The control room of the Gate of Justice was stolen by Yamaji, who had just hit the wild!

Yamaji directly used it to close the door of justice!

Once the gate of justice is closed, the large whirlpool generated by the severed current will cause the ship to lose control!

And before the shells went off track because of the vortex!

"Everyone, be careful! Don't get swept away by the whirlpool!

"Damn, what's wrong with the control room of the Gate of Justice!"

"I don't know! The third pillar of the control room in the bridge of hesitation! "

The warships were affected by the large whirlpool, completely uncontrolled, and collided together!


Yamaji looked at the colliding warships and sighed with a cigarette: "It's even more powerful than expected!" "

Sanji, did you just now!"

"That's right!"

Sanji turned his head and smiled, "These enemies can't be thrown off by perseverance alone!" Or use your brains!

"That's awesome! Yamaji!

Luffy exclaimed, "Are you a genius!"

"Don't rejoice too soon!"

Solon turned his head and said, "Vortex is also a problem for us!"

"You guys, don't underestimate the Meili!"

Nami looked at everyone and said, "Our Meili, there is no sea that cannot be worn!" Hold on until I figure out the trajectory of the whirlpool! "

Leave it to us!"

Facing the shells fired by the naval guns, Solon directly chopped out the flying slash to detonate the shells in advance!

Sanji jumped up and kicked the shell back!

Usopp uses a slingshot to stop one shell after another!

Robin, French, and the Nine Lamas, Shouhe also struck!

Choiba is at the helm of the helm!

Zimoni and Kumbe the kitten did not run around this time, and honestly stayed here!

Nami took out a pen and paper and carefully recorded the information of the vortex she observed!

"Abominable! Why! Why can't seven warships take out that broken ship! You useless fools! "

Spandam's angry jumping feet!

"I'm going to fight too!"

Luffy, this guy, doesn't want to lie on the waterbed, let Isofu take him to the stern!

"Stupid, you can't move again!"

"That's it! Luffy! Leave it to us here!

"You and Bai Yu just have a good rest!"

To say that the most seriously injured are Luffy and White Feather!

"Even if you say so, I will fight!"

Luffy used his chin to get himself off the waterbed, and then Gu Yong climbed over!

Isofu carried him back, and he rushed down again!

Bai Yu looked at Luffy and sighed, "Hey, Luffy, don't be stubborn!"

"It's noisy! I'm the captain, I'm going to fight! Facing

the concentrated fire attack of the warship on the opposite side, Solon sighed and said, "There is really no way to take you!" Solon

and Sanji looked at each other, and then the two grabbed Luffy's limbs and spread them to catch all the shells, and then used Luffy together as a slingshot!

Bounced all those shells back!

"Helped a lot! Captain!

"It's really worthy of being a captain!"

Bai Yu directly rolled his eyes and said, "You two don't be too ridiculous!"

Usopp nodded and said, "That's right! You two are the devil!

At this time, Nami closed her notebook and smiled confidently!

"I've seen it! Road to victory! Choba! Right full rudder! In the direction of nine o'clock! "

Hmm! I see! "

The pirate ship rushed in the direction of the waterfall!"

"All shots! What are you idiots doing! Fire quickly! Finish them off! "

Spandam bounced back and forth like an enraged clown!

"They seem to have mastered the flow of the whirlpool, and the speed is amazing!"

Looking at the Merley that accelerated to escape, Spandam angrily hammered the ship's edge!

"Abominable! Damn it! Those guys! Mobilized all the combat power of Justice Island, plus the national combat power, the power of the Devil Slaughter Order! Unexpectedly, in the hands of those pirates, even a woman could not be snatched! Robin

came to the stern and watched Spandham activate his powers!

Several pairs of hands controlled Spandam's joints!

Thinking back to his ugly face, and what their father and son did!

Robin didn't hesitate at all!

Directly launched the strongest blow!


In an instant, Spandam was directly cut off by Robin's lumbar spine and fell down!

"All right! It's almost this time!

Nami turned her head and shouted, "French! Trouble you to use that trick!

"I know!"

Frankie jumped to the stern and stretched out his arm: "Everyone, prepare for the impact!" The hull may be impacted, forgive me! The wind is blowing! "

In an instant, the Merry rushed into the sky again with the help of French!

Before the warship intercepted, get rid of the blockade!

"Pirate ship, flying!"

"How could there be such a thing!"

"I actually escaped from here like this!"

At the stern of the Merly, Usopp raised his pocket!

"Don't underestimate the Meili! It flew over 10,000 meters! Must kill - Super Smoke Star! "

Usopp fired a smoke bomb, and with the explosion, the smoke obscured the view of the naval warship!

The naval gun lost its vision, a blind shot, and the shells were all empty!

The Meili took advantage of this opportunity to escape directly from the whirlpool and get rid of the pursuit!

Luffy lay on the deck and smiled!

After Luffy and Bai Yu fled, Kuzan arrived slowly on his bicycle, and shook his head as he watched the scene in front of him!

"What a fuss! This time the Marshal of the Warring States is going to really have a headache!

Kuzan touched his head and said, "Well, forget it, think of a reason to let the guys from the world government back the pot!" However, Little White Feather, you are really heavy! "

Kuzan received news on the way here, White Feather defeated the Weasel, Stoloberg and Dauberman, the four lieutenant generals of the Ghost Spider!

And Straw Hat Luffy defeated the strongest CP9 Rob Luki ever!

"General Pheasant, I'm sorry, we let the Straw Hat gang escape, but we will continue to pursue!" It won't stop there! We will definitely destroy the Straw Hat Pirates and capture the criminal Nicole Robin!

"Please approve the support fleet as well as replenish the soldiers!" Also, the lieutenant generals are in urgent need of treatment! "


Kuzan directly shook his head and refused!


Kuzan looked at the phone worm in his hand and said, "The state-level combat power demon slaughter order has been used, and the fleet has been defeated, and the judicial island, which symbolizes the law, has also been destroyed!" Everything is already clear at a glance! This incident is our complete defeat!

"Okay, this mission is over, let's go back to the headquarters to repair!" Warships need to be repaired, wounded soldiers need treatment! Let's hurry up and treat the wounded first! After

Kuzan finished speaking, he hung up the phone worm!

Still want to keep chasing?

That's not okay!

Although Little White Feather defeated Stoloberg and them, he must have been seriously injured!

If you really want to catch up, you really catch up, it will be bad!

"Ahh I'm still a little worried! They should return to the capital of water! There are still a few days left on the holiday, anyway, go and see first! "

Kuzan rode his bike slowly towards the capital of water!

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