Luffy looked at Usopp, then turned around and picked up the straw hat on the ground and put it on his head!

"The Meili is at your disposal! We're going to get a new ship and keep sailing! Goodbye, Usopp! All the time, I'm happy!

Usopp looked at Luffy's back as he left and clenched his fists!

Choiba couldn't stand it, and he was about to jump down to treat Usopp when he picked up the little blue medical bag!

"Hey, don't go! Choba! "

Sanji pulled Choiba with a cigarette!

"Why! He was already covered in bruises today! Now it's beaten like that again! "

Choiba still wants to jump off the boat!

"They're not arguing or playing games!"

Sanji took Choba's arm!

"So what! I'm a doctor! At least let me treat him! "

Choiba turns into a strong man form and wants to break free from Sanji's bondage!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe held him down!

"Think about it! How miserable it is to be defeated in a duel and to receive sympathy!

Sanji stared at Choiba and said, "Casual sympathy will make the loser more miserable!" Usopp, however, was prepared for such a duel to propose!

Nami bit her lip tightly, shedding tears!

"It's so heavy!"

Luffy walked to the shore, his face buried in the shadow of the straw hat, and he couldn't see his expression, but from his voice, he was really uncomfortable!

"This is the captain! Don't get lost!

Solon held the knife and said, "If you hesitate, who should we believe!"

Luffy covered his face with a straw hat and tears flowed!

This is the first time he has been so sad in front of everyone!

Choiba also burst into tears, ran to Usopp's side and left the bandage and medicine by Usopp's side, then looked at Usopp and ran back crying!

"Give him the ship!"

Solon turned his head and said, "Because we have already been, we can't go back to this ship!"

Luffy packed their luggage, glanced at the Merry and Usopp and finally turned and walked towards the capital of water!

"Luffy, that idiot of Bai Yu is at sea, I have to take him back, or he won't want to run back for a week!" As for Robin's affairs, when everyone settles down first, Shouhe will tell everyone!

Luffy clutched his straw hat and said, "I know!" Hurry up and bring the white feather back! The matter of the new ship and Robin's matter still have to be solved! "


The Nine Lamas turned away, ran back to the shore, and sat down next to Usopp!

Usopp was lying on the ground, bandages and medicine on his side, and his face was covered with dirt wet with tears!


Usopp didn't answer, just opened his eyes and looked at the sky, tears couldn't stop flowing!

"I must regret it! It's just this kind of thing at this time! That guy from Bai Yu fought the enemy and was taken to the sea! But even he's going to make that decision in you, right? Usopp!

The Ninth Lama turned his head to look at Usopp and said, "The next words are what Bai Yu asked me to relay to you, you don't need to answer, just listen quietly!"

"Usopp, you're the one on board who knows the status of the Merry best, isn't it?" After all, along the way, the Meili is all you are tinkering with, and you know the Meili best! In fact, you have long known that the Meili can't do it, but you're just deceiving yourself! You don't want to face it!

"Everyone has the same feelings for the Merly, you know, this afternoon at the Franky family, Luffy made a big fuss, and finally sat on the ruins and thought about it for a long time before making this decision!" It's the first time I've seen that guy so seriously! Perhaps at that time he realized that the life of his partner is more important than the ship! "

It's true that the Melly is our partner, Luffy's attitude towards his partner should be the most understood, and Luffy is sad to make this decision, but you know, he is the captain!" He is responsible for his partners, if he insists on sailing on the Meili, the result is that the Meili disintegrates halfway, and you should know very well what the consequences will be if you lose the ship on the sea of the Great Voyage!

"At this time, you must not take chances and deceive yourself, because that is using the life of your partner, not a bet!" A ship that can keep your partners safe is more important than anything else! That's your responsibility as a captain!

Usopp covered his mouth and forced himself not to cry!

"As for your statement that you are no longer suitable to travel with everyone, is this your sincere words? Every companion on the ship was carefully chosen by Luffy, and you are his chosen sniper! He believes you can, why can't you? As early as Roguetown I said that you lack confidence!

"Are you weak? You are actually not weak at all, think about you when you first went to sea, and then think about you now! You have actually been getting stronger, have been closely following everyone's footsteps, and have never fallen! There are many, many things you can do, and when it comes to shooting, everyone on board can't match you! Everyone has something for everyone! Just do your own thing, that's enough! Trust your partners!

"You can't bear everyone, everyone is also very reluctant to you, Robin's matter has not been solved, during this time, you think about what I said, and accompany the Melly!" When everything is settled, I hope you will be able to come back!

"By the way, one more thing! The Meili can save but can only save half, the hull of the Meili has no way, but I may have a way to save the ship elf born of the Meili! So that Melly will still be by our side! Gan! Bai Yu, you are a calf, why didn't you say this earlier! The

Nine Lamas instantly raised his head, and Usopp instantly sat up with pain!

"Really! Melly, it's really ok!

The Nine Lamas huffed and hugged his paws: "Bai Yu said that it was possible, it would definitely be possible, if you don't say it early, you owe a beating!" Usopp, White Feather let you calm down during this time, accompany the Melly, and when Robin's affairs are resolved, you will come over, I hope you can think clearly at that time! Okay, I'm going to pick up that idiot! The

Nine Lamas put a bag of Bailey in Usopp's arms, then turned and rushed towards the sea!

Usopp wiped his tears and smiled at the Merlie not far away!

"Meili, do you hear that? Bai Yu, he has a way, you still have to save! At

the same time, CP9 took Robin and started executing the plan!

Bruno treated his wounds again, and then wrapped himself tightly and took Robin to Carrera's company!

Then come to the bedroom of the iceberg and call the iceberg who is hard to fall asleep to go to the toilet!

Iceberg just got up and said that he didn't want to go to the toilet for the time being, and then after seeing Robin's face, Bruno directly raised his hand and gave him five shots!

Guns and guns avoid the point!

Then turned around and left with Robin!

The iceberg was lying in a pool of blood, and people were numb!

This is what to do!

Is this to kill yourself or not to kill yourself!

That's Nicole Robin!

So who is the person next to her?

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