Luffy crouched down in front of Aisha and asked, "Anilu! Is it that God! "


Aisha nodded and said, "In the snake's belly, the heart net has not worked, so I don't know what happened here!" "


Robin, who was protected by the Nine Lamas and the Crane Guard, woke up!


Luffy quickly ran to Robin and helped her up!

Robin looked at Luffy weakly and said, "Miss Voyager, taken away!"

"Wait, just take your time! Was Nami taken away by that god guy? By the way, where is the white feather?

"I don't know, Bai Yu he should have been defeated, he hurt that guy, but I don't know where he is now!"

Robin looked at Luffy and said, "To stop that guy, he's going to destroy the country!" The empty island is going to be wiped out! He wants to beat the empty island down!

"I know, so where is he!"

Luffy's anger value at the moment is almost full!

I was happy to come out looking for gold, but as soon as I came out of the snake's belly, I saw my partner lying on the ground!

He also took his own navigator away!

Robin looked at Luffy and said, "Go to the Admiralty!" It is safer to go there, if you rashly go in the wrong direction, there is no way to save it! "

Robin knows that Luffy is a big road idiot, and if he runs away again, it will be really finished!

"It's okay!"

Aisha clenched her fists and said, "I can feel that there are still two voices moving on this island, it must be Nami and Anilu!"

"Aisha! Take me there!

Luffy carefully laid Robin flat for her to lie down, and turned his head, "I'm going to shoot that guy!" "


"Aaaaah! Wait for me!

Luffy clenched his fists and rushed in the direction of Anilu!

Aisha rode Pierre closely behind, guiding Luffy in the direction!

At this moment, the white feather fingers lying in the pit were slightly moved!

Then suddenly opened his eyes, suddenly fraudulently defrauded the corpse!


Bai Yu sat up, and the dark skin of the electricity on his body fell off, revealing the newborn fair skin!

"This wave is really strong! But, Anilu, you wait for the master! Bai

Yu looked at his hand and slowly clenched his fist!

The arms and fists instantly turned into black iron-like colors, as if invisible armor without thickness!

Armed color domineering!

This is the ability that Bai Yu has been trying to master for so many years of unremitting training!

The theoretical knowledge has long been mastered, and what is lacking is nothing more than physical strength and necessary exercise!

This time, under the stimulation of Anilu's lightning, Bai Yu broke the bottleneck!

Although it is only the initial stage, only a simple "hardening" level can be achieved!

But enough!

Grab the natural ability, resist the superhuman ability, attack and defense... This is the most all-trades and most practical ability.

"Wait for me! Anilu! "

Bai Yu a carp straightened up and ran towards the direction of the ruins!

At this moment, in the cave where the proverbs are stored, Anilu felt two voices rushing towards here again!

"Really, where the hell was it hidden before? It's so upsetting!

Anilu jumped to the side of the Proverbs boat and looked down!

"Is that you! The guy called Anilu!

Luffy rushed into the cave and looked at Anilu, who was standing by Proverbs!


Seeing Luffy's figure, Nami cried out with excitement!

Finally to be saved!

That's great!

Luffy raised his head and glared angrily at Anilu, "What have you done to my partner!"

Anilu looked down at Luffy and picked his ears, "What kind of trash do you mean?"

"You stay there for me and don't move!" I'm going to beat you up!"

Luffy said and rushed straight up along the proverbs!

"It's totally fighting with Anilu, it's going to be fine! Luffy!

Aisha and Pierre hid in the corner, looking at Luffy with some concern!

"Wait, wait! Luffy, be small..." Before

Nami finished speaking, she was glanced at by Anilu, and instantly stood up and covered her mouth, and she was scared into a cold sweat!

"Clean my mouth! I am God!

"You guy, it's like a god there!"

Luffy stretched out his arm and bounced himself directly onto the proverbs!

"So it is, it seems that you are not an ordinary human being! But is Superman related? It's a good solution for me! "

Anilu saved lightning in his right hand and aimed at Luffy who rushed up!

Seeing that Luffy is a superhuman Devil Fruit ability, Anilu relaxed!

"Everything is powerless in front of me! That's why I'm God! God's sanction! "

A dazzling pillar of lightning burst out from Anilu's hand and went straight to Luffy!


Nami fell to the ground, and this move was directly in the middle of Luffy!

But then, everyone was stunned, and Luffy pursed his lips to look at the big hole behind him that was done by this trick of god sanctions!

"It seems that I dodged it!"

Anilu wields a golden stick and beats the taiko drum behind him!

"Sixty million volts—Thunder Dragon!"

The thunder dragon haunted the thunder and lightning and rushed towards Luffy!

Luffy crossed his waist and didn't dodge, and resisted this trick!


What happened?

The next moment, Anilu, who did not believe in evil, directly burst out Luffy's face and stretched out his palm to aim at Luffy's face!

"One hundred million volts - discharge!"


The powerful electric current blasted towards Luffy again!

The entire cave is shining with a dazzling blue-white light!

"Have you had enough?"

Luffy was not only unharmed, but also roared, causing Anilu to directly backflip and open up the distance!

Everyone present opened their mouths in shock!

Anilu was even scared out of the meme!

This is not right!

The one called Bai Yu before had some lightning resistance, and it was already outrageous to be able to use lightning attacks!

But why is this guy in front of you even more outrageous!

The people of Ani Road are numb!

The previous God Sanction guy didn't dodge at all, but had all the skills!

But, why is he nothing at all!

Luffy roared directly and rushed towards Anilu, who was still shaking his head and doubting himself!

"Calm down, anyway, there is no sea lou stone, this guy's attack has no effect on me! If you think about it, don't care about this blue sea monkey at all! I.... Burst! Luffy

directly kicked Anilu's stomach with a big flying foot!

This painful kick Anilu's eyes almost popped out!

Nami reacted as she looked at Anilu, who was kicked by Luffy!

"Yes! If you think about it, you will understand! Luffy is not afraid of lightning at all! Before Bai Yu practiced, Lu Fei flew to Bai Yu's side and didn't have anything to do! "

Thunder's power is completely nullified! There are human beings in this world who are not afraid of thunder! I'm afraid that even Anilu couldn't expect this! Luffy may be the only natural enemy for Anilu!

Anilu spewed out a mouthful of blood, covered his stomach and lay on the ground doubting life!

This, how is it possible!

What Anilu didn't know was that at this moment, another beautiful boy who was not afraid of him at all was coming to this side!

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