"You bastards are noisy!"

The village chief sat on a chair on crutches and said helplessly: "Really! No one listens to the village chief!

Marcino laughed happily as she picked up the bounty from White Feather and Luffy!

"They look so happy! And their companions, and a pet!

Marcino looked at Joba's bounty and smiled gently!

"This is the Nine Lamas, as well as Shouhe and Isofu? It seems that Bai Yu has found his tailed beast companion!

"Those two guys are really unsettling!"

The village chief took a sip of wine and said, "The most evil criminals who are enemies of the whole world have gone out of our village!"

The village chief knocked on the table and said, "I haven't heard of any pirate who would be an enemy of the world government!"


Marcino still smiled and nodded, seeing Bai Yu's bounty order was enough to know that he was safe on the sea!

As for being an enemy of the world government or something, Marcino didn't care at all!

As long as Bai Yu is good!

"Speaking of which, what the hell is that Karp guy doing! It doesn't matter if something happens to his grandson! Really, there are problems for three generations of grandchildren! I don't know if Da Dan knows about this! "

Village chief!"



The village chief instantly went crazy and said, "You guys give me enough to stop!" "

Donghai, Frost Moon Village!

"Well, Solon is indeed in this dojo! But don't worship him!

Solon's master, Koshiro Frost Moon, explained to the group of little guys in front of him, "And I didn't teach him how to be a pirate!"

"What a pity!"

"I really want to be a swordsman like him!"

Koshiro Frost Moon raised his eyes and squinted at the sky!

Although I was surprised by the matter of Justice Island, Solon, I don't think your heart is confused, no matter what kind of person you become, just stick to your kendo!

East Sea, West Rob Village!

"The king of sniping, it's true! Can't go wrong!

Keya looked at the sniper king's bounty in her hand and smiled happily: "It's Usopp!"

"Yes! It's the captain! Look at his nose!

"The people in the village don't believe it!"

"Because there are 30 million Baileys!"

The three little guys with onion heads, green pepper heads, and carrot heads looked at the bounty order and said, "Everyone doesn't know how powerful the captain is!" The captain is the man who turns everything into reality!

"yes! I want to go back and continue to study medicine, and I also want to be alone as soon as possible!

Koya smiled and said, "When Usopp comes back injured, I can heal all his injuries!" "

The three little guys were caught off guard and ate a mouthful of dog food!

"Captain, how nice!"

"If you dare to make Miss Keya unhappy, we will beat you!"

East Sea, Sea Restaurant, Bharati!

Jepp looked at the newspaper in his hand and said, "Justice Island is connected to the gate of the world government, and the straw hat boy is really capable!" Now they are famous all over the world! So is this bounty order! "


Watching Jeppu raise Yamaji's bounty order, the chefs of the sea restaurant all laughed and straightened their waist!

Sanji was really humiliated and lost home!

"Sanji is amazing!"

"Awesome, guest! It's exactly the same!

"Seventy-seven million Bailey's bounty prisoner, old friend of Yamaji Kurofoot, sea restaurant, Bharati, welcome!"

They directly posted Sanji's bounty order in the middle of the restaurant, ensuring that every guest who came in could see it at a glance!

East Sea, Coco Yasi Village!

"Mr. Ah Jian! Give, orange! "

Nokigao delivered a bag of oranges to Ah Jian!

"Why did you get it again, Nokigao, I'll go to the store and buy it myself!"

"Just take it, really see it, in other words, Mr. Ah Jian, what are you doing?"

Ah Jian looked at the phone worm beside him and said, "I was about to use the phone bug to protest to the Navy headquarters, but I couldn't get through at all!" "



Ah Jian reached out and patted Nami's bounty order with a framed version of the enlarged version hanging on the wall beside him, "How can you give out an astringent bounty order to the world!" It's not so much a bounty order as a solicitation of marriage! It's unreasonable!

"But it looks like you liked this picture very much, and you deliberately enlarged it!"

Nuo Qigao looked at Ah Jian and smiled: "Oh, isn't that great!" This is proof that they have complied with their agreement with Mr. Ah Jian! "

Great Route, Sakura Kingdom!

"Dalton, what did you call me for! I'm busy! "

Doctor Doryl of Choiba jumped off the Great Laban!

Ever since Choiba was gone, she had found a Laban tool to do her job!

"I'm so sorry, I want you to see this!"

Dalton handed over the bounty order!

"What is it? Is it the secret of eternal youth? Well? It's the Straw Hat Boys!

Dalton nodded and said, "It's a wanted warrant after that big event a few days ago!"

"This is Choba!"

"I think the bounty is wrong!"

"Hee-hee-hee! If you can see his appearance, it doesn't matter what else it is!

Qioba's Doryl doctor raised her head and looked at the snowflakes in the sky and smiled: "It seems that Qioba is very happy!" "

Great Route, Desert Kingdom, Alabastan!

"How, what's going on, why is that woman in the Straw Hats! But she is an incredible woman to care about! If Princess Vivi knew, she would be sad! "

Kobra, Ikarim and Gaka, Bell gathered to look at the straw hat full bounty order on the table!

"Ah! That's it! I already knew! Nothing!

"Nothing? I thought you would get a hit!

Vivi smiled and wiped the feathers for Karu Duck, "I believe what they did, Luffy is the man who wants to become One Piece!"


Great Voyage, Island of White Earth, Baldigo!

"We have won in the South China Sea war zone!"

"Take down another country?"

"It's great, plus the other day in Beihai..."

"Don't be happy about a small victory, it's war!"

The dragon turned around and prepared to go out to breathe, but found a pile of bounty orders on the table next to him, and the one at the top was Luffy!

"This is?"

"This is Straw Hat Luffy, the one who really brought down Klockdar in Alabastan! Because of the Justice Island incident, it has become a large pirate group that even the world government has a headache! The total bounty for their gang is 1,145 million Bailey! Ah, by the way, plus fifty Baileys for pets! "

I heard that the captain was Vice Admiral Karp's... Where are you going? "

Go blow the wind!"

The dragon stands on the platform and looks at the sunset!

"Live as you wish! Luffy! Times sometimes bring all kinds of serendipity and enthusiasm!

Revolutionary Monchi D. Long, who became the world's most vicious criminal, smiled and said, "Go and ask the world!" One day, we will meet again too! "

On the Miles of Sunshine, everyone gathered around the dining table on the deck lawn!

Luffy raised the wine glass in his hand!

"Is there all the wine?" Cheers to Robin, Usopp and Melly, as well as their new companion Franky and the pirate ship Miles Sunshine!! "


Everyone just escaped and started the banquet again, not only a welcome banquet to welcome new members, but also a celebration banquet for the partners to return!

Everyone was laughing happily!

Eat, drink, play, make trouble!

Luffy raised his glass again and shouted, "Towards the next destination, Fishman Island, forward!! "Good


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