"That, in the Kingdom of God, there is a place where you can't step into it at any time, that land happens to be right next to our island, and if you ride Weiba, it won't take long to arrive!"

Connise said with some concern: "She won't be there!"

Usopp looked at Cornis and asked, "What is that place?" Why can't you step inside?

"That's the Holy Land! That's what people call there! The land where God lives! Apayado!

Luffy's eyes widened, "Is there really a god!" Stay in that place you must not step into! "

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe looked at each other, this idiot is definitely interested in that place!


Cornis nodded and said, "Our kingdom of gods is ruled by the almighty god "Anilu", Anilu knows everything in the world, and everything we do is under his gaze!" Anytime!

"What! Anytime!

"Is it now too!"

Usopp, Choiba was a little alarmed, Luffy was a little suspicious!

"So it is! I said how I felt like someone was staring at me! It turned out to be the god of the kingdom of God!

Bai Yu sat on the sofa and put rice in his mouth again!

"Hey! Can you feel the white feather?

"Well, vaguely! It doesn't matter, we're not here to find trouble!

Bai Yu stuffed a big cloud lobster into his mouth and said, "We're just here to visit the legendary empty island!" He can watch it if he wants!

Solon nodded and said, "That's right! It doesn't matter to me whether there is God in this world or not, but I don't deny those who believe in God!

Yamaji took a cigarette and asked, "Then Miss Cornis, have you ever seen the god who lives in Apayado?" "


Cornis waved her hand and said, "We can't get involved in Apayado, absolutely!" A sacred place, Apayado is a forbidden place!

"Is it! A place you can't set foot in!

Luffy smiled brightly after listening to Cornice's words!

It's almost two words written on my face that I want to go!

Usopp reacted instantly!

"Hey! Luffy! What are you thinking! You have to figure it out! People have said that you must not set foot in the place! You can't go! Luffy!

"This way!"

Luffy still smiled brightly and said, "There is a place where you can't enter!" It's a place you can't go!

Looking at the giggling Luffy, everyone sighed helplessly!

"He definitely wants to go in!"

Bai Yu held his forehead and said, "He almost wrote the two words he wanted to go on his face!"

Luffy stuffed food into his mouth, "But if it's God, even if we break into a forbidden place, he will forgive us!" God is magnanimous!

"It's not!"

Connice shook her head and said, "Breaking God's rules is blasphemy!"


Luffy said while eating lobster meat, "Whatever, I'm the same anyway!" Everyone

looked at each other when they heard this, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly!

Luffy probably means that it doesn't matter if God forgives or not, he must go in!

Robin took a sip of red wine and looked at Connis and asked, "By the way, what will happen if you enter the forbidden land of Apayado?"

Conise lowered her head and said, "Then it will be, then it will be..."

Connice's father looked at everyone and said, "Then you will never come back alive!" It's okay if Miss Nami doesn't approach Apayado, if she does..." The

cigarette that Yamaji was holding was scared off, and everyone had worried expressions!

Even the Nine Lamas and Shouhe have already started packing food to eat on the way to Nami!

Only Luffy, the guy smiled happily, "Let's go!" Let's go there and find Nami!

Usopp shouted with open teeth, "Are you guys looking for Nami!" I'm afraid what you say is different from what you think in your heart!

Sanji walked to the door and turned to look at Luffy, who was still showing off his meal, "Let's go, Luffy!" You are still in the mood to eat, what if something happens to Miss Nami, come back and eat, we will be back soon!" Miss Cornis, please take us..."

"When I finish this plate!" Nine Lamas, Shouhe, don't pack it!

"Well, we don't know if she really went there!"

Cornis lowered her head and said, "If you accidentally offend the god "Anilu", the consequences will be really unimaginable!"

Qioba swallowed his saliva and said, "God, Anilu, it sounds so scary!" "


It seems that this god is not a good person!

The Nine Lamas passed the perceived emotions to Bai Yu!


She was afraid of that god!

Bai Yu wiped his mouth and stood up and said, "Anyway, let's go find Nami first!" Thank you for the hospitality! "

White Feather pulls Luffy and returns to the Merry with everyone!

"All right! Let's go! Go where you can't!

Luffy shouted with a lobster in one hand and a chicken comb in the bow of the Merry in the other!

Cornice's father tried the wind and said, "Ah, that! Now it's against the wind, it will take a long time to get to Apayado, if the ship has shellfish as an energy source, it should be faster!

"It's okay! We have white feathers!

Luffy waved at Bai Yu!

"Well, the wind—ride the wind! Jam on the brakes! "

Bai Yu just about to use ninjutsu to take Meili up when he found Nami, although he looked panicked, but fortunately it was okay!

It's just like seeing something terrible!

Estimated to be back in a few minutes!

"Ah! Bai Yu, what are you doing!

Usopp rubbed the bag on his head and said, "Why did it stop suddenly!"

"Nami she's back!"

"What! Where is Miss Nami? "

Sanji looked back and forth!

"Right in the direction of that Apayado, I'll be back in a few minutes!"

Bai Yu touched his chin and just opened his white eyes to only probe one direction, the scope of exploration became farther, and he saw the holy land of Apayado, which turned out to be a small island made of land, not an island cloud!

And the wings behind the inhabitants here, Bai Yu felt more and more that his conjecture was correct!

That Apayado may be the part of Gaya Island that was swept into the sky by an unprecedented torrent!

That said, the golden country that Norland mentioned may also be up there!

"Whew! Fortunately, Miss Nami is okay!

"It's good that Nami is back!"

Sanji and Usopp breathed a sigh of relief!

Only Luffy lay down the bow as if he had been drained of all his strength in an instant!

"Ah~ how so! It's rare to have a dangerous place to go! Bai Yu, are you mistaken!

Usopp roared at Luffy, "How could White Feather be wrong!" You idiot, hurry up and dispel your dangerous thoughts!

Bai Yu turned his head to look at the shore and said, "However, we seem to be in trouble!" "

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