"Hey, Frenchy, borrow me your big guy!"

Solon sticks Frankie's overweight nunchucks up with a knife and rushes towards Oz!

On the other side, Sanji had already run to Oz's blind spot, picked up a rock with his foot and kicked Oz sharply!

"Try this!"

Oz, who was interacting with Isofu Euler Ora, felt that he turned his head to look at Yamaji, punched over, and was stopped by Isofu!

Isofu's task now is to taunt, pull, and carry the damage!

Solon is now rushing towards Oz with a knife in Franky's overweight nunchuck!

"Robin! Next I'm going to hit that guy's left hand! You seize the opportunity to twist his joints!


Robin crossed his hands in front of his chest, ready to activate his powers!

"Good! I'm on! Usopp you pay attention to cooperation!


Usopp raised his huge slingshot pocket and aimed it at Oz's feet!

"Must kill-special oil star-triple kill!"

The special projectile smashed into Oz's feet, and Oz slid directly on his feet!

"Hey, Sanji, kick me off!"

"Got it!"

Yamaji watched Solon shake the huge overweight nunchucks and lift his feet!

Solon jumped onto the instep of Yamaji's foot, and Sanji aimed directly at Oz to exert force!


Solon flew directly with an overweight nunchuck!

"Great sword strike!"

Solon swung his double knife and drove the overweight nunchuck, smashing into Oz's left arm!

"A hundred flowers - big trees - back fall!"

Robin seized the opportunity to activate his ability, and at the length of Oz's left shoulder, countless hands joined together like a big tree, wrapped around Oz's left hand, and pushed backwards!

"Danger, about to fall!"

Oz jumps on one foot trying to keep his balance!

"Ah!! Look at it! Improvised super sky staircase! French – A walk in the air! "

Franky with a hammer and nails in his hand, and Choiba following behind him with a plank, these two guys directly built an aerial staircase and rushed to Oz's face!

"Hurry up! Choba! The stairs are collapsing! "

Franky and Joba jumped high and raised their fists!

"Super Lamba Iron Fist!"

French and Choiba slammed Oz on the chin!

Isofu also used his tail to launch a fierce attack on Oz's stomach!

"There's only one leg left underneath! Luffy monster!

Sanji puffed his cigarette and rushed towards Oz!

"Kick against etiquette! Fall down!

The corners of Solon's mouth curled up and smiled: "Face the sky on all fours!" Monster! At

this moment, Nami is still frantically turning the weather stick to release cold and hot bubbles!

At the moment when Oz was about to fall, Nami threw out electric bubbles!

"Falling thunder!"


A thunderbolt slammed into Oz's brain!

Behind the back of Oz's left hand, he leaned on the building on all fours, and the horns on his head were inserted into the ground!


Seeing Oz planting green onions upside down, Usopp happily raised his fist and shouted: "Did you see it!" Our power!

"How's it going, Luffy monster!"

Qioba also clenched his fists in excitement!

"Good, it hurts!"

The smoke cleared, and Oz looked at Solon in front of him, and Sanji roared, "You bastards, I'm going to beat you all!" Let your bones be gone!

"That guy is very angry!"

Choiba was scared back into his prototype!

"Oops! Oops!

Usopp raised his hands directly!

Just when everyone was waiting for Oz's counterattack, Isofu was also ready to carry damage!

Oz tried to pull himself up!

"Can't pull it out! My horn, sucks! My horn is completely inserted into the ground! "

Huh? Can't pull it out? "

Hearing Oz say that he couldn't pull it out, all the members directly turned into demons and showed an evil smile!

Solon licked the knife even more pervertedly!

Then they walked towards Oz in unison!

Even Bai Yu, Nine Lamas, and Shouhe all took a sip of energy drinks and rushed over!

Looking at the red-eyed demons in front of him, cold sweat broke out on Oz's forehead!

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

Ah! Yes! Yes! "



The zombies on the island look at each other!

"I seem to hear Oz's screams!"

"How is this possible, Oz is the strongest special zombie!"

"But it really seems like Oz's scream!"


"Give me enough time!"

Oz yelled and struggled to get up!


After everyone finished beating, they quickly ran to open the distance!

Oz got back on his feet and gasped!

"What a bunch of guys like demons!"

The guys known as the demons, turned to look at Oz after pulling the distance!

Sanji took a cigarette and said, "You can even stand up after being beaten like this!"

"And still suffer such attacks continuously!"

Robin looked at Oz with a serious face and said, "What a monster!"

"To fight this monster!"

Franky looked up and shouted, "Sure enough, you still have to use tactical fifteen!"

Qioba raised his hand and said, "I can do it again!"

"Nami, Robin or not..."


Nami and Robin directly red-eyed!

Usopp felt murderous and shut up instantly!

"Hey, White Feather!"

Solon turned his head to look at Bai Yu and said, "Have you thought of a way!" "

Hmm! Thought of it!

Bai Yu looked at Oz and said, "But I need that guy to fall!"

"Oh! Then leave it to us! It's going to be on, brothers!

Frankie turned to Usopp and Choiba and shouted, "Pirates Fit Three!"


Chopba, Usopp and French again!

Qioba lay on Franky's head and said, "Although it is not a huge robot warrior, the combination is complete!" "


Oz looked at Franky curiously!

"Hey, Sanji, lend me your feet!"


"Do it, Sanji!"

Seeing that Franky was so confident, Sanji chose to believe them again!

"Then I'll kick as much as I want! Go ahead! Air Force machine SHOOT! "

Frankie, they flew straight to Oz's head!

Oz was a little disappointed: "What! Just three people?

"Don't be disappointed! We are an elite minority! Bastard! "

Franky and their group stood on Oz's head, raised their feet and stepped on!

"Pirate robot attack!"

Seeing Frankie standing on Oz's head and kicking with his legs raised, Bai Yu helplessly covered his face!

Why should I expect from you!


Yamaji blushed directly!

"I misread you! Pirates Fit Three! "

Forget it, come hard!

Just knock it down!

But the next moment there was a turnaround!

Pirate Combined Body No. 3 directly launched a spiritual attack!

"You bastard, it seems like bragging about being One Piece or something! But it's just huge!

"That's right, that's right!"

"It seems like we were beaten to tears just now! What a shame! "


In the face of Usopp's taunts, Oz went straight to the head!

"Who was beaten flat! You little pirates! Oz

raised his fist and smashed at Franky who was standing on his head!

Oz's heavy punch hit him directly on the head!

And Franky they jumped long ago!

"Hahaha, the battle is successful!"

Oz's huge body slowly fell!

"Nice job! Pirate Combined Body No. 3! "

What a bonus!

Bai Yu waved his hand and shouted, "It's now!" Nine Lamas! Shou Tsuru! Isofu! Do it!


The Nine Lamas and Shouhe grew bigger again, joined Isofu, pulled up Oz's feet, and rushed towards the sea!

"Hey, everyone, pay attention, don't let Oz get up!"

As soon as Bai Yu finished shouting, Oz was about to hold up his arms to get up!

"Thunder Abuse Level Chiyomai!"

"Hundred eight troubled wind!"

White Feather and Solon strike at the same time, Oz is attacked in the arm, and he gets up and fails!

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