"What's wrong? What happened? "

Shou Tsuru is full of small question marks!

"Raise your hands and surrender! Tell us where your accomplices are! You guys who dare to assassinate Mr. Iceberg! "

Assassinate whom?" We?

Shouhe looked confused!

"Hey, are you also from the Straw Hats!"

"Nope! I'm not, I'm here to travel! He was with me, and as for this tanuki, I thought who dropped the pet! Speaking of which, it's time for us to take refuge! It's really bad luck, it's hard to come to the water capital!

"So that's it, it's okay, go and take refuge! Tomorrow will be fine!

Carrera's staff gave way, and Sanji and Choiba looked at Moritsuru who was rolling his eyes and walked out!

The corners of Shouhe's mouth twitched slightly!

That's it!


"We didn't do it, you got the wrong person! Good bye!

Shouhe looked around, and then walked directly to the sky!

"It's actually moving in the sky! Don't run!

"Grab it!"

"Hey, find the tailed beast crane of the Straw Hat gang at the station! Hurry up and come to support! Watching

the Carrera employees who were chasing Morizuru leave, Yamaji took a puff of his cigarette and said, "This is trouble!"

Qioba raised his head and looked at Yamaji and said, "Shouzuru is okay!" And Luffy them! "

Shouzuru and Luffy must be fine, I'm more worried about Miss Nami!" Speaking of which, there are many fewer people on the street!

"That's right, the wind is getting stronger! Everyone went to take refuge! At

this time, Choiba suddenly smelled a familiar smell!

"This smell, is it..."

Qioba ran directly in the direction where the smell came from!

"Hey, Choba, what's wrong! Wait for me! "

Sanji hurriedly went after Choba!

When Choiba stopped, Sanji was just about to say something when he looked up and saw Robin!

Robin stood there quietly watching them across a waterway!


"Miss Robin! Finally found you! You okay! Everyone is worried about you, come back with us!

Sanji looked at Robin and said, "We also have a lot of things happening, wait to go back and say slowly, it's very anxious to be so far away!" Wait, I'll pass!

"No, no thanks! Just stay over there!

Robin looked at Sanji and Choiba and said, "I'm not going back to you guys!" Goodbye here, in this town!

"Miss Robin! This is not your true word!

Sanji looked at Robin with a cigarette and said, "That guy in Bai Yu told us his guess, and you know, that guy's guess has never missed it!" So, after we know this, you still don't plan to come back after being blackmailed!

"Looks like you all know that! Oh, yes! Bai Yu, his guess has always been accurate!

Robin looked at Yamaji and said, "But, sorry, I still can't go back with you!" We have to separate!

"Just because of that shit demon slaughter order!"

Sanji looked at Robin and shouted, "You think we'll care about that!" Luffy said he wanted to take you back!

"That's right! It's because of that demon slaughter order! Robin

instantly lost his cool when he heard the three words of the Demon Slaying Order!

"You don't understand it at all, and you don't understand what kind of power it is! I said, I won't go back! Don't come to me again, okay! Let's separate here! Thank you for taking care of me all the time, if Bai Yu comes back, please help me tell him, thank you for his protection for so long!

Chopa shouted at Robin, "Robin! Let's go back together!

"Then, goodbye, no, never again!"

Robin glanced at Sanji and Choiba and turned away!

"Wait, wait! Do you think everyone will accept it! "

Sanji swam towards the opposite side!


Choiba stood on the shore and shouted, trying to get Robin to change his mind!

But Robin left without looking back!

"Choba! You go and join Luffy with them!

Sanji took off his clothes and wrung them out, "Tell them about Miss Robin!"

"What about you!"

"I'm going it alone! Don't worry, I won't mess around!

Sanji smiled at Joba with a cigarette!

Luffy and Nami are hiding from Carrera's staff, only to bump into Solon, who is being chased by a group of shipwrights!

Then three people run together!

As he was running, he ran into Shouzuru, who was chased by another group of boatmen!

Then the three people and one tailed beast were chased eight streets by the boatmen!

In the end, Luffy moved and hid under the bridge, hooking the bridge with his fingers and toes, and Nami, Solon and Shouzuru sat on him, only to avoid the pursuit!

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, Qioba's head stretched out under the bridge, and Luffy was directly startled, and when he relaxed, he fell into the river!

Solon sat cross-legged on the roof and sighed in relief: "Finally clean!"

Nami turned to look at Solon and said, "It's all to blame on you!" Luffy and I hid well, but you got tired!

Solon turned his head and said, "I said it was force majeure!" Besides, even if you don't meet me, you will meet Shouhe!"

Shouhe spread his paws and said, "What's the matter with me!" I was sold, okay! Sanji and Choiba don't lecture on righteousness, so I was chased by so many people!

Luffy turned his head and said, "Speaking of which, Choiba owes you for being able to find us!" By the way, what about Sanji? "

The smell! Yamaji said that he would act alone and would not mess around!

Choiba looked at Luffy and said, "We, met Robin!" She didn't come back with us!


"Bai Yu's guess is correct, Robin is indeed blackmailed! And when Sanji mentioned the demon slaughter order, Robin's emotions were directly out of control!

"She seems to be afraid of that thing, she said she won't come back, don't let us go to her, even if we go, she won't come back

" After listening to Joba's words, Nami raised her head and looked at Luffy and said, "Could it be that Robin is going to die for us!"

Shouhe nodded and said, "Anyway, one thing is certain, Robin is doing this for us, and the Demon Slaying Order is her heart knot, the heart knot that does not want to return!" "


Solon held the knife and looked at Luffy, "How to do it, we listen to you!"

"For us to make such an idiotic decision!"

Luffy covered his hat and looked down, "How can this be!" How can we let partners trade their lives for our safety! So what kind of shit slaughter order does it matter to have a partner!

Luffy raised his head and said firmly, "Find her!" Bring her back! Who dares to stop it! Just knock them all away!

"I see!"

The corners of Solon's mouth turned up and looked at his knife!

Qioba raised his hand and said, "I will work hard too!"

Nami asked, "But where are we going to find Robin?"

Solon raised his head and said, "Didn't Bai Yu say that?" As long as there is a big thing, there will be a clue to Robin! Luffy, what did you go and find today?

"Robin did go to Uncle Iceberg yesterday!"

"In that case, that iceberg is their target, and as long as we stay there, we will definitely see Robin!"

At this moment, Bai Yu was still on his way back riding the Nine Lamas!

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