"Oh! What an ingenious way to dispense medicine! What a novelty! So reasonable! That's great! Where did you learn these techniques? An

old man with a white beard and glasses watched as Qioba stood on a chair and dispensed medicine to everyone!

Qioba slowly turned his head to look at the old man while grinding the medicine, and the sweat came down!

Wei Wei came over with a basin of clean water and said, "Qiao Ba is the doctor of Magnetic Drum Island!"

"What! So it is! It turned out to be from the original medical power! Sure enough, it's very advanced!

The old man touched his beard while looking at Qioba's dispensing technique: "I have been a doctor for forty years, and it is the first time I know of such a technique!" Oops, that's awesome! You're still so young, I'm really out of reach! This

wave of praise that can be called lethal for Qioba directly made Qioba break the defense!

"It's annoying~ don't keep staring at me~ you stupid ~ you bastard quickly roll to the side~"

Qioba said so, but his body involuntarily moved out of the chair on the side, and pushed over a cup of steaming tea!

The old man turned his head to look at Wei Wei and said, "I can understand that it means to watch slowly while drinking tea!"

"I think so!"

Vivi nodded with a smile, and came to Luffy, who was still sleepy, with water, to wet a towel to wipe his face!

Usopp and Sanji went shopping outside, Solon was training outside the city, and he was still holding two large stones flat on his arm before he was injured, and he was thinking back to the feeling of fighting MR.1 at that time, stabilizing himself in the realm of chopping iron, and becoming stronger!

Nami reads books in the study of the palace, and Kobra sees that Nami is very interested in these books, saying that Nami can take these books away and read them slowly!

Bai Yu, Bai Yu is sitting on the roof of the palace being reprimanded by the Nine Lamas and Shouhe!

The Nine Lamas stretched out his claws and pointed at Bai Yu's head, "Tell me about you!" What about the brain? As soon as you open the Eight Doors of Dun Jia Technique, you don't want your brain, right?

Shouhe also held his paws on the side and nodded: "That's right, that's right, as soon as the eight doors of Dun Jia open, your IQ will be directly halved!"

Bai Yu's head was poked back and forth by the Nine Lamas, "Also, there is no more!" "


The Ninth Lama looked at Bai Yu and said, "Think about it!" The situation at that time! At the moment of Klockdar elementalization, if in normal times, your reaction is absolutely enough, directly dodge with a stand-in technique, and use a poison hook!

Shouhe nodded and said, "That's right, that's right, fighting against the strong requires physical skills, but this doesn't mean that you don't need ninjutsu!" Brains, or brains! As soon as the eight doors of Dun Jia are opened, your brain is directly lost, and you know that you are reckless! It's nothing if you can crush it directly!

The Nine Lamas hugged his paws and said, "The key is that you can't crush it, and you are reckless!" You have to pull! Pull and find an opportunity to do it again!

Bai Yu continued to pout, "I'm really pulling!" "Don't

believe me, I'll watch the video?"

The Ninth Lama stretched out his claws and nodded Bai Yu's little head, "I still need to watch the video?" How about me and Shouzuru direct God's perspective!

"Good, good, good! I know, I was wrong! Bai

Yu hurriedly raised his hand in surrender!

"It's not over yet!"

The Ninth Lama hugged his arm and looked at Bai Yu and said, "You fight the Seven Martial Sea, go back to open the Yin Seal, and the Eight Gates Dun Jia these can't last long!" You say, which time did you last a long time! You were beaten into a dog after driving! Which time it wasn't! Then the sequelae come up and you are weak again! Lei Dun Chakra mode, can you hurry up and cultivate! Every battle in the province is just for a while, and if you can't take it, you have to be pressed to the ground and rubbed!

Shouhe nodded and said, "That's right, that's right!

Bai Yu raised his hands and said, "I know, I know!" I'll seize the time to cultivate the Thunder Chakra Mode now!" Strive to master domineering as soon as possible!

"Just know! Well? Luffy that guy woke up! Let's go back! "

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe jumped on Bai Yu's shoulders and jumped!

At this time, Sanji and Usopp also returned!

Jackal Gaka and Hayabusa no Bell stand at the gate of the palace holding their arms, and in front of them is a group of navies!

"I said I don't know, didn't you hear? Give me back!

"How can there be pirates in our royal palace in Alabastan!"

"Lying is not good for the country! Hiding pirates is a felony!

At this time, Usopp and Sanji returned and said hello to Gaca and Bell!

"Yo, hard work!"

"Well, welcome back!"

Gaka and Bell smiled at Usopp and Sanji, then turned their heads and looked at the navy seriously: "All said, there are no pirates!" We are busy! Please don't bother us!

"They, you guys!"

The navy looked at Sanji and Usopp and then at Gaca and Bell!


"Ah~ sleep so fragrantly! Hahaha!

Luffy sat up and stretched, full of spirit!

Vivi, Nami, Choba, Bai Yu, Usopp and Sanji, Nine Lamas, and Shouhe all looked at Luffy this guy!

"Huh! What about my hat! Hat! I'm so hungry! How about breakfast! Breakfast! Hat!

"You're really getting enough sleep!" Let's come together in such spirit! The hat is here! "

White Feather handed the straw hat to Luffy!

"yes! You kid will be noisy when you come together!

Sanji sat on a chair with a cigarette and said, "It's late afternoon, where is dinner!"

Luffy put the straw hat on his head and smirked, "Great, didn't lose it!"

Vivi sat on the edge of Luffy's bed and looked at Luffy and smiled happily, "Great, Luffy, you're in spirit again!"

Luffy clutched his straw hat and said, "Spirit? I've always been very energetic!

Nami said as she sorted out her book, "Stupid! You've been having a high fever and it's terrible! Vivi and Choiba have been taking care of you!

"Is it? Thank you! At

this time, Solon pushed open the door and came back!

"Oh! Luffy, you're awake! "

Ah, Solon, you're back! Long time no see! "

Choiba saw Solon quickly run over!

"Hey! Wait a minute! You're running to training again!

Solon poured himself a glass of water and said, "What for, this is my freedom!"

Qioba quickly waved his arm and said, "I can't say no!" I'm a ship doctor! Don't remove the bandage!

"That's hard to move!"

"Then don't move!"

The Nine Lamas walked over and put his arm around Qioba's shoulders and said, "It's okay, just drug him next time!" One day of sleep, wake up, eat and then take medicine until he recovers!

Solon looked at the Nine Lamas helplessly and said, "Hey, hey! Stinky fox, what the hell are you thinking!

Shouhe also held his paws and nodded, "That's right, this saves disobedience!"

Qioba touched his chin and nodded slightly, as if he had this idea!

Solon looked at Qioba's appearance and hurriedly said, "Hey, hey! Chopa, don't listen to the Nine Lamas and Shouhe!

"But they have a point!"

Qiao Ba touched his chin and said, "You are always disobedient, and exercise if the injury is not good!" Wait until I get back with some sleeping pills!

"Makes sense, a ghost! Who wants to take that medicine!

Sanji raised his hand and said, "I can make medicinal meals!" Choiba sleeping pills are ready, remember to tell me! Next time I'll mix it directly with him!

"Damn it, stinky cook! Do you want to fight! "

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