While everyone was still eating and drinking, three imps rushed in with short swords made of wood!

"Ah, the captain is not here?"

At this time, the green pepper heads led by the three imps rushed to everyone's table with onion heads and radish heads.

"Pirates! Where did you catch our Captain Usopp!

At this moment, Luffy, who was well fed and drunk, patted his bulging stomach with satisfaction, "Ah, this meat is so delicious!" The

three imps looked at Luffy in fear!


They gave the captain..." Nami

smiled at the three little ghost heads.

Solon, however, propped up his face and looked at the three imp heads, and said with an evil smile: "O your captain! Already eaten by us!

At this time, Bai Yu glanced at Solon, and then gave a thumbs up to the three imps: "That's right, and it's fragrant after being fried with breadcrumbs!" "

Unexpectedly, these three little guys shouted at Nami Dominatrix!

Nami instantly opened her teeth and said, "Why look at me and say it!"

Bai Yu smiled when he saw this scene: "Hahaha, I lied to you!" Your captain said something had already left!

"Ah, it turned out to be a joke!"

Then the three imp heads took everyone to the big villa that Solon saw!

"Wow! What a big villa! Unlike

Luffy, who lamented that the villa was very large, Bai Yu was thinking about whether to ask the owner for a villa drawing research for a while, and his own wooden dun-three-bedroom living room could become a large villa by then!

The three imps tell Luffy about Usopp, who has always insisted on relying on superb bragging skills to help the ailing owner of the villa, Koya, out of his low mood.

Luffy nodded and said, "What, that guy is great!"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Indeed!" Mood has a big impact on sick people, this guy did a good job!

The Nine Lamas on his shoulder looked at Bai Yu and shook his head helplessly!

You are really assimilated by idiots!

It's clear that this kid is flirting with the girl!

Why can't you see it!

"Anyway, let's ask if you can give us a big ship first!"

Luffy jumped onto the fence outside the villa and stretched out his hands to launch!

"Hey! Luffy, you're trespassing into a private house! "

Nami, Solon and three imps hurriedly went over to stop Luffy, but they were taken to the sky by Luffy!

Bai Yu patted his forehead helplessly!

With the nine lamas, he jumped directly over the fence.

When Bai Yu found Luffy and them, it happened that the housekeeper of the villa, Krabattel, appeared, not only directly refusing Luffy's request instead of Miss Koya, but also insulting Usopp's father who had always been proud of!

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas didn't care about those things, but just kept staring at this butler named Krabatel!

Right the moment this guy appeared!

The Nine Lamas sensed malice!

This housekeeper doesn't look like a good person!

No, he shouldn't be a good person!

Seeing that guy always using his palm to hold the frame of his glasses, Bai Yu felt a little strange!

And that guy's weird shoes!

It obviously doesn't match his clothes at all!

But at this moment, the enraged Usopp knocked the butler Krabatel to the ground with a punch!

Usopp shouted angrily: "I have always been proud that my father is a brave sea warrior, you are right, I love to brag, but I also shed the blood of pirates!" I am the son of a pirate! And

this guy not only got up but also continued to provoke Usopp, and finally said that Usopp was actually Miss Keya, who approached for property!

Bai Yu smiled, although the contact time was short, but Usopp this idiot would approach Koya for the sake of property?

Does he have that brain?

He just wanted to make Keya happy!

A guy who almost went to war with Luffy for the sake of the village, would be such a person?

Bai Yu clenched his fists, he really wanted to this butler!

Ursopp is enraged and wants to do it again, but Koya stops him.

Persuaded Usopp to stop using violence, and said that this butler cared too much about himself!

Bai Yu shook his head with a smile, what a simple girl!

Bai Yu stretched out his hand to feel Ku Wu, and a teleportation technique pushed away Usopp who was pulling the collar of butler Krabattel, and directly aimed Ku Wu at the eyebrows of butler Krabatel and stabbed down!

Just as he was about to touch the guy's forehead, he suddenly stopped!

Then the butler Krabattel seemed to react, and quickly fell to the ground!

"Bai Yu, what are you going to do?"

"Hey, stop Bai Yu!"

Everyone was confused by Bai Yu's hand!

The butler Krabatel sat down on the ground and said, "Please get out of here!" Don't approach this villa anymore!

"Ah, I'm sorry, Miss Kaya, I'm disturbing you!"

Bai Yu smiled at Kaya, apologized, and then looked at the butler Krabatel and turned away directly!

Everyone was kicked out of the villa!

Luffy goes to talk to the lost Usopp, and although White Feather makes that move, Luffy believes White Feather, and he must have his reasons for doing so!

On the side of the road in the village, Solon sat on the ground, and Hakuha and Nami leaned against the fence by the side of the road.

Nami turned her head to look at Bai Yu beside her and asked, "Hey, Haku Yu, why did you do that just now?" Are you trying to, kill him? Yes! What the hell is going on with your eyes!

"Nope! I didn't want to kill him, I just wanted to test him! Bai

Yu opened his eyes again at this time!

Before Nami hid by the side of the boat, she didn't see Bai Yu's eyes open.

"Something is wrong with that guy! As for my eyes, I rolled my eyes!

Nami opened her teeth and danced her claws, "Isn't that eye of yours always white!" I'm talking about next to your eyes!

"Oh, this is the result of my ability to open my eyes! When I open my eyes, I will have the ability to see far, see, insight, etc.!

Nami looked at Hakuba and muttered, "Do ninja eyes have different abilities?"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Of course, my other eye is the Sharingan, but it is not in the open state now, and it will consume my state!"

Nami nodded and said, "So it is... Wait! Perspective! You

..." "Ah, yes, for example, Nami, the underwear you are wearing now..."

Nami directly gave Bai Yu a fist, and then grabbed Bai Yu's imperial god robe and shouted: "You bastard! Turn off this ability of yours for me! Or I'll poke you blind!"

"Hey, Nami, don't make trouble!"

Solon looked at Bai Yu and said, "You said you were just testing that housekeeper?" What the hell is going on! Hearing

this, Nami also stopped her hand, she also wanted to know why Bai Yu did that!

Bai Yu glanced at the Nine Lamas on his shoulder and said, "That's because the Nine Lamas can sense people's good and evil!"

The Nine Lamas also held their paws and said, "That's right! The moment I saw that butler, I felt that unpleasant smell of evil!

Nami looked curiously at the Nine Lamas on Bai Yu's shoulder and said, "Eh, the Nine Lamas still have such abilities?" It's incredible!

Bai Yu nodded and said, "That's right, and you didn't find out?" That butler is strange! Normal people have several people who hold glasses with their palms, and his shoes are also very strange and obviously do not match the clothes on his body, and he does not make a sound when walking!

Nami nodded after listening, "Indeed! It's really strange to think so!

"And most crucially! While I was tempting him...,"

Solon began, "He could have hid but didn't!" Right! White feathers!

Bai Yu nodded and said, "That's right, although I didn't give my full strength, this guy has the ability to dodge my attack, and he was even punched by Usopp!" And a guy with such ability, but hides his ability to be a butler here! Is this reasonable!

At this time, Nami and Solon nodded and said, "This is very unreasonable! "

The Nine Lamas held their paws and made their conclusions!

"So, this guy must not be a good person!"

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