"Choba! Quick, let's go find Luffy and Solon, Shouzuru and go get Robin back! "

Qioba, who was rudely awakened by Nami, listened to Nami's story!

Qioba nodded and said, "I see!" Just find a way to solve that demon slaying order, and Robin can come back! That's great!

"The last sea train will depart at eleven o'clock tonight, and if nothing else, they will leave on this train!"

Iceberg looked at Nami and said, "Because of the gods of water, after the last train leaves, the sea train will stop running for a while!"

"What! Wouldn't that be just thirty minutes left!

Nami looked at the iceberg and said, "Then is there a way to let it go later!"

"No way, that car is for members of the government!" However, there is also a sea train, which was an experiment from a long time ago!

Iceberg looked at Nami and said, "You can try it first, I'll help you see that sea train, if there is no way, that sea train is your only chance!"

"I see! Thank you!

Nami turned her head and said, "Choba, I'll tell you the direction where Luffy, Solon, and Shouzuru flew out now, you go find them and take them to the station!" I'll go to the sea train station now to see if I can think of a way to make the sea train leave later!

"Well, I see!"

"Hey, that woman! I'll take you there!

Barry sat up and said, "And you guys go and help that tanuki find the straw hat kid!"

"Really! Thank you so much!

"Hey! I'm a reindeer! Horned!

"Barry! It's great that you're okay!

"But why help them! They are the murderers who want to assassinate Mr. Iceberg!

"They should be arrested!" Foreman Luki and Foreman Kaku haven't been found yet!

Barry clenched his fists and shouted, "The assassins are not the Straw Hats!" They are innocent, we were deceived! That's why I misunderstood them! Although they don't know their true face, it is the Straw Hats who are fighting them! Me and Mr. Iceberg will be fine, and it's all thanks to them! As for Luki and Kaku, no need to look for them! They're back home!

"How is this possible!"

"At such a critical moment, how is it possible..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Barry stood up and shouted, "Go find the straw hat kid!" Less verbose, do you want to disgrace Carrera!

"Yes! Foreman!

"Sorry before, please give instructions, how can we help you!"

"Open the cage and release Blue!"

Nami and Choiba smiled happily as they watched the boatmen!

With their help, you will definitely be able to find Luffy and them soon!

Iceberg looked at Barry and said, "Go back to your hometown?" "


Barry nodded with a cigar in his mouth, "It would be very bad to say it all!" That kind of memory, you and I are enough!

"Choba! Luffy, they'll please you! "


Choiba rides on the shoulders of a boatman, and behind them is a large group of boatmen who are riding in a small boat of Brula!

"Luffy! Solon! Shou Tsuru! Yamaji! "

Choiba takes them to find Luffy them!

And Nami is led to the station by Barry!

As a result, just when it was about to arrive, I heard the departure bell, and the sea train left early!

"How so, it's clear that it's not even eleven!"

"There are no ordinary passengers on the car, looking at this weather, it should be sailing in advance!"

"It's arrived! I went first!

"From the entrance in front of you, it's the train station!"

"Robin, don't go! We'll have a way! As

soon as Blue stopped the boat with a drift, Nami jumped directly and ran towards the station!

Nami was stopped as soon as she arrived at the station gate!

"Hey! The station is now under control and no entry is allowed! "

Fifty naval elites have laid out defenses at this time!

"Get out of the way! Let me in! The sea train hasn't gone yet, right? "

Nami pushed and shoved the navy and wanted to rush in!

"Stop! Little girl! The sea train has left!

A navy as scary as a zombie came over wearing a cloak of justice and carrying a knife and said, "I am Captain of the Navy headquarters, T. Penn!" Is there something wrong with such a hurry? But that sea train was the last one! Already drove away!

"Drive away! How so!

Nami sat down on the ground, covering her face!

"Did you encounter something urgent? Say it, maybe I can help you! Don't cry! T

. Penn crouched down and tore off a small piece of his cloak of justice, trying to wipe Nami's tears!

"No thanks!"

Nami stood up and shouted angrily, "I'll chase!"

"I'm not crying! I thought something had happened! If nothing happens, just leave! It's dangerous here! "

T. Penn is the kind of guy who can scare a child into tears for a week at a glance!

But he is very kind, jealous as hatred, and cares about his subordinates!

"Hmm! Thank you! I definitely can't get around that bunch of bastards from the government! Be sure to get Robin back! "

Hmm! Well? What did you just say? "

T. Penn pulled out his sword the next moment!

"Are you a pirate! Nicole Robin is the most heinous criminal! You actually want to save her!

"Not good! Too angry to accidentally leak my mouth!

Nami quickly shook her head and covered her mouth, turning around and about to run!

"Stop! Don't run! "

T. Penn is about to chase Nami with his sword and catch her!

"Rope Manipulation—Rope Net!"

Barry stopped in front of T. Penne!

"You go quickly, here I am in the way!"

"Why help a pirate! You know, Nicole Robin is a very threatening guy to the world, once she is rescued, how many civilians will be threatened! "

T. Penn shredded Barry's rope net with a few swords!

"I won't let you go, the Straw Hats are our Carrera's benefactors! And I want to make a break with those guys too!

"Although I don't know what you're talking about, I won't regress in the face of pirates!"

T. Penn raised his sword and slashed forward!

"Right Angle Flash - Penn Empty Cut!"

"Abominable! Can't stop it! "

The rope whip that Barry shot was directly cut off, and the slash slashed towards Nami who fled!

Although this sword is not fatal, it will incapacitate Nami!


Nami turned her head and looked at the slash towards her in horror!

"A thousand blades flashed!"

The next moment, Bai Yu suddenly appeared behind Nami and blocked the blow!

"I'm back on my horse! Nami, you didn't..." "


Nami's backhand is a punch that covers the color of the straw hat!

"You bastard, where did you run! Robin has already been taken by them!

"Shhh! I was thrown into the sea by those bastards! God knows how far to throw me! I don't want to either! Bai

Yu covered the bag on his head and looked at Nami aggrievedly!

"I, I can prove it! That group of guys really threw this idiot a long way! The

Nine Lamas rolled his eyes with his tongue out!

It took a day and a night to bring the white feather back!

Those bunch of CP9 bastards, what a madness!

How afraid of white feathers this is!

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