"White feathers? That guy went to fight with the gods of Apayado!

Solon held the knife and said, "Don't worry, that guy will be fine!"


Robin said worriedly, "The guy who blasted you down is the god of Apayado!" What about the white feathers!

"What! What about the white feathers! "

Nami and Solon looked at the Nine Lamas and Shouhe!

"Can't contact him! Not a single response! "

The faces of the Nine Lamas and Shouhe sank!

Bai Yu will not die if he dies, but he has never replied, he must have been beaten unconscious!


Weipa saw Anilu directly shot over at this time, and the Sandia female warrior Laqi next to him also pulled the trigger towards Anilu!

Anilu jumped up directly, threw out the cloud shell, and sat on the ball cloud spewed out by the cloud shell!

"The Lord of the Sky, who bombarded so many incendiary bombs unscathed, was actually hit with one blow! Damn it! In this way, even Aisha inside! "


Laqi looked at the fallen Sky Lord and said in shock: "Could it be that Aisha was eaten by the Sky Lord!"

"Ahhhh What a rudeness! Warriors of Shandia! It's rare that I invite you back to your hometown, don't be so murderous! Anilu

sat cross-legged on the ball cloud, brandishing a golden stick and said, "Don't worry, the game is not over yet!" "


Vepa aimed the incendiary cannon at Anilu!

Lachi originally wanted to tell Weipa about Anilu, we can't do this wall!

But it has already been encountered, and I can't run if I want to, so I can only do it!

"yes! Boring game! You and these people behind you are participants! "

Behind Weba and Rachi, Gan Fore with a riding spear, Solon with a knife in both hands, Robin with a backpack on his back, and the Nine Lamas and the Crane Guard!

"Welcome, glorious survivors! You have worked so hard to get here, let me praise you! Yaha!

Anilu looked at everyone and laughed, "In the three hours from the beginning of the morning to now, there will only be five people standing here in this survival game, including me!" Three minutes to go, three hours, and now there are nine people left!

"You taught math by a physical education teacher!" Obviously seven people! The

Nine Lamas and Shouhe held their paws and said, "We are tailed beasts, not people!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Anilu waved his hand and said, "Anyway, there will only be five survivors left in the end, no matter if you are a human or a tailed beast!"

"So, is everyone here?"

Robin looked at Anilu and said, "Where is Bai Yu?"

"White feathers? You said that guy with strange eyes! Anilu

touched the scars on his face and said, "He is indeed good, very interesting, but unfortunately he is already out!" Those who are already out of the game do not say any more, then there are less than three minutes, then, who wants to disappear? Do you do it yourself, or do I do it myself! Nami

hid in the corner and shivered with an unconscious Joba in her arms!

"What do you say?"

"I don't want it!"

"I'm exempt too! Lachi, how about you?

"I'm already determined to die!" Vepa!

"Under is also resolutely opposed!"

"Dare to move the white feather!"

"You really don't know what a tailed beast is!"

Everyone picked up the guy and looked at Anilu and said in unison: "Just you disappear!"

"It's really, unexpectedly! Yaha!

Anilu sat on the cloud and laughed maniacally: "It is worthy of being the survivors of the game!" But you don't seem to understand who you're talking to!

Anilu turned around, opened his arms and looked at the sky, "It seems that you have not yet understood the existence of the so-called god!" The old immortals who yearn for happiness on the empty island, the warriors who are bent on reclaiming their homeland, and the thieves who play the golden idea in the blue ocean!

"What the hell are you trying to say! Tell me the whereabouts of the God Team! What exactly are you trying to do! "

Gan Fore pointed his riding gun at Anilu!

Anilu slowly turned his head and said, "Go back to the palace!" Once God has finished traveling, He is going back to where He should be! I have somewhere I want to go back! People call that place the Infinite Earth! There is an endless expanse of land! That's the dream world I'm after!

"As for the fight for Apayado? Haha, stupid! Listen up!

Anilu pointed his golden stick to the sky and said, "Not a cloud was born in the sky, not a bird but lived in the sky!" This country rooted in the air is itself a violation of nature, the land has a destiny for the earth, the destination of man has a destination, and God also has a place for God to go! As a god, I am to obey the laws of nature! I'm going to drag everyone off this sky! Restore the laws of nature! As for the God Team? Didn't I say that! There are now only those present on the island!

"You're full of water in your head!"

The Nine Lamas looked at Anilu and said, "As long as everything exists in this world, there must be a reason for its existence!" If you want to go home, you will come back! What a hell of a devastation!

"You fellow! God is nothing more than a title for the ruler of this country! You bastard! I want to do such a thing! "

Gan Fore rushed towards Anilu with a mounted gun!

"I lean! What about team battles, how can you be single! "

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe hurriedly gave Gan Fortao a shield!

"Twenty million volts—discharge!"


The current directly pierced the shields of the Nine Lamas and the Shouhetao!

Sky Knight Gan Fore sent it directly!

"God's Sanctions - Two Hundred Million Volts MAX!"

Immediately after Ainilu waved his hand, the pillar of lightning instantly enveloped the Nine Lamas and the Crane Shouhe!

Anilu knew that the two of them were following Bai Yu, so let's put it down first!

And at this time Weipa and Rachi pulled the trigger on Anilu!

Anilu directly dodged the elementalization, and then stretched out his finger towards Weipa and Lachi!


The blue thunder and lightning slashed towards Vepa's Lachi!

Weipa is directly in front of Lachi!

Unfortunately, Lachi was still hit and fell to the ground!

Weipa supported his body with a rocket launcher and looked back at the fallen Lachi!

"Nine Lamas! Shou Tsuru! "

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe also smoked black smoke and fell to the ground!

Solon bit the word Kazudo in his mouth and stared at Anilu deadly!

Robin quickly squatted down to check on the situation of the Nine Lamas and the Crane Guard!

"When the time comes, there are just five people left! Congratulations on surviving! Yaha!

Anilu laughed maniacally, "Then let me take you guys!" Travel to the dream world I'm about to embark on! Infinite Earth! Let me take you there! I will build the true kingdom of God there! The only people who can live in that land are the chosen ones!

"Even such a few hours of survival games can't be afforded, even living there will only lower the level of the country!"

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