"Hey, Brooke!"

After eating, Bai Yu wiped his mouth and looked at Brooke: "You should have eaten the Devil Fruit!"

"Yes, little brother with different eyes!"

Brooke also wiped his mouth, picked up a toothpick and began to pick his teeth: "I ate the Huangquan fruit!" In fact, decades ago, I died once, the so-called Huangquan Fruit, is to bring back the dead, to give the fruit ability a second life!

"Good, great! So you are a resurrected person?

Luffy's eyes turned into little stars!

"Yes, faux pas, burp~

" Brooke burped and continued: "Actually, I was a pirate like you when I was alive!"

"Oh! Are you sure! You used to be pirates too!

Luffy looked at Brooke excitedly!


Brooke nodded and said, "I once broke into this demon sea with my companions on the ship we just had!" Unfortunately, we met a strong peer! After a fierce battle, our whole army was destroyed!

"I'm dead too! When I was alive, the Yellow Spring Fruit was nothing more than a thing that turned me into a dry duck for me! But on that day, the fruit ability was finally unleashed! My soul has returned from the underworld to this world! Bai

Yu was lying on the table, holding his hand and looking at Brooke!

So, the Yellow Spring Fruit is actually a resurrection armor?

"If you return to your corpse immediately, you can be resurrected immediately, but this demon sea is filled with thick fog! I'm lost! So I wandered in the dense fog for a year in the state of my soul, and finally found my body!

"But by that time, my body had turned into a pile of bones! I was so scared that my eyes were about to fall out! Although I don't have eyes, yaw!

Brooke pointed to his eye sockets and laughed!

Bai Yu looked at Brooke and shook his head, this guy is really strong!

The companions are all dead, and they are alone, not only becoming skeletons, but also living alone until now!


Luffy hugged his arm and laughed, "How stupid! Same as White Feather and Solon!

Solon glanced at Luffy and said, "You idiot is kind enough to talk about us!"

Franky hugged his arm and said, "Can you even be resurrected if you become a skeleton?" The Devil Fruit is really terrifying!

"It's scary indeed!"

Bai Yu looked at Brooke and said, "They have become skeletons, but they can still stand up again and can still eat normally!" And the food was actually eaten!

Bai Yu looked at Brooke with some doubts, this guy has no eyes, ears and other organs, but he can see, hear, speak and a series of other normal people can do!

Could it be the power of the soul?

Otherwise, what would his hollow eyes take....

"But since the fruit has completed its task, then you are just a dry duck now!"

Sanji took a cigarette and said, "This can also be regarded as a curse!"

Solon looked at Brooke and asked, "But if you turn into a skeleton, you don't have hair!" But you are still an explosive head!

Brooke scratched his hair and said, "My hair roots are very strong!"


Solon waved his hand, skeletons can be resurrected, and jumping alive, compared to this, having an explosive head or something is not a big deal!

"So, you're really not a youkai?"

Usopp and Choiba raised their crosses and looked at Brooke and said, "But you can't be considered human like this!" In short, it's good not to be a monster!

"I'm most afraid of youkai!"

Brooke stretched out his bony hands to cover his mouth and said, "If I see a monster, I will be frightened and yell!"

"I'm most afraid of youkai!" You look like this, it's good that the monster is not afraid of you!

Nami held up the mirror to Brooke and said, "Have you ever looked in the mirror!" You almost scared me to death like this! "


Brooke quickly waved his hand, holding his head and shouting in panic: "Please don't point the mirror at me!"

"What's wrong? Wait a minute! For, why can't I see you in the mirror! "

Usopp and Choiba leaned over to see, there was only him and Joba in the mirror, there was no Brooke's figure at all, but the touch from the hand would not lie!

"Ah!! Is it a vampire!

Usopp and Choiba broke out in a cold sweat at once, jumped straight back away from Brooke, and raised the cross in their hands!

Nami ran behind Bai Yu and Robin and held the Nine Lamas and Shouhe in her arms!

Full of security!

Solon, Sanji, and Franky instantly became alert and ready to do it!

Only Luffy's eyes widened in surprise, "Really! That's awesome!

"No, look closely, you don't even have a shadow!"

Usopp was the first to spot something wrong with Brooke!


Choiba raised his cross trembling and cried, "You, what the hell are you!"

Bai Yu also frowned and looked at Brooke, sure enough, there was no shadow!

Could it be said that the Yellow Spring Fruit Resurrection Ability is the shadow of someone who needs the ability?

Facing the nervous crowd, Brooke calmly sat back on the chair and cocked his legs, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea!

"Is it time for tea?"

Usopp held the cross in his hand and said frantically: "We are all terrified by you!" Aren't you going to explain!

Bai Yu looked at Brooke and said, "Is this the price you need to resurrect the Yellow Spring Fruit?" "

After all, it is such a heaven-defying thing as resurrection, just turning into a dry duck, this side effect is a little too insignificant!

Brooke picked up the teacup and shook his head: "No, it's hard to say anything about my shadow, in short, turning into a skeleton and losing my shadow are two things!"

"Then make a long story short!"


Brooke took a sip of tea and said, "My shadow was taken away by a man a few years ago!"

"Shadow? Taken away?

"How is this possible!"

Bai Yu touched his chin and said, "If it's a Devil Fruit ability, you can still do it!" But the ability to take away other people's shadows seems to have heard of it before! I want to think about it!

Solon took a sip of wine and said, "Can the shadow really be taken away?"


"The Devil Fruit is really magical!"

Brooke looked at everyone and said, "And once the shadow is taken away, it means that you can no longer live in a place with sunlight!"

"The reason why I am still alive is because the thick fog in this sea area obscures the sun! I have seen with my own eyes the people whose shadows were taken away turned to ashes in the sun! "

Reduced to ashes?!"

"That's right!"

Brooke nodded and said, "The shadow is projected on the ground through light, and I who has taken away the shadow, mirrors and cameras and the like cannot map my body!" That is to say, I am a being rejected by the Light! And the companions are all dead!

Sanji looked at Brooke with a cigarette and said, "Then your life is really miserable enough!"

Brooke stood up and opened his arms: "Even so, I survived tenaciously!" A pile of white bones is still tenaciously alive! I am a dead Brooke with only bones! Please advise more, yo 嚯嚯 ~ 呦嚯嚯嚯 ~ "

Why are you still so optimistic!"

Sanji didn't understand why Brooke was so miserable and could still be so cheerful!

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