"My name is Nicole Robin! An archaeologist, but they call it - the son of the devil!

"I was born in the West Sea, an island called O'Hara! O'Hara, though seemingly inconspicuous, is a sacred site for archaeology! It is home to the world's best archaeologists and first-class archaeological teams! And the world's largest library, the Tree of Omniscience!

"In that huge pod-like tree stores precious texts from all over the world!"

"I have never seen my father since I was a child, and my mother has been going out archaeology, chasing the blank history of that hundred years!"

"At that time, because my parents were not around, and because I ate flowers and fruits, I was not liked, and those children of the same age called me monsters! I have no friends and have always been alone, so I love reading!

"Dr. Kloba and the scholars have been very good to me! I also liked me, when I was eight years old, I got a perfect score in my PhD exam! On that day, Dr. Kloba and the scholars held a celebration ceremony for me and issued me with a scholar's certificate! Dr. Kloba and everyone taught me what a real archaeologist is!

"I know my mother and Dr. Cloba and everyone else is chasing that hundred years of blank history!" When I said that I also wanted to follow in their footsteps, they rejected me because it was not allowed by the world government!

"But everyone is secretly researching! I want to continue too! Later! I met a giant in distress by the sea, his name was Sauro, he was my first friend! He likes to laugh, his laughter is peculiar, and he always makes a giggling laugh! I'm a pleasure to be with him!

"But, on the third day after meeting Sauro, my mother returned, and behind her were the pursuing naval and world government agents, who discovered that everyone was secretly studying the blank history of that hundred years, and they convicted my mother Olvia and Dr. Kloba's scholars!"

"We obviously just want to pursue the truth of history, why is this? Later, then I lost everything!

"My mother, Dr. Cloba, my new friend, Sauro, the scholars who took good care of me, and those who didn't like me!"

"The Tree of Omniscience was destroyed, those scattered books piled up in the lake behind the Tree of Omniscience, and O'Hara was destroyed!"

"I'm the only one left! The Demon Slayer Order became my nightmare! I don't know how many times I woke up in my sleep and didn't know when I would die too!

"Because, I am the only survivor of O'Hara, Sauro tried his best to send me away, and at his request, his naval friends let me go, but the world government did not, they called me the son of the devil, and the bounty was seventy-nine million Bailey!" The crime is that at the age of eight, I destroyed six naval warships!

"The bounty of seventy-nine million Baileys has allowed me to be hunted by those bounty hunters, not only bounty hunters, but also agents of the Navy and the World Government, and those who want to get the bounty!"

"Actually, for me, those who are fierce and want to arrest me are not terrible, what is terrible is those who are very good to me and then turn around and sell me!" Again and again, finally, I don't trust anyone anymore!

"Death, perhaps the best relief for me, but I can't die yet, I want to live!" I want to continue to pursue history, and that is not only my dream, but also the dream of my mother and Dr. Cloba and everyone!

"I can't give up! That's it, I've been running away and I've been looking! In order to survive, I am struggling to live among those who wander the underworld!

"Almost every day I was careful for fear of being killed accidentally, but maybe I was lucky!" I survived and found some scattered historical texts, none of which were what I wanted!

"But twenty years have passed, and I'm tired, really tired! When my last boss, Klockdar, one of His Majesty's Seven Seas, approached me and told me that Alabastan had historical texts, I had my last hope!

"As his partner, I help him accomplish his goals, and I get paid for that piece of history that carries my last hope!"

"Just as the mission was about to be completed, I met someone! Someone who knows me and knows my past! White feathers!

"I don't know why the crew of a pirate ship who has just entered the Great Voyage would know me! When I wanted to get rid of this hidden threat, he said to me, Nicole Robin, you've had a hard time all these years!

I didn't understand why he said that, but he threw over a weapon called Ku Wu and told me to come to him if I needed help!" He will definitely come to help me, that's a promise! He believed that I would be able to find that hundred years of history, and he was very interested, hoping that one day I would find one and tell him about it!

"He seems to be a freewheeling fellow, as if everything in the world can't bind him!" None of the strong enemies on my dream road seem to be his opponents!

I looked into his heterochromatic eyes, he wasn't lying, what he said was true! I originally wanted to throw Ku Wu back, but I hesitated!

"When I saw him again, he was knocked down by Klockdahl, so badly injured, and poisoned, but he was still alive, but such a promise he made before seemed like a joke!"

"In the underground palace of Alabastan I finally saw my last hope, that piece of historical text, but that was not what I needed, I was disappointed, and my last hope was dashed! I killed Klockdar with the bitterness he gave me, and I failed! I think it might be nice to die here!

"But the straw hat kid Luffy and the different pupil white feather came, obviously injured like that, but they still came!" For the princesses of Alabastan, for their companions! With all his might, he actually knocked Klockdar down!

"I envy her a little for having such a partner standing by her side and helping her!" But I think it would be better for me to sleep here!

"That straw hat Luffy and White Feather forcibly brought me out! Bai Yu told me to live, don't give up, and the day when my dream will come true!

"But where else can I go?" I've gone to all the places I know that may have historical texts, and where is still my place!

"Looking at the figures of Straw Hat Luffy and White Feather, I thought, maybe I can follow them, maybe, maybe I can also be their partner!"

"But, can I really!"

"I want to try, at least, before I end my life!"

"Follow them and enjoy the last moments of peace!"

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