"Hey, everyone, see the island!"

Usopp stood on the lookout and waved!

Everyone ran to the bow of the boat and looked at the island in the distance!

Nami looked through her monoculars and said, "It looks like an uninhabited island!"

Luffy turned his head and shouted, "Ready to drop anchor, it's time to land!"

"It does look like an uninhabited island!"

Bai Yu stood on the beach and stretched!

"But it's a good place for a picnic!"

Sanji took a cigarette and nodded, "It's really good!" How about a beach barbecue?

"Oh! Beach BBQ! Great!

Luffy's eyes lit up instantly, and his saliva flowed into a waterfall!

"Hahaha! Beach BBQ!


Choiba and the Nine Lamas, Shouhe jumped up with his arms around his shoulders!

Bai Yu looked at the Nine Lamas and Shouhe and smiled!

The face of the tailed beast has long been lost!

"Then let's go find the ingredients! I'll go to the boat first and move the kitchenware down! "Good


Everyone rushed to the forest with excitement to find ingredients!

"Listen, mice and frogs are absolutely not!"

Nami looked at everyone and instructed, last time on the empty island, Yamaji's bastard almost threw the mouse and the frog into the pot and stewed!

Fortunately, Bai Yu came back with an empty crocodile!

"What a wayward woman!"

Solon yawned and said, "It's not the same when you go into your stomach!" "


Nami directly covered her fist with a straw hat-colored domineering fist, and knocked Solon down with one punch!

"Good, so scary!"

Choiba hides behind Usopp in fear!

Usopp swallowed his saliva and said, "I'm scared too!" Luffy, White Feather, save me!

Bai Yu sighed and said, "Okay, don't make trouble!" It's hard to have a beach barbecue, let's find some normal ingredients!

"Wow! There is a small stream ahead! Maybe there will be fish! "

Luffy ran over!

"Hey, Luffy, wait for us!"

When Sanji lit the fire and the kitchenware was ready, Luffy and Haku returned with big bags and small bags!

"Hey! Yamaji! "

Luffy is walking in front with four or five fish in his hand!

"There were fish, sea shells and lots of fruits and vegetables! There are also wild boars on this island! Bai Yu caught a wild boar! "

Behind Luffy, the Nine Lamas and Shouhe are carrying a wild boar that has already been processed!

"Hard work you guys!"

Yamaji nodded in satisfaction and went straight to processing the ingredients!

Bai Yu and Solon carried knives and cut some small branches to make skewers!

Nami and Robin help Yamaji string the pickled ingredients!

Usopp and Chop go back to the boat to bring some drinks!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe went to the sea!

Get ready to catch some more seafood!

When everything was ready, everyone sat on the picnic cloth and raised their glasses together!

"Cheers! Hahaha!

"Well, it's delicious!"

Sanji looked at Luffy and said, "Luffy, eat slowly!" "

The speed of baking can't keep up with Luffy's rice!

Usopp nodded and said, "Obviously I just ate a lot of snacks, and you still ate so fast!"

"I'm still far from eating!"

Lu Fei stuffed the skewer in his mouth and said, "Is this ready?" Two more strings!

Qioba took the skewer and looked at Robin, who was still reading, and said, "Robin, come and eat!" If you don't come and eat it, it's gone!

"I'll finish reading it right away!"

"This is not going to work!"

Qioba shook his head and said, "If you only know how to read, you will become a worm!" Don't people talk about bookworms, bookworms!

Robin looked at Joba and smiled, then closed the book and said, "Okay!

Solon took a sip of wine and looked at Bai Yu, who was sitting next to him holding the Magic Knife Thousand Blades, and asked, "Bai Yu, why are you holding the Magic Knife Thousand Blades every day these days?"


Nami nodded as she held the plate of food, "Didn't you put it in the sealing scroll before?" "

This one!"

Bai Yu looked at the magic knife thousand blades in his arms and said with a smile: "I am practicing a ninjutsu, I need the cooperation of the magic knife thousand blades, and this ninjutsu and the magic knife thousand blades are a perfect match!" "

Ah! Bai Yu, you're going to get stronger again!

Luffy tilted his head and looked at Bai Yu!

"Of course, everyone is getting stronger, but I'm faster, but it's not that stronger! Speaking of which, I told you all about the domineering cultivation, how do you feel? "

I don't understand!"

"Well, I think I'm still working out!"

"Compared to that domineering, I'm about to master the moon step!"

Sanji took a cigarette and said, "Speaking of which, Bai Yu's six-style is obviously very powerful, why not use it?"

Bai Yu touched his head and said with a smile: "After all, I have a lot of abilities!" It's not bad for those tricks, and if I use the Six Styles and be discovered by someone with a heart, it's not good! Yamaji's words are fine!

Nami looked at Bai Yu and said, "Is it because of your grandfather?"

"Haha, sort of! By the way, Is Yamaji that meat skewer cooked?

"It's baked! Promise! "

When everyone is full of food and drink, rub their little bellies, sit comfortably on the beach and drink after-dinner drinks!

Sanji put away the kitchenware, cleaned up the kitchen waste, lit a cigarette and took a break!

"Speaking of which, there is not much food on board! I need to replenish the ingredients, after all, there are a few super edible guys on board!

No. 2 Big Stomach King Bai Yu said, "Then let's go collect some reserve food in a moment!" There are still a lot of ingredients on this island! By the way, there are also quite a few medicinal herbs!

"Yes, yes!"

Qiao Ba nodded and said, "The medicinal herbs on the ship also need to be replenished!"

Nami stood up and said, "Then let's go now!"

"Yes, Miss Nami!"

Yamaji spun and followed Nami like a small spinning top!

Everyone went into the woods again in search of ingredients and medicinal herbs!

"Oh, this island is really rich in ingredients!"


"There are also plenty of vegetables and fruits, as well as spices!"

"By the way, Qioba, have you found your medicinal herbs?"

"Well, I found it, maybe this island has more precious medicinal herbs!"

Qioba lowered his head and looked at a long trail on the road and said, "Then I noticed it just now, what is going on with this strange ditch in the middle of the road?"

Usopp looked down and said, "That's what I said!" What is this? It looks like a bicycle walking by!

"How is that possible!"

Yamaji turned around and said, "This island is an uninhabited island, how can there be bicycles!"

"That's what I said!"

"Hey, we're going out of the forest!"

Luffy looked left and right in front of him and said, "It seems that he suddenly came to a very empty place!" "

Hah! That is! "

Joba ran in the direction of the rock with a small backpack!

"What's wrong Choba? Are you going over there?

Luffy looked over the rock and shouted, "Choba, that guy wants to monopolize that giant mushroom!" "

Giant mushrooms?"

Bai Yu looked over there, and sure enough, there was something like a big mushroom on the other side of the rock!

That's not a mushroom, though!

Bai Yu swallowed his saliva!

"That hairstyle!"

It can't be Uncle Kuzan!

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