"Hahaha! So fast! What a thrill!

Luffy laughed happily as he held the big crown in the bow of the Merly!

"You see, it says the Kingdom of God!"

Looking in the direction of Robin's finger, a large sign appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

Behind that big sign is the end of the road, from where sunlight shines in!

Driven by the express shrimp, the Meili rushed out of the empty river channel and landed on a sea of white clouds!

When everyone raised their heads and looked forward!

An island of clouds appears in front of everyone, with not only towns but also a variety of plants!

"Island! It's an empty island!

Luffy laughed happily!

It's finally here!

Everyone smiled, and Bai Yu took pictures!

Since riding the soaring current, I have seen so many unknown creatures and beautiful scenery in less than a day!

Can't stop at all, okay?

Bai Yu has decided to make an empty island album collection when the time comes!

Robin looked at the empty island in front of him and said, "The sign just now says Kingdom of God!"

"That's right!"

Nami nodded and said, "It's exactly the same name written on the map they found by Luffy!" It shows that the big ship that fell from the sky really came here!

"Hahaha! Let's go exploring!

Luffy took a deep breath and jumped straight down!

Usopp followed, and when they landed, they found that the island was full of soft clouds!

"Me too! I want it too! "

Choiba also jumped off the boat, and the Nine Lamas and Shouhe also jumped off!

"Hahaha! This feeling is amazing!

"Come soon, too! This soft sandy beach is so interesting!

Solon shook his head and looked at Bai Yu and said, "Hey, Bai Yu, where is this anchor going to be abandoned?" Is there a suitable place?

"This terrain is similar, just throw it down!"

Bai Yu wiped the nosebleed!

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, nothing!"

Solon threw the anchor down and looked at the empty island and said, "Speaking of this scenery, it is so beautiful, it seems like a dream!"

"That's right! Look at the excited looks of those stupid guys! I can't help them! Yayphew!

Yamaji said so, but took off his shoes, and then jumped seven hundred and twenty degrees in the air!

"It hurts, it hurts! I'm sorry! "

After Nami changed her clothes, she found the Nannami bird caught on Gaya Island and forgot to let it go!

And then be pecked!

"Nannan see the bird, we brought it with us! Forgot to let it go!

Solon leaned against the railing and said, "It's okay, there should be someone living on the island, so you don't have to worry about food here!" It should be able to fly back with its own efforts! It's a bird after all!

"By the way, what about the anchor?"

Bai Yu wiped the nosebleed and said, "Thrown into the clouds!" I observed it, and the soft clouds are the foundation of the island, and it doesn't matter!

"That's good! White feathers! "


"One hundred thousand Baileys!"

"No, no problem! It's worth it! "

Nami and Robin have changed their clothes!

"Ah~ In short, anyway, the empty island has arrived! Gotta take a good rest!

Nami stretched her waist and jumped into the sea of clouds, turned around and smiled happily: "Look, this kind of realism can be felt by the body!" Come on!

"Coming, coming!"

Bai Yu turned his head and said, "Solon, Robin, let's go!" "


Robin nodded and said, "What a taste of adventure!" Sailing or landing is actually an adventure! I never thought about it before!

"Hahaha! The days ahead are still to come! Let's go! Yayphew! Solon, hurry up! After

Robin and White Feather jumped down, they stepped on the cool sea of clouds and waved at Solon!

"Got it!"

On the soft sand, Choiba is rolling around comfortably, and Usopp is stacking the castle with clouds on the beach!

Luffy and the Nine Lamas, as well as Shouhe, are looking for fruit to eat or something else to eat!

"Hmm~ it's so comfortable!"

Nami stretched and said, "The navy won't chase after here, you can take a good rest!"


Bai Yu lay on the soft sand and said, "At least you don't have to worry about being caught and beaten on the empty island!" "

Huh? There's a pavilion there!


Nami, Robin, and Bai Yu walked in and touched the lounge chair made of clouds in the pavilion!

"The chairs here are actually made of clouds!"

"There should be technology to process clouds here! The river that just came up seems to be made by hand!

"It's not the same as those soft clouds on the beach!"

Three people lying on the recliner and couldn't help but stretch their bodies!

"It's so comfortable!"


Luffy, the Nine Lamas, and Shouhe are fighting with a strange fruit at this time!

Luffy's teeth didn't bite!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe are not good at shooting vigorously with their claws, and they are studying whether to use tailed beast jade to give it a shot!

At this moment, there was a beautiful sound of the piano!

A girl with light yellow double hair braids, wings behind her back, and a harp on her back walked over!

"Hasso! Are you from the Blue Sea?

Luffy nodded and said, "That's right, we flew up from below!" Do you live in this place? "


The girl nodded and said, "I am a resident here, welcome to the Angel Beach in the Kingdom of God!" Do you want to drink that?

The girl looked at the green pumpkin-shaped fruit that Luffy was holding with the Nine Lama Shouhe and said, "You want to drink this!" The shell of this coconut fruit is as hard as iron and is to be opened from here! The

girl helped Luffy open that strange coconut fruit, and Luffy and their eyes lit up directly after taking a sip!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe even planned to sweep this coconut fruit tree before leaving!

The girl picked up the white fox that Solon had just used to wipe her feet and said, "My name is Conis, it's the cloud fox here, it's called Sisi!" If you have any questions, I will try to help you! As

soon as Conisce's words fell, Sanji was about to provoke people when he went up, and Bai Yu directly backhanded him to lock his neck and drag him away!

"If you want to talk, you have to talk later! Ask about the island!

Nami gave Haku a thumbs up and looked at Cornice, "Great, we just have a lot of questions!" After all, this place is so incredible for us!

"No problem!"

Connis looked at Nami and smiled, "If you have anything you want to ask, just ask!" "

At this time, an uncle came over on a tool that looked like a speedboat!

"Someone seems to be coming!"

"Oh! That's my father!

Nami looked at the tool that the uncle was riding and asked curiously, "Connice, what is that?" It's the one your father rode!

"That's it! You're talking about Mighty!

"Oh! It seems to be funny! "

Luffy is attracted by the mighty boss ridden by the uncle!

However, the uncle seems to have mastered it not very skillfully, so he went directly to the beach, braked with his face, and directly hit the tree!

Luffy tilted his head and looked at his uncle and asked, "Uncle, are you all right?"

"Ah, it's okay, you're not hurt!"

Solon couldn't help but complain: "You better look at yourself first!"

Bai Yu looked at the uncle's Weiba and touched his chin and said, "It turns out that this is the Weiba mentioned in Norland's logbook!" What is its powertrain? How strange! "

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