"Aaaa Koya! It's dangerous! Hearing

Bai Yu's words, Usopp suddenly panicked!

Luffy pressed Usopp's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, White Feather and the Nine Lamas are very strong!" Koya will not be in danger!

Bai Yu looked at Usopp and said, "Don't worry, with me, she won't be in danger, but you should be careful!"

After that, Bai Yu left with the Nine Lamas in an instant, heading towards Keya's big villa.

Looking at the white feather that instantly burst out far away, Usopp swallowed his saliva and said, "White feather, is he a monster!" Seeing

White Feather's ability, Usopp was relieved, and with Luffy they began to prepare to stop the Black Cat Pirate Group that was coming tomorrow morning!

Koya House Villa.

When Bai Yu came to the villa, he found that the gate was locked, and when he opened his eyes, he found that the servants were not there during the day!

And in a hall on the second floor, a guy with hair similar to a sheep was lying on the ground!

Although he was knifed, he is still alive!

In Koya's room, Krabattel slowly extended the ten-bladed "cat's claw" that was still dripping blood in his hand to Koya, who was sleeping on the bed!

Bai Yu jumped into the yard, directly flashed to the big tree next to Koya's window, and the shuriken in his hand was ready to be thrown directly out to stop him, but at this time, Krabatel stopped, looked at the sleeping Keya, and slowly turned around and left Keya's room!

White feathers are sealed, two shadow doppelgangers appear, No. 1 stays by Koya's side, and No. 2 goes to rescue the goat-headed guy who is still alive.

The Nine Lamas jumped onto Koya's bed and said, "You can solve that guy, I'll protect her here!"

Bai Yu looked at the Nine Lama, who had adjusted his sleeping posture, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "I see you want to sleep well here!" Okay, that guy isn't my match anyway!

As Bai Yu slowly walked downstairs, Krabatel was pouring himself red wine.

"If you don't mind, please bring me a drink!"

Hearing Bai Yu's words, Krabattel instantly widened his eyes and turned his head sharply to look at Bai Yu who slowly walked down the stairs.

"It's you! That little imp during the day! "

During the day, Bai Yu's bitterness almost exposed him, making all his efforts go to waste, but fortunately, he resisted with tenacious perseverance, did not dodge, and pretended to be frightened!

"I want to think, why didn't you kill Koya just now?"

Bai Yu leaned against the wall, playing with a kunai in his hand: "It's that hypnotist, listening to Luffy say what you talked about, I understood everything!" You've really worked hard!

"After your guys invade the village, let that hypnotist hypnotize Keya and write a suicide note so that you can justifiably get her property, right?" So what exactly are you called? Krabatel isn't your name, right!

"Hahaha, smart little ghost, you seem to have suspected me for a long time! Of course I'm not called Krabatel, my name is Chloe!

Chloe drank the red wine, then slowly took the ten-bladed "cat's claw" and pushed the glasses with the palm of his hand!

"Is your name Chloe? I seem to have heard of it!

"Hahaha, three years ago, Chloe, the captain of the Black Cat Pirate Group who was executed by the stupid navy, of course you heard of it!"

Chloe looked at Bai Yu and said, "However, I have been disguised for three years, how can you suspect me at a glance?" Have we seen it before?

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "No, it's your habitual action, few people will hold their glasses with their palms, it seems that this is because of the habit left by the weapon you used!"

"Just because of this?"

"No, it's mainly because you have a disgusting evil aura on you, and you have found that you still have the ability to dodge my attacks!"

"Ah, is that so! Hahaha, I thought I was hiding it well! What a clever guy!

Chloe watched Bai Yu's face become grim, and slowly raised the ten-bladed "cat's claw" of his hands and said, "However, since you found out, let's die!"


Bai Yu raised his hand and said, "Let's go out to fight, you don't want to wake up Keya to be discovered by her!" After all, the time hasn't come yet, hasn't it?

"Funny little ghost, good!"

Chloe looked at Bai Yu and sneered, "Go out and pick a good place!" I'll bury you there! "

Outside the villa, in the woods!

"This piece is not bad! Right here!

"Have you chosen your spot?" Then go and die!

Chloe swung the ten-bladed "cat's claw" in his hand and slashed at Bai Yu!

Bai Yu dodged in an instant, and then stabbed at Chloe's chest again instantly!

But Chloe actually dodged Bai Yu's blow again!

"Boy, you're fast! But in the face of my silent steps, it is in vain! "

Chloe moves at high speed like a cat!

But there is no sound!

"So your weird shoes are like this!"

Bai Yu hurriedly jumped back to open the distance, and then waved Ku Wu, shuriken, and Qianben flew towards Chloe!

Chloe quickly dodged, but found that these weapons covered the range around him, and he couldn't dodge them at all!

Although Chloe swings a ten-bladed "cat's claw" to bounce all weapons away!

But he was still scratched on the arm by a thousand books!

"Ah! Oops! The weapons are all lost!

"Abominable boy! Is that all you can do?

Chloe touched the wound on his arm, and then rushed towards the panicked White Feather!

"Then let me die here!"

At the moment when Chloe approached Bai Yu, Bai Yu changed his panicked look, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"Be fooled! Strange power! White

Feather bent down to dodge Chloe's ten-bladed "cat's claw", Chakra concentrated on his fist and slammed a punch on Chloe!

Chloe was directly blasted away by a punch, breaking countless trees along the way.


Chloe lay on the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood!

This punch directly caused his internal organs to be severely damaged, several ribs were broken, and the arm that was cut by Qianben was numb!

"You guy, how can it be so, so strong!"

Bai Yu looked at Chloe and blew his fist and said, "It's that you are too weak!" There are few guys in the East China Sea who are worthy of my all-out shot!

Chloe struggled to get up and vomited another mouthful of blood, looked at Bai Yu and said, "Don't underestimate me!" You give me death! Spoon!

Chloe's figure instantly disappeared in place, constantly flickering in different positions!

From time to time, a big tree is cut down!

"Show you my strongest moves! Tricks that even I can't control! Give me death under this trick! "

Chloe's hand is indeed very powerful, Bai Yu has no idea where this product will appear in the next moment!

"It's really awesome! However, this trick is useless in front of me! Writing wheel eyes! Open! "

Bai Yu directly opened the Writing Wheel Eye, and the pupils of the white feather's black eye instantly turned red, and two gouge jades appeared!

The high-speed moving Chloe became extremely slow in Bai Yu's eyes!

Looking at Chloe, who was spewing blood while running around, Bai Yu shook his head!

You are so tenacious!

Aiming directly at Chloe, he instantly smashed a punch into his face!

Chloe was directly shot away, rolled his eyes, fell to the ground and couldn't get up again!

"Gee, the physique of people in this world is really monster-enough, this is not dead!"

Bai Yu shook his head, and then began to wander around the grove, picking up those kunai, shuriken and senbon that had just been thrown out!

"It's really cool to throw at a moment, and bend over when you pick it up!"

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