In the sky, the Meili is slowly flying under the drive of the octopus hot air balloon!

Luffy ties the wind shell and the Yan shell under the octopus to provide power!

"Wind escape—ride the wind!"

Bai Yu controlled the direction of the wind and flew in the direction pointed by the recording pointer!

"Well done, White Feather!"

Nami gave a thumbs up and said, "The orientation is very accurate!" It's time to stop! Now the wind is just right! "

Whew! How tired!

Bai Yu sat on the deck and said, "Fortunately, it flew out, I looked at the gate of the fortress at that time, a bunch of explosives and the muzzles of several warships were aimed there, if we really let the Nine Lamas and Shouhe take us out, Eighty Percent will be cold!"

Robin nodded and said, "It is worthy of being a vice admiral, and there are endless strategies!"

Sanji took a cigarette and said, "Anyway, it's finally safe to come out!" "

Sanji, I'm hungry!"

Luffy is lying on the deck weakly!

"Bring me a copy too!"

"Okay, I'll do a late-night snack!"

Sanji turned and walked into the kitchen!

Solon had fallen asleep leaning against the deck!

Usopp and Choiba hung lamps outside the ship, repairing the big hole in the hull of the Merly, and when running away from the fortress, Usopp also smoothed a lot of materials for repairing the ship!

Usopp and Choiba mend the big hole and climb into the boat, just in time for Sanji's supper to be ready!

Everyone took advantage of the flame to enjoy a late-night snack!

"Ah! Comfortable! Feel alive!

"Yes, thanks to the octopus!"

As soon as everyone finished eating, at this time, the flame stored by Yanbei also burned out!

The octopus stood hard for three seconds, fell on the deck, and the Meili fell towards the sea!

"Wind escape—ride the wind! Soaring into the sky! "

Fortunately, it is not too high, Bai Yu uses ninjutsu, and the gentle wind supports the hull of the Meili and slowly falls on the sea!

Choiba held the small backpack, ran over, and briefly treated the location of the octopus burn!

"That's fine!"

Luffy grabbed the octopus and rubbed it on his face, smiling, "I can't imagine that I bothered you twice!" Thanks a lot! "

The octopus jumped into the sea and waved goodbye to everyone!

"Take care!"

"Bye bye! Seafood ingredients!

"Thank you, be careful on the road!"

After saying goodbye to everyone, the octopus dived into the sea!

Luffy stood up and covered his straw hat and shouted, "Brothers! Sail! Towards the next island, forward!

Bai Yu stretched out and said, "You are really energetic!"

Usopp said helplessly, "Wait a minute! Luffy, at least let's catch our breath!

"Think too much, Usopp! If only they could rest on this sea, no one would suffer!

Nami looked at the sea and said, "Since just now, the waves have been a little abnormal, okay, everyone move, turn left rudder!"

"Obey! Miss Nami! As

soon as Sanji's words fell, a huge wave was set off behind Meili!

Nami turned her head and said, "Look, isn't this coming!" "

Aaaah! Burn the wind!

"It's not good!"

Usopp and Choba, who originally wanted to put it on rot, jumped up directly!

"Is that something in the waves?"

Bai Yu found that there seemed to be something in the huge wave, and after opening his eyes, he saw three, forehead, and the body of the monkey head!

"This thing should be called a sea monkey!"

"Aaaaah! Whatever it is! White feather, hurry up!

Usopp pulled out his oars and shouted, "Solon, Sanji, Choiba come and row!" "

When the sun rises, it's finally safe!

Those sea monkeys, it teased, set off huge waves far away, the Nine Lamas and Shouhe before the tailed beast jade wanted to bombard the girl, but after these guys dodged, they were not afraid, and continued to do this from afar!

Sanji sighed with relief as he took his cigarette and said, "It's roughly settled!"

"You still can't take it lightly!"

Solon rested on the edge of the boat with his arms in his arms!

The Nine Lamas and the Crane Guard lay on the deck and didn't want to move!

Usopp and Choiba lean against each other!

Bai Yu stood on the observation deck and observed the surroundings!

"Hey, there's a strange ship at twelve!"

Luffy immediately raised his head when he heard this, "Is it an enemy?"

Bai Yu shook his head with some hesitation and said, "It's not like it!" There are no flags and sails on board, you can't see it! Very strange!

"What! What kind of ship is that!

Luffy's interest instantly disappeared!

"Who knows! And such a large ship, but the number of people is very small, one by one, it seems that they are still squatting on the deck to draw circles! Well, looking at them, it seems that they are all autistic! At

this time, the three sea monkeys who owed the beating chased after them again!

Still far away, setting off huge waves, and making provocative expressions!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe turned over, indicating that they didn't want to move or ignore them!

Because the Nine Lamas found out that the more he and Shouhe attacked this unfortunate thing, the happier this guy became!

"Sea monkeys!"

"Caught up again!"

"It's over! Do you dare to come over! Little master, I will divide you into eight segments! Bai

Yu shouted so on his lips, but his body was very honest, and he used ninjutsu to push the Meili to run!

This unlucky thing is very fine!

"Rowing fast!"

Usopp and Choiba they got up again and rowed like crazy!

Bai Yu looked at the ship he had just discovered and said suspiciously, "What's going on with that ship?" Why don't you turn around and run away? Really autistic?

"Hey! I say you guys, the big waves and the sea monkeys are coming! Turn the rudder quickly!

Luffy kindly reminded that side!

Hearing Luffy's shout, they looked up!

Then it started chaos!

"Brothers, there are enemy ships, hurry up! Grab the treasure!

"Wait a minute, the big wave is coming, you have to run away first!"

"That would have allowed that ship to escape!"

"Prepare the cannon!"

"Who are you ordering! Mess with stuff! "

Turn the rudder, turn the rudder quickly!"

This wave of operations directly gave Bai Yu Luffy and they were stunned!

Luffy shook his head and said, "That ship, what a mess!"

Sanji took a cigarette and said, "Don't worry about them, they said they would rob us of our treasure!" That's the enemy!

"Hey, now is not the time to discuss this! Hurry up and row! "

Bai Yu looked at the mean faces of those three sea monkeys on the lookout, it was really infuriating!

The sea monkeys directly set off huge waves and took the boat to the bottom of the sea to play!

"Finally calmed down!"

Watching the sea monkey leave to find a new partner, Bai Yu sighed in relief and climbed down the lookout to drink saliva and catch his breath!

"I think that wave is a prank by the sea monkeys!"

Nami looked around and said, "But now the humidity and temperature have stabilized!" It's time to enter the climatic sea of the next island!

Usopp lay on the deck and said, "That's a terrible prank!"

Luffy looked up and asked, "Hey, Robin, can you see what's ahead?"

"Another island ahead! I saw it shortly after I came up!

Robin put down the binoculars!

Luffy and Usopp raised their hands and shouted, "You have to say this kind of thing earlier!"

"And, seeing the island, you're going to shout that!" Luffy, demonstrate!

"Brothers! Discover the island! Yayphew! Hahaha! Then

he jumped back and forth with his hands raised!

Usopp nodded in satisfaction, "Robin, have you learned!"

"The fog nearby is so heavy!"

Robin didn't want to deal with these two idiots, so he changed the topic by the way!

Nami nodded and said, "Fog?" It's dangerous! Bai Yu, you go to the front and take a good look!


Bai Yu, who had just drunk the saliva and had not yet eased up, opened his eyes again!

"Safety ahead, no reefs and other dangers! You can land when driving in a straight line! "


Luffy laughed and shouted, "Brothers! Ready to land on the island, ready to put the anchor down! "

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