Yamaji took a cigarette and shouted: "Damn, there are eight warships, this formation, there is no way at all!"

Solon nodded and said, "If we fight hand-to-hand, we will have the upper hand!" "

Hey, Solon, Sanji, rowing fast! Stop thinking about hand-to-hand combat!

Bai Yu frowned and shouted, "These warships can't cause us harm, and there will be no trouble with the Nine Lamas!" It is necessary to speed up the evacuation to the east port! Hurry up and break through before the general of the headquarters comes! The advantage of the generals of this headquarters with the exclusive fleet is too great at sea!

Nami shouted, "That's right! Hurry up and accelerate! "

Usopp fiddled with the cannon in the stern, and Choiba carried the hammer to the cabin to repair the big hole!

"Hahaha! This is the black gun formation of the black prison army!

"Can you break this formation!" A bunch of idiots! "

I didn't expect to meet acquaintances on the opposite naval ship!

Hypnotist Zango from the Black Cat Pirates in Sirobu Village, and Iron Fist Hobodi from the Sea Restaurant Bharati!

These two guys didn't even know when they got mixed up, and Zango also joined the Navy!

Luffy looked at them and yelled, "Hey, aren't you that hypnotist!"

Sanji also took a cigarette and said, "And you, aren't you that guy in the restaurant!"

"That's right! It's bad luck to meet us here!

Hobody raised his fist and said, "Our strength has been upgraded!"

"That's right!"

Zangao pulled out his hypnotic ring and said, "Here, look at this ring carefully!" 1,2,Like.....


Usopp didn't know how to fiddle with it, and a cannon directly hit the ammunition depot of the Zangao ship!

The warship directly rolled over and sank Hobody's ship!

Luffy looked at Usopp in surprise, "Usopp! Did you do it? That's awesome!

Usopp was also shocked by his own shot!

"Yes, that's right, as soon as I strike, the opposite side is not my opponent!"

Xiao Feng danced a ballet and said, "The little brother with a long nose is so powerful!" The formation to the south is already out of order! Let's break through from there!

"Lord von Kray! Not good! It's a black prison!

Xiao Feng was instantly stunned and shouted, "It's not good! It's Black Prison Tina! Colonel Motobu! What a tricky guy! Let's hurry up and slip away! "


Bai Yu thought for a moment and said, "It turned out to be Sister Tina!" She is almost promoted to major general of the headquarters! Luffy!

Xiao Feng shouted, "What are you still doing!" Hurry up and escape! Just rush out of the south and escape with minimal losses! If you continue like this, you will definitely be killed!

Luffy turned his head to look at Xiao Feng and said, "If you want to go, go there!" We can't go!

Xiao Feng's eyes widened, "Why can't I go!"

At this time, Xiao Feng's men shouted: "Lord von Kray! Please hurry, let's escape first!

Nami looked ahead and said, "At twelve o'clock in the east port, we have an appointment!" There is no time to detour, you have to go in a straight line!

"Ah, that's so stupid! Is there a treasure more important than your life waiting for you?

Xiao Feng turned around and said, "Then you guys go and send yourselves to death!"

Luffy touched his straw hat and said, "We're going to meet our partner!"

In an instant, Xiao Feng was stunned in place and muttered, "For friends?

Xiao Feng looked at Luffy and Bai Yu and made up his mind!

Xiao Feng said to his subordinates, "If I fled from here today, I would no longer be Von Kray!" Fight for your life to greet your friends! Such people, you want me to leave them alone! Can you still feel good when you eat tomorrow?

"Lord von Kray!"

"Listen, little ones, and the little straw hats!"

Xiao Feng said with tears in his eyes: "Listen carefully to the words of good people!" We, come and lead the Navy! Buy time for you! Go and greet your partner! Little straw hat! We're friends! "


Bai Yu looked at von Kray and felt for the first time that he was more manly than a man!

Xiao Feng turned into Luffy's appearance, plus Bai Yu's shadow doppelganger, and his subordinates cross-dressed, disguised as the Straw Hats, and broke through to the southern gap!

And Luffy White Feather and they are hiding in the cabin of the Merly, waiting for the navy to be attracted away!

Sure enough, the navy was deceived by Xiao Feng's fruit ability!

All the warships set up their formations and chased after them!

When the fleet led by Tina surrounded Xiao Feng's ship, the Meili set sail directly, and the white feather was directly sealed!

"Wind escape—ride the wind!"

The wind lingered on the Merly, pushing it towards the port ahead!

"Aha! Be fooled! We are transformation experts! And still the little straw hat their friend!

Xiao Feng danced a ballet motion and landed on the edge of the boat: "The same is true of the way of men, and the same is true of the way of women!" The only way of man needs to be done in the right way! Wither away! Together under this sincere firmament! Bloom! Shemale Way! Let me get a horse!

"I won't let you stop the little straw hats!"

Tina was holding a lady's cigarette, her hands trembling slightly!

"Tina! Very angry! With

Tina's order, the warship fired at Xiao Feng's ship!

And Xiao Feng also led his men to charge towards the navy!

Battles break out!

Von Kray!

Do your best to buy time for Luffy and them!

"Sister Tina! Or give me a face and let him go! "

White feather's shadow doppelganger looks at Tina!

Xiao Feng has been defeated by Tina, and her whole body is firmly trapped by a black fence!

"Little White Feather! Sister Tina is angry! I didn't expect you to really be a pirate!

Tina took a lady's cigarette and looked at the chaotic fleet: "I noticed you just now, you didn't make a move against the navy, so, what do you think!"

The white feather shadow doppelganger shrugged and said, "I don't have any ideas, I just want to travel!" "

Traveling to have a bounty?" Little White Feather, you are really not well-behaved! Since I met you, then you obediently go back with Sister Tina!

Tina slowly walked over and said, "Otherwise, you won't necessarily meet anyone next time!" "

EMM, can't go back!"

Tina waved her hand directly, and a pitch-black fence locked towards Bai Yu's shadow doppelganger!


The moment the fence touched, Bai Yu's shadow avatar directly dissipated!

"I'm sorry! Sister Tina, I two are doppelgängers! You can't catch me! Well, see you next time! "

Bai Yu's shadow avatar is automatically lifted!

"Abominable! Arrest them all for Tina! Tina

watched the shadow doppelganger of the white feathers dissipate and angrily punched the enemy in front of her!

The stern of the Merly!

Bai Yu looked at Luffy and they shook their heads!


Luffy, Usopp and Chop listened to the roar of cannons and burst into tears as they watched the shattered shipwreck in the distance!

"Xiao Feng! We will never forget you! "

Withering away and drifting with the waves, joyful, flower of friendship!"

Xiao Feng, what a man!

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