"This momentum! Everyone is small..."

Before Lieutenant General Stoloberg finished speaking, Bai Yu instantly appeared beside them, and then punched them together with a wave of his fist!

"Something is wrong! Be careful! "

When the weasel was defending, he slashed a sword at Bai Yu, but it was an afterimage!

And the white feather had already appeared above their heads at this moment!

"Towards the peacock!"

Bai Yu aimed at the four lieutenant generals who were gathered together and punched a high-speed punch!

The flames generated by the shock wave and the friction between the fist and the air flew towards them!

That flame is as beautiful and dangerous as a peacock opening the screen!

"Not good! Pieces of iron! "

The four headquarters lieutenant generals raised their hands one after another to block, while their arms were covered with armed color domineering, the iron block strengthened the defense of the whole body!

They haven't practiced to the point where they can cover their whole body with armed color domineering!

Better with pieces of iron!

However, who uses this thing of iron knows who knows!

The continuous attack on the peacocks broke their defenses in three seconds!

"Not good! Can't stop it!

"How is an attack of this intensity possible!"

"How can there be a feeling of facing Lieutenant General Karp!"

Bai Yu took a deep breath and aimed with one hand to charge with a punch!

"Day Tiger!"

The fist suddenly swung out, and the compressed air spread instantly!

Like a white tiger, he rushed towards the four lieutenant generals whose middle door was wide open!

In just an instant, the four lieutenant generals of the headquarters were shot down from the air, and a large mouthful of blood spewed out in the air!

Then it fell on the ice field, directly shattering the thick ice field, and then all of them smashed into the sea and lost consciousness!

And the diffused shock wave directly swept around!

Shouhe and Isofu tightly grasped the tail of the Nine Lamas, for fear of being blown away!

And the Burning Mountain will insert the knife into the ice to stabilize the figure!

I couldn't believe what was happening in front of me!

The other elite navies and generals were all overturned to the ground!

Even the headquarters warship was pushed back far by the huge waves!

When the shock wave spread to the bridge of hesitation, fortunately, they all saw everything that happened over there and all fell down!

Spandam was so dumbfounded that he almost fell off the bridge of hesitation, but fortunately used the weapon in his hand to turn it into an elephant and hugged the elephant's leg himself!

And Robin, after the shock wave, raised his head and saw the sealed white feather falling powerlessly from the air!

Fortunately, the Nine Lamas stretched out their claws and caught him!

Bai Yu looked at the Nine Lama's paws, burned the mountain lieutenant general, and then closed his eyes!

The fire mountain lieutenant general swallowed his saliva, just that look, that means a pity, right!

Absolute pity!

It's a pity that it didn't beat me up!

Little white feathers!

You guy I've hugged you before!

I didn't make a move this time, you actually want to beat me like them!"

You're a bad learner!

"So, are we going to continue?"

The Nine Lamas handed the white feather to Isofu and Shouhe, and looked at the Lieutenant General of the Burning Mountain!

"Of course it is, go ahead!"

Lieutenant General Burning Mountain rushed towards the Nine Lamas again, but the difference was that this time it was he who needed to hold back!

Bai Yu's move directly shattered the ice field into pieces!

And the very center of the bombardment is enough for the headquarters warships to pass!

Ten rear admirals, four stayed to help Lieutenant General Burning Mountain, and the rest will pass out Vice Admiral Daubman and Vice Admiral Ghost Spider after they rescued them, and then commanded the warship to continue the task of slaying the devil!

At this moment, in the underground passage, Luffy turned on the second gear and fought with Lu Qi, who turned into a leopard man form, for a long time!

Luffy in second gear is enough to rival Luki!

"So it is!"

Lu Qi covered his abdomen and stood up and looked at Luffy, "I want to be stimulant!" Let the legs speed up the blood flow like a pump! That's blood pressure that can burst the heart of ordinary people! Because the internal organs and blood vessels are rubber, they can endure! Very powerful! However, your body seems to be unable to withstand it, which will cost you your life!

"It's better than losing a lot right in front of you!" I have to do everything I can!

Luffy exited second gear, panting!

The consumption is too great!

Luffy took out a few large pieces of bone meat from his pocket and stared at Lu Qi and stuffed it into his mouth!

"You are expecting too much from everything!"

Lu Qi looked at Luffy, who was stuffing meat into his mouth, and said, "Did you notice the sound just now!" That's probably the naval headquarters warship trying to shoot! It won't be long before there will be a full-scale attack! Your partner will die in the Tower of Justice! "

Luki took the sound that had just come from as the shooting of the headquarters warship!

In fact, the headquarters warship has just passed through the ice field and is rushing to this side!

"If anyone is lucky, someone is going through the passage in order to get here! Arashi foot! The

corners of Lu Qi's mouth turned up, turned over, and directly cut a big hole in the wall!

The sea water frantically poured into the underground passage along the big hole!

"These seawater will fill the underground passages! Everyone in the passage will drown!

"You, what are you doing!!"

Luffy chewed all the bones of the bone flesh and swallowed, roaring and looking at Luqi!

"Not everything will be smooth sailing! Straw Hat Kid! Whether there is anyone in the passage or not, the road is broken! Moonstep! "

Luki jumped upwards with moon steps!

"You bastard!"

Luffy grabbed the wall and ejected it too!

Looking at Luffy who followed him, the corners of Luqi's mouth curled up and smiled: "This is already the sea, and the sea water will not pour in!" But you must be worried about your partner! If the key wants to save them, just go!

Luffy looked back at the underground passage that was frantically poured into the seawater, turned to look at Lu Qi and said, "My eyes won't leave you!" No matter what happens to them now, they will definitely survive! But if I let you go! You're going to kill my partner! I will always keep an eye on you!

"Hahaha, is it? Then come and stare! "

Luki rushed straight towards Luffy!

Inside the underground passage!

Mother-in-law Kokoro dragged Choba with a rope to run!

Nami, Simoni and Kumbe the kitten also followed closely behind Granny Kokoro!

Not far behind them, Solon and Sanji also made a simple stretcher out of a piece of cloth, one carrying the other, running with Usopp!

Although Usopp is a meat ADC, he has been beaten until now, and he is almost at his limit!

Nami turned to look at Zimoni and asked, "Do you know where Luffy is?"

Zimoni raised his hand and said, "Ah! The pirate brother should be in front, he is very powerful, and the big iron gate we just passed was broken by the pirate brother with a punch! But he directly became smaller after he finished fighting!

"Got smaller? I don't understand what's going on! Anyway, let's go! At

this time, Nami suddenly heard a strange sound!

"Hey, mother-in-law, there seems to be a strange sound ahead!"

"You can't stay here now!"

Granny Coco Luo took a sip of wine and said, "No matter what happens, you must move forward!" Run forward desperately! As

a result, as soon as the words fell, the turbulent sea rushed along the passage towards this side!

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