"After decades of drifting at sea due to damage to the rudder, I opened the sea bottle like you and was targeted by the terrifying three-masted sailing ship!"

"I want to go to the island and find some parts to repair the rudder, I want to leave this Devil's Triangle sea here!" But the island is full of monsters and zombies, and I was caught! Brought here!

"Then, I saw it!"

Brooke said in horror: "I saw the man who was arrested one step ahead of me, and his shadow was pulled up from the floor by a terrifying big man, and then cut off!" At that time, I was also very skeptical of my own eyes!

"Although I don't have eyes! Whoops!

"Telling your skeleton sneaker joke again!"

Bai Yu raised his fist, and there was an electric light on it!

Franky also raised his fist and said frantically: "Give me enough to stop!" I'm going to squash you! "

Go and flatten him!"

Robin hugged his arm and didn't stop it!

"Boom! Boom! Bang! "

Brooke had a big bag on his head and was lying on the ground with his ass pouting!

"Then I also suffered the same fate, the person who was taken away from the shadow would pass out for a long time, and the taken shadow was stuffed into the corpse, and the next moment the corpse directly turned into a moving zombie!"

"So it is!"

Bai Yu touched his chin and nodded, "It seems that the zombies on this island were all created by Moria using the ability of the Shadow Fruit!" No wonder salt is the nemesis of these zombies! After all, they relied on the Devil Fruit to act! "


Brooke was surprised: "Do you already know? About Moriah? "

Of course,"

Frankie put his arm around Bai Yu's shoulder and said, "Our little brother with different eyes has a strong ability to torture intelligence!" And the detection ability is also excellent! "

The information about the island was all obtained by Bai Yu by torturing those graveyard zombies!

After the torture, those zombies were almost completely broken!

"Okay, then I'll say something you shouldn't know!"

Brooke cleared his throat and said, "Although those zombies are physical actions, they are not equal to coming back from the dead!" Both character and combat ability depend on the owner of the shadow! And the strength of the flesh depends on the muscle strength of the corpse puppet!

"Only by combining powerful flesh and powerful shadows can you create the strongest zombies!"

"That's why he has his eyes on us!"

French nodded and froze for a moment!

"Speaking of which, we met a zombie general who looks a lot like Solon before!"

Bai Yu pointed to the courtyard below and said, "I also met a dog penguin that resembles Yamaji below!"

"That is!"

Robin raised his head and said, "Both Solon and Sanji have been robbed of their shadows!" But, that's not the most critical! Luffy was also captured!

"Come on, I have to go get Luffy back!"

Bai Yu was directly anxious, powerful flesh plus Luffy's head that would become a thief once he fought!

God knows what that Moria guy will build!

"Don't be in a hurry! We still have time and opportunities!

Brooke explained: "If the body dies, then the shadow will also disappear, so they will not be in danger, they will take advantage of the coma, throw them back on the ship, and banish them in this Devil's Sea!" So, listen to me next..." In

the room on the top floor of the castle, Moria and the three weirdos under his command are all here, Luffy, Solon, and Sanji lie on the ground and have passed out!


Moria looked at Luffy's shadow who was struggling in his hand and grinned, "With this, I'm one step closer to One Piece!" Hokh Bagu! "

Oh hiss~

Oh hiss~Oh hiss~" Hock Bagu also laughed: "It's been ten years since I met you, and the nine hundred numbers that I have worked so hard to transform have finally waited for this day, as long as I put this shadow in, I will become the strongest zombie in history!" It will definitely become our powerful combat power!

Abu Salom also imagined him jumping on the grave with a group of zombies: "The day when I become the king of the world's graveyard is getting closer and closer!"

"Turn all the cute things in the world into zombies and make them surrender to my dream kingdom is also just around the corner!"

Perona also smiled, as if as long as Luffy's shadow and the nine hundred zombies, their dream could come true!

"One-two, one-two, one-two!"

At this time, a group of spider rats carried Luffy, Sanji, and Solon out and prepared to send them to the Miles of Sunshine!


Nami hiding in Kumasi's body, they are a little impatient!

But now is not the time to run away!

Because the people on the other side are all here, they already belong to the blood fountain of people!

Once exposed, it will definitely die!

Moriah carried Luffy's shadow and signaled the three little zombies to open the door of the refrigerator!

Then, wrapped in thick clothes, they walked into the cold room and walked towards the place where the nine hundred zombies were sealed!

"I didn't expect to see that legend with my own eyes! That's the fun of making zombies!

Hokhbagu raised his hands happily as he walked!

"Hee-hee-hee! Long time no see! Nine hundred!

Moriah pushed open the door and looked at the behemoth in front of him and smiled: "Come!" It's time for the resurrection! The only Berserker in history called Majin! O Oz! When

the light turned on, Nami, Usopp and Choiba also quietly unzipped Kumasi and poked their heads out!

A guy with chains and a man taller and stronger than the Elbaf giants appeared in front of him!

He has blonde hair, a pair of horns on his head, sharp fangs on his mouth, and seams and bandages everywhere on his body!

Oz's entire body was frozen, and although he had been dead for hundreds of years, his huge body still gave Nami a deep psychological pressure!

Oz's favorite thing to do in his life was to drag the defeated island back to his territory, leaving behind a shocking legend of thiefdom!

Nami, Usopp, and Choiba looked at Oz's huge body and swallowed!

It's horrible!

"Be honest! Shadow of Straw Hat Luffy!

Moriah grabbed Luffy's struggling shadow!

"I am your new master! Now I will give you everything to survive as a zombie! And you have to forget the past experience and become a warrior who obeys me!

Luffy's struggling shadow suddenly stopped and nodded!

"The contract is established!"

Moriah raised Luffy's shadow in his hand and pressed it on the huge corpse of Majin Oz!

Then the shadow entered the corpse!

"Resurrect! My warrior! "

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