"No matter how vast the land or the sea is flying on, the Nannanmi bird's body will point in the right direction!"

Kulikai took a cigarette and shouted: "If there is no bird, let alone the sky island, it will not even reach the sky-piercing current!"

"Hey! Why is such an important thing only said now?

Luffy, Chopa, and Usopp opened their mouths wide in panic!

"Don't be verbose, it's almost out of time, just go quickly!" Don't grind!

"Do you want us to go into the Black Forest to find birds in the middle of the night?"

"Let's go!"

Kulikai threw the three capture nets to Luffy and said, "We'll take advantage of this time to help you fortify that ship!" If you think about it, there is no time for a celebration tonight!

"You guys go back quickly! We're both waiting for you to come back! You must catch that bird! "

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe are still showing saury in their mouths!

"Then the Meili will be handed over to you uncle!"

Luffy waved at Kulikai, and then Solon and White Feather dragged Usopp towards the dark forest!

"Don't worry! Remember to catch a south-south bird before dawn, or it'll be too late!

"Don't worry, uncle!"

In the forest, Qioba rubbed his little belly and said, "I just ate too much, I can't run at all!"

Usopra looked at the corner of Sanji's clothes so frightened that his voice trembled: "I said, why didn't you say this during the day!"

"Where are the strange birds?" White feathers!

Luffy turned his head with the capture net on his back and said, "Look for it!"

"Got it, is the strange calling bird the same as that gold cast?"

Bai Yu opened his eyes and began to search!

"Hope the real thing matches the pictures! Otherwise, it's hard to find!

Solon nodded and said, "In other words, is there really such an ugly bird that grows?"

Usopp also nodded and said: "I also doubt that there is that strange call, who knows what it is!"

"Uncle said we'll know as soon as we get to the forest!"

Sanji put his hands in his pockets and looked around, "Hey, Bai Yu, did you find it!" "


" "Ah! appeared, what a strange cry! "

I'll go!"

Bai Yu was instantly numbed by this sound, and then immediately looked at the source of the sound!

"Found it! It's really a bird exactly like that gold casting! Come with me! "

Bai Yu saw the very peculiar Nannan bird on the tree not far away!


Luffy held the capture net high and followed behind Bai Yu!

"Wait, wait! Where are these guys from!

"Abominable! Solon, solve them quickly! "

Poisonous bees!"

"A flying praying mantis!"

"What the hell is going on here!"

"What a lot of bugs!"

Bai Yu locked the Nannan Seeing Bird, and when they chased them with Luffy, the road was full of insects that came to block!

Seeing the upturned corners of Nannanmi's mouth and mocking smile through the trees, Bai Yu knew!

It's all good things this guy did!

And there is more than one, a total of three south-south birds, bringing strange creatures from all over the forest to interfere with them!

"No, no, I can't run!"

"Well, I'm so tired!"

"Running in the forest is really tiring!"

"Bugs! What a terrible bug!

"I didn't expect Yamaji that you would be afraid of bugs!"

"I can't run!"

"This bird is so cheap! The forest is its home! Bai

Yu held the tree and looked through the tree at the Nannan mean bird!

"This guy always keeps a very safe distance from me! Ninjutsu can't touch it! "

Every time White Feather was approaching this pariah a certain distance, this guy flapped his wings and ran away, then turned his head and continued to call!

The Straw Hat Ball has white feathers, while the Minamimi Bird has an entire forest!

Just when everyone was worried, seeing everyone's tired and sweaty appearance, the mean bird actually flew to the tree overhead, bouncing back and forth and chirping!

Choiba translated at the same time: "Just you want to catch me too? A sucker!

"You're stupid!"

Bai Yu raised his middle finger towards Nannan Mitori!

Nannan saw that the bird was just about to call out and say something, and was directly controlled by Robin's fruit ability, and his wings were dropped!

"You're crazy, you! And dare to mock us! "

White feather is a popping chestnut when it goes up!

"I already knew that I wouldn't chase you, wait for you idiot to come and send it!"

When everyone returns with Nannami Bird, the tavern of Mogu Town!

"Ninety-eight million Baileys! That guy!

"Sure enough, it's really not a small role!"

"Bellamy's gang lost unjustly!"

"That white feather with different pupils is so powerful! So how powerful his captain, that straw hat Luffy!

"Thief hahaha! I didn't expect that the little brother with different eyes and the straw hat kid turned out to be such a big person! As long as you defeat them, you can become famous in one battle! "

The fat black man with few good teeth left in his mouth took the bounty of the gang of draft hats and walked out with his companions!

"The hunt has begun! Thief hahaha!

"It's all a matter of fate!"


When Nannanmi Bird, who was cursing and cursing and carrying a bag on his head, returned to the Meili side!

Kulikai with the apes and orangutans and their men are fortifying the Merly!

And make equipment suitable for the flight of the Melly!

"Oh! I didn't expect to catch it so quickly!

"It's not so much a catch, but a delivery yourself!"

Bai Yu rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'll also help and strengthen the Meili together!" What about the Nine Lamas and the Cranes?

"They're still eating!"

Usopp glanced at Luffy, who had already started to grab food with the Nine Lamas, and said, "I'll help too!" "

When the sun rises, when the sky breaks!

The Merry has been reinforced and loaded with flying equipment!

The originally good sheep's head was added with a chicken crown!

It's a bit weird to watch!

Wings were added to the sides of the hull, and equipment such as tail feathers were added to the stern!

"That's awesome! It looks like it can really fly!

Luffy's eyes turned into starry eyes!

Usopp laughed and nodded, "Hahaha! Great! This is the flying equipment of the Merly, thanks to the help of the apes and orangutans!

Luffy looked at the apes and orangutans and waved, "Thank you!" Hahaha!

Solon hugged his arm and said, "I think it should be made into a pigeon head, at least the grid can fly more than a chicken, right!"

Nami sighed and said, "Does it make a difference!" The Meili can't fly again!

When everyone got on board, Kulikai stood up and shouted, "Ape Mountain United Army! Don't take it lightly, even if the sky falls, escort them to the end! "


Luffy showed his big white teeth and waved with a smile: "Uncle, thank you!" Take care of your body and stop messing around!

Bai Yu also stood at the stern and waved to Kulikai: "Uncle, if my speculation is correct!" I will definitely find a way to get the news across to you!

"All right! Everyone, let's set sail! "

The Meili, escorted by the big ships of apes and orangutans, headed due south!

On the Meili, the well-fed Nine Lamas and Shouhe came to Bai Yu's ears!

Bai Yu's eyes widened instantly!

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