"Abominable! Straw hat boy, I remember you!

"This shame will be remembered for the rest of our lives!"

"We'll be back again!"

The Foxy Pirates let out a defeated dog bark and left this sad place!

They did not lose the crew!

But even sadder than the loss of the crew was the fact that the emblem on their pirate flag was taken away!

Instead, it was a fox head logo hand-painted by the famous abstract painting master Monchi D. Luffy!

This symbol, whoever sees it is estimated to roll around with laughter!

And if they don't say it themselves, no one else will see that this is a pirate ship!

And with the backbone of the Foxy Pirates, this symbol is afraid that it will be carried for a lifetime!

However, Bai Yu touched his chin, this is not a good thing, and when Luffy really becomes One Piece in the future, this sign has a lot of room for appreciation!

And they can also pat their chests and say that they have fought with One Piece and his companions, but unfortunately they are slightly inferior!

Luffy carried the logo of the Foxy Pirates and gave it to the old man Dongit, and everyone was eating dinner in the sunset and happened to meet the grandson of Old Master Dongit!

That guy's hobby is also very peculiar!

His grandfather loves to step on stilts, he loves to dig holes!

One flying, one escaping!

With an oversized mole buddy, you're not only a champion, you're also trying to break your own world record for digging holes!

Looking at the two strange ancestors and grandchildren who were separated for ten years and finally met, hugging and crying, Bai Yu sighed!

There are so many strange things about the Great Route!

It really expands his worldview!

As the sun set, everyone boarded the Meili and continued to set off!

"I will not forget this kindness! Thank you so much!

"Have a safe journey!"

Everyone stood at the stern and waved goodbye to the old man and his grandson!

Bai Yu took a photo, and the long chain island group is quite interesting!

At least the game was fun, and the fatigue of this time was swept away!

"Nami, is the record pointer full?"

"Stocked up!"

"Then let's go! Brothers! It's time for the next island! "Good


The Meili sailed at sea for a few days and finally reached the next island, but because it was late and there were more reefs near the shore, everyone decided to rest at sea for one night and land on the island again at dawn tomorrow!

Solon that guy keeps vigil on the lookout!

Late at night, everyone fell into their dreams!

Even Solon on the night watch, the guy fell asleep!

But at the moment, there are two night owls left on the Meili!

White Feather and Robin!

Robin sipped a drink while flipping through the travel album of White Feather, who carefully carved the wood carving in his hand with a lamp!

Bai Yu has not practiced these days, and has been carving the wood carvings of the Meili, and it will be completed soon!

The keel crack of the Meili is getting deeper and bigger, and the spirit of the Meili is getting weaker and weaker!

The Meili really won't last long!

However, Bai Yu still has a little hope in his heart to find a shipyard that can repair the Meili!

At this moment, a strange sound came from outside!

Like the sound of a horn and like a flute!

Anyway, it's a little strange!

The sound lasted for a short while, and when Bai Yu walked out of the cabin to check, the sound disappeared!

Bai Yu jumped on the observation deck and found nothing abnormal

, and when he saw Solon asleep, he turned back to the cabin to get a blanket to cover him, and continued to go back to carving wood carvings!

When the sun rises, the two night owls also do their part!

Robin has finished flipping through Bai Yu's travel album, turned out the lights, and is ready to go out and return the travel album to Bai Yu!

And Bai Yu also finished carving the Meili wood!

Every detail above is done perfectly!

It's a miniature version of the Melly!

Bai Yu stretched out and carefully placed the sculpture!

As soon as Bai Yu stood on the deck and breathed in the fresh air, he saw Qioba carefully climbing out of the cabin!

"Hey! Choba, early! Bai

Yu just finished greeting Qioba, and as a result, he saw Qioba see his eyes change from shock to horror, and then shouted and ran all over the boat, as if looking for a safe place!

Bai Yu frowned!

"Choba, what's wrong?"

And at this time, Robin in the cabin also found that something was wrong with Nami too!

She huddled under the covers, staring at Robin, trying to figure out where she was!

"White feather! You're here too! Hahaha! At

this time, Luffy, Sanji and Usopp also came out!

However, looking at Bai Yu's eyes seems to be looking at a stranger!

"You're coming to me! It's really risky to say! The rope you used to tie my barrel is broken! Here's where, though! Looks so interesting!

Bai Yu frowned, "Luffy, what are you talking about!" Is it sleepy? When to tie you up... Wait! Something is wrong! Sanji, Usopp what's going on with your eyes? "

Huh? Do you know my name? You did these things?

Sanji took a cigarette and looked at Bai Yu with an unkind look in his eyes, "Then please tell me where this place is, and how you brought me from Bharati's room to this place!"

"Yes, that's right!"

Usopp nodded and said, "Did you do it!" I was obviously in the village yesterday, how come I went to sea today! Are you trying to do something to me, Captain Usopp!

"What happened to all of you?" Qioba, come and show the three of them, is it stupid in the brain!

As soon as Bai Yu's words fell, Robin pushed open the door and walked out: "Everyone, it's not good!" Miss Voyager, she has lost her memory!

Before Robin finished speaking, Yamaji this guy rushed directly over, knelt on one knee, and offered flowers with both hands that I don't know where to get from!

"I finally understood the feeling of being in love and unable to extricate myself! People can't help but sparkle with things! What should the two beautiful sisters of my dear be called! If you have time tonight, how about a meal!

Luffy looked at Sanji and smiled, "Hahaha, what's going on with this guy, it's so interesting!"

Behind Robin, Nami cautiously poked her head out and looked around!

Bai Yu looked at Nami's eyes and understood that this guy was looking for an escape route!

Luffy pointed at Nami and Robin and tilted their heads, "Huh? Who are they! Bai Yu, do you know them? Is it also Usopp's subordinate?

"Yes, that's right! That's it!

Usopp crossed his waist and nodded!

"How come you all have amnesia! How are you Robin?

Bai Yu frowned!

"I, I still remember everything!"

Robin looked at Luffy and said, "But they all seem to have amnesia!"

"Where is this?"

Nami was pushing Yamaji, who was leaning up with the dead skin's face, when everyone saw Choiba hiding behind the barrel in reverse!

After a moment of silence, Robin slowly spoke, "You should hide inside, right!" "


Qioba was stunned for a moment, and then slowly moved behind the barrel to adjust the position!

Bai Yu rubbed his face and tried to sober himself up!

I didn't sleep all night, I just repaired a night fairy, how come everyone seems to have amnesia!

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