"Oh! The Nine Lamas and Shouhe are really cute!

Jessica lay on the table and looked at the Nine Lamas and Shouhe who began to dazzle the meal!

"One hundred more copies, please!"

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe raised their paws!

Jessica nodded with a smile and said, "Hahaha, no problem, you have as many as you want!"

Bai Yu sighed!

These two guys were tired of playing in the arsenal and came to look for Bai Yu, only to find that Bai Yu was eating and drinking here!

Resolutely condemned the white feathers, and then asked Jessica to bring them a few copies as well!

O sin!

The partners are trying their best to escape outside, but they are eating and drinking here!

Bai Yu raised his hand and said, "Sister Jessica, another plate, I can eat it again!" "

Bai Yu believes that Luffy and they can break out even if they are not there!

And he can't shoot himself, he doesn't dare to gamble, at least not when this Uncle Borusalino is not off work yet!

In case you really make a move, really call a general, then it's really over!

As for why not worry about Jonathan already called someone!

Because there is no need, Jonathan is a vice admiral in the end!

Until the end, you won't call for support!

Moreover, if you really want to call for support, I am afraid that the face of the G8 branch will not be able to hang up!

In the prison, Solon and Usopp are locked up together, and their weapons are in another prison!

Outside the prison, a team of armed navies is guarding!

At this time, the real Navy headquarters prosecutor Shapat, who had been stripped of his uniform, was arrested!

"You guys, how dare you do this to me! I'm Colonel Shapat, Prosecutor of the Navy Headquarters! Hearing

this familiar name, Usopp instantly understood!

It turns out that the real thing is here!

"Hey, hey, hey! Contriano! Don't pretend, have you forgotten me? I'm your partner, Usopp!

"Who's your partner, get away from me!"

Shapat knocked Usopp into Usopp and then shouted at the navy outside: "Hey! You guys dare to do this to me! Call your commander quickly!

Solon understood Usopp's actions, stood up and walked behind Colonel Shapat!


Shapat subconsciously turned around, and Solon knocked him unconscious with a head hammer!

"The ghost is crying wolf, noisy to death!"

Looking at Shapat, who fainted, Usopp quietly gave Solon a thumbs up!

You have to thank us! Robin!

At this time, Major Drake and another officer led the team to quietly come in, preparing to ambush Luffy and Sanji who were ready to save people!

At this time, Mr. Mekawa of the preparation class sneaked in and was almost pressed to the ground and rubbed!

"What are you doing here, Mr. Mekawa!"

"Put away your weapons!"

Uncle Mekawa, who was wearing an orange repairman's uniform, quickly waved his hand and said, "It's just a little thing!" I'm looking for the guy with the long nose who was caught!


Major Drake said frantically, "I can't let you talk casually with the prisoner!"

"It won't be long! Just look at it! Major

Drake sighed helplessly, no way, Uncle Mekawa has served in the G8 branch even longer than the commander!

Even if this unreasonable request, he can only nod and agree!

"Oh! You are the uncle of that repair class! There won't be a problem with the Melly!

Uncle Mekawa walked to the prison and sat down, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, your ship is intact, at least for now!"


Usopp breathed a sigh of relief!

"Did you repair that ship?"

"No, it was all me before, but this time it's not me, I'm not a professional repairman after all!" It was on the empty island.....,"

Uncle Mekawa touched his chin and said, "Oh! Did the man who repaired the ship appear in thick fog?

"That's right! Uncle! I tell you, the Merry gave birth to ship elves!

Usopp said excitedly: "Really, by the way, do you believe in ship elves!"

"Of course I believe it! It seems that you really love that ship!


Major Drake looked at his watch and motioned for the soldiers to take Uncle Mekawa out!

"Enough, old man, it's enough, we're still busy!" If you really want to chat with him, just wait until we catch them all and let you talk! "

Uncle Mekawa was dragged away by two navies!

"Listen, long nose! When repairing the ship, pay attention to places that you usually can't see! Because the real need to fix is there! With

Uncle Mekawa leaving, Usopp was in a trance!

Memories buried deep in my mind resurface!

"Usopp, there is a crack in the keel of the Merly!"

Bai Yu's words seemed to echo in his ears again!

"No, it won't!"

Usopp shook his head, then lay down on the ground, ready to forget about it again!

Outside the prison, Sanji took a cigarette and said, "Someone came out!" It seems that the prison is there! "

Very good! Let's get on! "

Luffy flicked his arm and was about to rush up!

"Wait for me! Bai Yu said that the commander of this fortress is a guy who relies on schemes! We didn't meet a single person along the way! Obviously, this is Yang Mou!

Yamaji puffed his cigarette and said, "It seems that traps are ready for us in the prison!"

Luffy tilted his head and said, "But, even if it's a trap, Solon and Usopp are in it!"


Sanji sighed with a cigarette in his mouth, "Every mistake that Bai Yu said, that guy is really terrible!" We knew there were traps inside, but we had to break in!

"Gone! Yamaji! "

Luffy just rushed into this prison!

"Wait for me, Luffy, be careful!"

Sanji looked at the empty guard at the entrance of the prison, and he was even more energetic!

"Hey! Solon! Usopp! Where are you!

Luffy shouted when he went in, Sanji wanted to stop it, but after thinking about it, forget it!

Definitely exposed, whatever!

"Here, here we are!"

"Hey, Usopp, is this really good? It will be exposed! "

Ah! That's right! Be careful! Luffy!

"Haha, found it!"

Luffy grabbed the prison fence directly!

"I'll save it now~ Why don't I have the strength!"

"Aaaaah! It's a sea lou stone! Looking

at the paralyzed Luffy, Usopp instantly realized!

The fences of the naval prison are all inlaid with sea lou stones!

Sanji took a cigarette and frowned!

"I've been waiting for you guys for a long time! Grab it! "

Major Drake led the team to block the exit with a knife!

On the other side, it was also blocked with guns led by an officer!

"Cut! Let's do it first! Sanji

took a cigarette, and then kicked the prison fence twice!

"What for?"

Yamaji's wave of operations directly stunned Major Drake!

"It's so naïve, this cage can't be used without cannons!"

Sanji kicked two more feet and found that it was true!

"Damn it! What a cage! "


At this time, Usopp remembered!

Cannons, of course there are!

"Hey, Sanji, come on, I have shock shells in my pocket! Use it to destroy the cage!

Sanji took a cigarette and said, "Shock shell? I heard it hurts to use it!

"Is it appropriate to say these words now! Come on, take it out!

Sanji frowned and rummaged a shell out of Usopp's pocket!

Major Drake waved, "What are you doing!" Hurry up and surrender! "

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