquets!

Nami's operation almost didn't die of laughter, but fortunately, Nami is very witty and masters the use of weapons quickly!

In the end, he successfully killed miss. Two fingers!

But her injury is not light!

The battle of the Straw Hat Pirates is over, but Vivi has not stopped the rebels!

There are undercover agents of the Baroque Work Society in the King's Army, not only the King's Army, but also many undercover agents of the Baroque Work Society mixed in with the rebel army!

Under their interference, Vivi did not see Kosha and failed to stop the rebels!

And just when Vivi was about to blow up Albana's more than 4,000-year-old palace to attract everyone's attention!

Klockdar, with a blue nose and a swollen face, came over in a new outfit!

Behind him is Robin in a white coat, and she is pressing the king to come here!

"Klockdar! You, how could you be here!

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the two little bugs you found really caused me a little trouble!"

Klockdar looked at the warring rebels and the king's army in the square and said, "But it doesn't matter! Weakness is the original sin! "

Rush up and prepare to kill Klockdar's other guardian of Alabastan, jackal plus card and send it up!

Vivi bit her lower lip tightly, tears rolling in her eyes!

She didn't believe that something would happen to Luffy and White Feather, but Klockdar showed up here!

What about Luffy and White Feather!

"Vivi! What the hell is going on here! Kosha

, the leader of the rebel army who came in from the path, was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him!

King Kobra, who he and the rebels regarded as a sinner, was nailed to the wall!

Klockdar, who is regarded as a hero by the people, trampled the guardian warrior of Alabastan, jackal Gaka, under his feet!

"Everything, everything..."

Vivi choked and couldn't continue!

This cruel truth!

The initiator of all this!

"It's me! Kosha! "

Klockdar has already opened champagne at half-time to celebrate the success of the plan!

According to the villain's custom, Klockdar spoke: "What you misunderstood as the king did, in fact, it was all a trap set by my company!" Your performance in the past two years has been very interesting! The King's Army and the Rebel Army were tricked by us! Hahaha! "

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