Perona held up her small umbrella and crossed her waist: "Isn't there a treasure chest on this ship?" "

Eh! Lord Perona, there is a box, but it is empty! And that money is still a little bit, but not much!

"What a convinced! The two ships add up to little gain!

Perona stepped on the already emo Isofu and said, "Is this really the ship that brought down the man of Klockdar?" Forget it, only food will do, let me move back!

"Yes, Lord Perona!"

Zombies are getting busy on the Sunshine!

The little white sheep Meili hid in the wooden carving of the Meili, watching the zombies like bandits carrying large bags and shivering!

After Luffy and White Feather landed on the island, Little White Sheep Meili began to patrol the situation around the Miles Sunshine with a huge sense of responsibility and a guard mission!

It wants to guard the Sunshine for everyone and guard its juniors!

However, the ideal is plump, the reality is skinny!

Seeing a large group of zombies coming towards this side, Meili, who knew that she had no combat power, turned around and rushed to the aquarium, shouting for three minutes before calling Isofu up!

Isofu climbed out of the tank and went up to kill all sides!

Beat up all the zombies who boarded the Miles of Sunshine!

Meili is very happy, Iso Fu is lazy, but the key moment is really reliable!

However, if only the Nine Lamas and Shouhe were there!

Looking at the killing of Isofu, Meili waved the flag and shouted in the back!

But when that ghost appeared, the situation was instantly reversed!

Isofu was gently passed through his body by the negative ghost, and then directly extinguished!

The whole tailed beast emo to the extreme!

Perona held a small umbrella and came to see Isofu, and then decisively shook her head and refused, she also disliked Isofu is not cute, this time Isofu is even more emo!

At this time, Perona's face, who was directing the zombies to carry food, changed directly!

"Abominable alien pupil guy! You're going to take my pet away! I'm going to catch him and give it to Lord Moria!"

Perona's angry little face bulged, turned her head and walked back with the zombies!

When she found out that Bai Yu was able to hit her negative ghost, she was directly startled!

But then I slowed down and thought about it, it should be the ability of the soul to leave the body to be like this, so under normal circumstances, being touched by a negative ghost will still be emo!

As long as you quietly touch over and sneak attack, you will definitely be able to kill that hateful guy!

At this time, a bat carrying a bottle of red wine flew over!

"Lord Perona! Lord Moriah summons the Three Freaks!

Perona looked up and asked, "Is there something going on?"

"Straw Hat Luffy has been caught and is going to hold an announcement ceremony for Number Nine Hundred!"

"Nine hundred! Are you sure!

Perona looked shocked!

It's really because the nine hundred zombies are too special!

I didn't expect that this time I would resurrect the number nine hundred zombies!

"I know, I'll go back now, that heterogeneous bastard waits for the resurrection of the nine hundred and definitely runs home!"

Perona dares to go towards the castle!

At this time, Nami, who was chased by Absalom, Usopp and Choiba panicked, opened the zipper of the doll bear zombie Kumasi, and hid inside!

"What happened?"

Kumasi got up from the ground, and the front was pitch black by the fire, and when he was hit by a fireball from Bai Yu, the whole doll bear was on fire!

He rolled all the way to extinguish the fire before finally extinguishing it, and just after lying here for two minutes to rest, he felt something enter his body!

"Oh? Kumasi, did you see three pirates? "

Abu Salom came here to ask Kumasi!


Kumasi was just about to say as if something had entered its body, when Perona came back and directly interrupted the conversation!

"Abu Salom, what are you doing here? This is my room!

Kumasi nodded and said, "Welcome back, Lord Perona!"

"No talking! Kumasi! It's not cute that way! Kumasi

does look cute, but when he opens his mouth, his dull and rough voice really doesn't match his body!

"But, Lord Perona, I feel..." Perona

crossed her waist and said, "Shut up, don't make a sound!" The body is still dark, not cute at all, and I will change the bandage myself in a while!

Abu Salom shrugged and said, "You are still so harsh on Kumasi, you are really excessive!"

Perona turned her head and pouted, "I don't need you to say, it's my subordinate!"

Kumasi looked at his own Lord Perona and Lord Absalom, and had to stretch out his short arm to pull the lock behind his back!

It's a pity, it's not reachable at all!

"That's right!"

Perona looked at Absalom and said, "You have also received the summons of Lord Moriah!"

"Did something happen?"

Abu Salom now has a heart on Nami, and he didn't pay attention to the news!

"It is said to activate the nine hundred!"

"Could it be that the guy with a reward of 300 million was caught?"

"That's right, that's it!"

Inside Kumasi's body, Usopp quietly opened a slit in the zipper and observed the situation outside!

Nami, Usopp, and Choiba turned on their voice and decided to hide here first and find an opportunity to escape!

"Lord Absalom! Here you are! I have something to report to you! "

The communication bat, the Hilton, flew over again!

"What's going on?"

"Lord Absalom, there is also an intruder who has gone to the island with the pirates! It's the nose song swordsman!


Absalom's face changed drastically!

"That guy actually came back!"


At this moment, below the corridor leading to the castle, Bai Yu is fighting against the zombie general!

After escaping, Bai Yu was about to go to find Nami and them, but just as he was about to open his eyes, there was a loud noise from above!

An oversized spider monkey and a bunch of bizarre zombie generals have fallen!

It happened to smash in front of Bai Yu, and as soon as Bai Yu looked up, he saw Robin and Franky standing on the broken road and looking down!

And at this time, a figure fell from a higher place, and Bai Yu took a closer look and found that it was the guy from Brooke!

Only listening to the boom, Brooke's entire skeleton directly smashed the ground into a deep pit and fell inside!

When the zombie generals raised their heads, they recognized the white feather at a glance, and the next moment they picked up their weapons and rushed up!

The spider monkey shot out the spider silk directly and went directly to Franky and Robin above!

"Fire Escape - Hao Fireball Technique!"

Bai Yu stuffed the Nine Lamas and Shou Cranes, who had not yet slowed down and twitched from time to time, into their collars, let them return to the tailed beast space to rest, and then formed a seal and attacked the zombie generals!

A huge fireball erupted from Bai Yu's mouth, and the zombie general in the front was directly blown up into the sky!

That guy's armor sank directly, but after falling to the ground, he got up again!

Carrying his weapon, he continued to rush towards Bai Yu!

Not afraid of pain, not dead, if you are knocked down, you can still stand up and continue to fight!

If you can't deal effective damage to the zombie generals, you will be dragged until your physical strength is exhausted!

However, Bai Yu slowly raised his head and looked at the zombie generals!

White eyes, writing wheel eyes open at the same time!

"Do you want to dance too?"

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