"Bai Yu, are you okay!"

"It's okay!"

Bai Yu turned his head to look at Luffy and said, "Luffy, the plan failed, and the Demon Slaying Order was launched by that guy!" "

Hmm! I know!

Luffy put his straw hat on his hand and said seriously, "Robin will leave it to us!"

"Good! Until then, I'll go up and try it first! "

Bai Yu once again stepped on the moon step and rushed upwards!

If you can rescue Robin from the arrival of the Warship of the Demon Slayer Order, it is best to run directly!

As a result, Bai Yu plunged into the space door opened by Bruno!

"White feather!"

"Where was Bai Yu sent!"

Luffy raised his head and looked up, "Leave him alone, we just need to get Robin out!" "

However, halfway through the drawbridge connecting the Justice Tower and the Inquisition, it was blown up by the defenders of Justice Island!

At this distance, Luffy can take Nami and them to eject together, but there is a tiger-eyed CP9 on it!

Once shot down in the air, it will directly fall into the abyss!

At this time, Nami's phone worm rang, it was Mother-in-law Kokoro!

"Oh, pirate brother, you seem to need help?"

"Mother-in-law Kokoro!"

"Ah! I saw it all, since the suspension bridge can't be passed, then I'll help you get through! Ten seconds later, just jump down together! "

Jump? I don't want it, I'll fall to my death!

Nami looked at the bottomless abyss below and shook her head madly!

Instead, Luffy showed a confident smile and nodded, "Hmm! I understand!

"Then get ready! Hahaha! "

There was not only the laughter of Granny Kokoro in the phone bug, but also the whistle of the Rocketman!

"Bruno restrained the white feather! Just hold out until the demon slaughter order comes!

Lucy looked at Luffy below!

Bruno nodded expressionlessly, "I know!"

"Everyone else, pick one each and kill them!"

At this moment, Bai Yu was sent by Bruno to the main entrance of Justice Island!

As soon as he landed, the white feather rushed directly towards the Tower of Justice!

"Slaughter, demon slaughter order!"

Robin slumped on the ground, cold sweat flowed directly, looked at Luqi and shouted: "Do you know what you did!"

"Are you crazy guys!"

Frankie greeted Luckey!

Lu Qi looked at Robin and said, "CP9 will not lose!" Even if that white feather is strong, he still wants to bring you back!

Robin shouted at Luki, "You don't understand how terrifying the Demon Slaying Order really is!"

At this time, Spandam got up from the ground and looked at Franky, who kept greeting Luki, and directly rushed over and pushed him down!

"You guy go to death! It's useless anyway! "

Aaaaah! Damn it!

Frankie yelled and fell!


"Hey, pirate brother, you can jump!"

Hearing Mother-in-law Kokoro's words, Luffy did not hesitate, directly stretched out his arm around Solon and they jumped!


Franky, who was falling, looked at the sea train rushing along the half-released drawbridge!


Nami, Usopp, and Choiba were in tears, thinking they were gone!

However, the Rocket-Man flew along the upturned suspension bridge!

Luffy took Nami and they landed steadily on the carriage of the Rocketman,

and Franky also held the cocked front of the Rocketman and went straight to the Justice Tower!

"I miss it! Mr. Tom! Roger's guy is also such an idiot! So you helped him!

Mother-in-law Cocoluo recalled with a smile: "We don't accept the lesson again, and all the members of Tom's studio have come out to help the pirate imp!" Hahaha! If you were there, you would do the same! Mr. Tom!

"Actually, it actually came! Damn it!

Spandam's eyes widened as he looked at the Rocketman below with Luffy and they rushed over!

He has not been stimulated as much in a year as he is today!

"CP9 will make a big fuss with you next, and you must kill the guys in the Justice Tower!" Luqi, you come with me, no matter what happens, first you have to protect me!

Spendham directly pulled Robin and said, "Let's go to the gate of justice first!" If you really have the ability, come and carry the demon slaughter order to snatch this woman back! Hahaha! "

The design drawings are gone!

Robin is the only one Spandam can use to get promoted and get rich!

It must not be taken back!

Luki lifted his leopard man form and followed Spandam with his hands in his pockets!

CP9's mission is not yet complete, and Robin must be sent through the Gate of Justice to be considered over!

Robin was handcuffed by Hailou Stone and is now very weak, otherwise a guy like Spandham, she could have taken out a hundred!

"Brother Frankie is fine!"

"Straw hat boy, they have finally arrived at the Tower of Justice!"

"Big brother has regained his freedom! It looks like he's going to war! "

Kill them, big brother!"

"Come on, big brother!"

Worship, and Kiwi and Moz, these Franky little brothers, cheered happily!

"I'll take care of you next!"

Barry smiled with his cigar in his mouth, "Well, let's keep fighting!" Don't let them disturb the straw hat kid them! Just

as Zambai and Barry turned their heads to continue fighting with the defenders of Justice Island, Bai Yu rushed over!

"Run! Hurry up and run!

Bai Yu looked at Barry and shouted, "The Demon Slaying Order has been launched!" Then the entire Isle of Justice will be wiped off the map! You won't be needed for the rest of the battle! Hurry up and run! Don't worry about us! And Frankie will be fine!


"The Demon Slaying Order has been launched!"

Hearing this, those defenders of Justice Island directly turned their heads and ran!

This is still a fart!

If you don't run, you will all die here!

Barry and Zambai wanted to say something, but they saw that the defenders of Justice Island were like frightened rabbits, and they ran away, and they also knew that the situation was critical!

And their task has been accomplished, that is, to send Solon and them to the court!

"Good! We get it!

"Hey! Everyone, retreat! "

Little brother with different pupils, the eldest brother will be handed over to you!"

"Brothers, run!"

"Hey, Oimo, Cassie, please take Sodem and Gomorrah and run with you!"

"No problem!"

"Come, climb on us, we'll take you guys to run!"

Oimo and Cassie carry the badly injured Emperor Brusodem and Gomorrah, let Zambai and Barry climb on top of them, and then run towards the main gate of Justice Island!

Bai Yu raised his head and flashed to the top of the Inquisition Court in an instant, where Bruno was waiting for Bai Yu!

"You alone want to stop me?"

The thunder and lightning that lingered beside Bai Yu looked at Bruno!

"That's right!"

Bruno looked at Bai Yu expressionlessly and said, "You are very strong, but as long as we hold you back and wait until the Demon Slaying Order warship arrives, our mission can be successfully completed!" "

Fight, all members of CP9 are not necessarily Bai Yu's opponents!

But dragging the white feather, Bruno is still a little confident!

The door fruit ability, as long as the door is opened well, throw the white feather a few more times, it will definitely be able to drag the Devil Slayer Warship to arrive!

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