Just when Choba and Nami were still thinking about what to do!

After inquiring about the situation outside the door, Dr. Kobat, who was a little naturally dumbfounded, turned around and walked towards Nami and Choba!

Qioba whispered: "Eh, I'm sorry, I lied to you, in fact, we are pirates!"

However, Kobat, a somewhat confused pediatrician, not only did not hear it, but also grabbed the hands of Choba and Nami!

"Run away! They say the pirates are in the base! It's terrifying! It is also said that there are people pretending to be doctors! You two may also be in danger! "


Looking at Dr. Qioba, who had not yet turned his brain, Qioba whispered: "Actually, that pirate is the two of us!" Seeing

that Kobat hasn't reacted yet, Choba's voice is louder!

"I said we were pirates!"

Nami hugged Qioba and nodded, "Well, although it is a little brazen, you seem to be a good person, so please, tell us where the dock is!" We can't delay any longer! The

next moment, this pure and dumb doctor Kobat widened his eyes and took a deep breath!

"Aaaaah! Pirates!

Cobart rolled his eyes and fainted!

It turns out that the pirates are right next to me!

"Hey, the voice just now!"

"Doctor Corbat, are you all right?"

The two navies guarding outside the door began to bang on the door!

After rushing inside, I saw Dr. Cobat lying on the ground, and a nurse with orange hair tied!

"Hey, it's okay! What happened! "

One navy unties the rope that binds Nami, the other searches the entire room!

At this moment, Qioba hid in the bed of the wounded, covered his mouth, and did not dare to move!

"What! Pirates escaped from the vents? "


Nami nodded while pretending to take care of Dr. Corbat, "That's right, go get it!"

"Okay, Dr. Corbat will leave it to you!"

Two navies climb into ventilation ducts to chase the pirates!

As soon as they left, Dr. Corbat woke up!

"You're awake! Dr. Corbart! "

Dr. Kobat just opened his eyes and saw Nami!

Nami covered her mouth directly!

"Sorry! I understand that you want to yell, but can you be quiet for a moment? Dr

. Corbat nodded slowly!

Choiba hid behind the curtain and said, "Nami! Find a way to escape from here!

"Then we'll go first!" Those two navies will be back soon! "

Nami and Choiba turned around and just wanted to leave, but Dr. Kobat stopped them!

"Please wait a minute!"

Dr. Corbatt plucked up the courage and said, "Although you are pirates, Mr. Reindeer taught me what kind of mentality I should maintain as a doctor!" That, I want to do something to repay you!

Qioba clasped his hands behind his head and danced tap-danced: "You don't have to pay back or anything~You're an idiot~

" "That's right!" You're looking for a dock! Dr

. Corbat raised his head and said, "If you don't mind, I'll show you the way!" "

Are you going to take us?"

Nami looked at Kobat with some surprise!

"But if you help us, it will cause you trouble!"

"That's right, but!"

Dr. Corbat clapped his hands and said, "If you are discovered, pretend to be a hostage!"

"Great idea!"

Nami and Choiba looked at each other and clapped their hands!

Choiba lay directly on the emergency bed, and Kobat and Nami pushed the bed towards the direction of the dock!

At this moment, Luffy, Sanji, Solon, and Usopp were heading along the fortress bridge towards the dock!

That was Jonathan deliberately leaving a way for them, and Luffy didn't disappoint Jonathan and rushed straight up!

The fifty-fifth unit of the Nabalon Fortress suddenly rushed out when Luffy and they rushed to the middle of the fortress bridge and surrounded them!

Although the main task is to delay time, it is better to catch Luffy them!

That Baron's 55th unit is full of muscular men!

Or the kind of reckless man with a particularly good brain!

Caused Luffy a lot of trouble!

This group of strong men of them actually controlled Luffy to death!

These reckless men with brains forced Luffy to use rubber tomahawks to dry out the fortress bridge!

In the end, Luffy, they and Unit 55 all fell into the inland sea!

Jonathan, who received the report, nodded!

The 55th unit did a good job!

They fought twenty-two minutes for Major Drake's special capture plan prepared at Dock Eighty-Eight!

"Drake, calm down, don't be careless!"


Jonathan and Major Drake put down the phone bug after the call!

Now it's up to Drake to command!

The plan has already been decided, and the rest is up to them to execute!

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and Jonathan let Major Drake, who is on the front line, command, and he will not engage in micro-manipulation!

When Usopp took Luffy and they rushed into Dock Eighty-Eight and saw the scene inside, Usopp was directly stunned!

Dock No. 88, all navy!

Even the platform above is a navy with guns and cannons!

"That's a shame!"

Sanji took a cigarette and scanned the circle!

Solon's hand on the knife nodded, "Sure enough, all of them are ambushed here!"

Major Drake looked at Luffy and they waved!

"Seventh shooting team, shooting ready!"

Sanji and Solon are ready to pop their faces!

Usopp is ready to distance himself!



Luffy took a direct breath, not only bounced back all the projectiles that were fired, but also directly interrupted Solon and Sanji, who were preparing to burst their faces, and knocked them down!

Sanji and Solon said frantically, "What are you doing!" "

The tenth artillery team is ready! Launch!

"I'll come again!"

Luffy was about to use the rubber balloon again, only to find that the shells had all fallen at their feet!

"What's going on? Duds? "

Luffy just crouched down to see!

The next moment, a blinding light flashed, and then smoke was released from the shell!

"This is flash tear gas!"

Usopp put on protective goggles first, nothing happened!


Sanji covered his eyes and said, "I'll go!" Damn it! My eyes hurt!

"There is a golden light in the eyes, and I can't see anything!"

Luffy, that idiot, took it directly with his face!

Now his eyes are bloodshot and he is still in tears!

"Saber Team ready! Sortie! "

With Major Drake's order, the navy with goggles rushed forward with knives!


Sanji kicked the two of them, and the next moment another old six jumped out from behind him!

Usopp smashed a gunpowder star on Old Six's face!

"I'm okay! Lend this one to you! "

Usopp was unaffected with goggles!

"Your stuff came in handy!"

Sanji took the spare goggles that Usopp threw over!

On the other side, Solon went straight up with his eyes closed!

"It's useless to blindfold me! I'm not the same as that idiot! Tornado! "

Solon closed his eyes and not only directly repelled the navy, but also dispersed some smoke!

At this time, Nami and Choiba are still on their way!

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