
"Is this really Luffy?"

The next moment, Luffy's figure appeared in front of everyone, and Robin and Nami quickly stepped forward and took Bai Yu over!

"This guy handed it over to me! You guys stand down!

Nightmare Luffy raised his head to look at Oz and Moria in Oz's stomach!

"Luffy, that guy Oz, you just have to knock him down and leave the rest to us, Moria will leave it to you!"

Shouhe raised the salt bag in his paw and said, "Let's purify the zombies!"

Nightmare Luffy turned his head to look at Shouhe and nodded, "Got it!"

"Hey, Luffy! You have to be careful!

Usopp said uneasily: "That's a zombie with your shadow, and the body will elongate!" Just use your tricks! Don't be careless!

Oz touched his head and said, "What are those guys talking about?"

"Hmph! Leave them alone!

Moria snorted coldly, "Kill them!" Oz!

"Of course!"

Oz flicked his right hand back, then spun and twisted, aiming at Nightmare Luffy!


"Aaaaah! Luffy, be careful!

Usopp instantly held his head and shouted!

Solon, Sanji, and Frankie are ready to dodge!

The Nine Lamas, Shouhe, and Isofu take a step forward ready to take this move, and then control Oz and create an opportunity for Luffy to attack!

"No, leave it to me!"

When Oz's fist spun and smashed over with unparalleled momentum, he just raised his hand and received Oz's powerful punch!


"How is this possible!"

Nightmare Luffy took the blow lightly, not only shocking Moria, but also stunned Solon and Sanji!

"Luffy! But I'm the only one! "

Nightmare Luffy raised his fist and jumped straight away, smashing a punch on Oz's chin!

This punch directly knocked Oz to the ground!

"Good, awesome!"

"Is that guy really Luffy!"

Usopp and Choiba looked at each other and shook their heads!

Sanji's shocked smoke is all off!

The Nine Lamas were stunned for two seconds, and then copied the giant wooden pillar made by Bai Yu with a wooden dun!

"Shouhe, Isofu, don't be stunned! Follow me!

"Ah, oh! Here it comes!

Oz shook his head, and just about to get up, Nightmare Luffy jumped up directly, and kicked Oz in the head again!


Oz, who had just raised his head, slammed heavily on the ground again!

Moriah was in the cab in Oz's belly, and he only felt a stirring for a while!

Then, Nightmare Luffy grabbed Oz's hair and began to slash three times left and right three times!

Moria was in Oz's body, and his dangling eyes were spent!


Luffy smashed Oz to the ground!

The Nine Lamas took the opportunity to rush up with Shouhe and Isofu!

Shouzuru and Isofu held Oz's two arms tightly, and then shoved the bag of salt that Brooke had brought back into Oz's mouth!

"Whew, what did you give me! Let me go! Oz

struggled hard, but was suppressed by Shouhe and Isofu, the salt bag in his mouth did not fall in his mouth, and the Nine Lamas picked up the giant wooden pillar and smiled!

"Oz! Come to make nucleic acid! "

The Nine Lamas picked up the giant wooden pillar and stabbed Oz in the mouth, the salt bag was directly broken, the snow-white salt directly filled Oz's mouth, the Nine Lamas stabbed hard and stirred twice!

By the time Moriah realizes, it's too late, and Oz is about to be purified!

"Damn, staying here will only be dragged down! Gotta get out of here! "

Moria was just about to crawl out of Oz's stomach when he saw Luffy jumping into the sky!


Luffy directly smashed a punch on Moria's face, and Moria lost consciousness in an instant!

"Rubber - Tempest!"

Immediately afterwards, Luffy once again threw his fist at Moria in Oz's stomach!

A rainstorm of fists smashed into Moria!

Moriah was directly beaten up!

And Oz was also stunned by the Nine Lamas with a giant wooden pillar to stand upright!

"Hey, have you heard! Now Lord Moriah is sitting in Oz's belly!

"So, our master, Lord Moriah of the Terrifying Three-Masted Sailboat, is being beaten up with that special zombie?"

"What a joke! Oz was known as Majin 500 years ago! It's the legendary villain! Our master, but Moonlight Moriah in the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty! "

The zombies watching the battle couldn't believe what was happening in front of them!

Charlotte Lola, the leader of the Tumbling Pirates, ran over with the guys who had been taken away from their shadows!

"What do you say? Nightmare Luffy?

Solon and Sanji looked at the little blue giant who beat Moria and nodded, "Luffy turned out to be like that, it's really a nightmare!"

"Then you mean you stuffed a hundred shadows into Luffy's body so that he became like that?"

Laura nodded and said, "That's right, the partners of the Star of Hope!"

The owner of the two squirrel shadows nodded and said, "To be honest, we were also taken aback by that guy's strength!" It can withstand the shadow of a hundred people!

"But this power can only be maintained for a short time!" Those stuffed in will leave his body soon after!

"I'm sorry for messing around with your captain, but we want to walk in the sun and be real human again!"

Laura looked at Moria, who was violently beaten by Luffy, and said, "It's almost dawn!" These minutes will decide the fate of those who have taken their shadows all over the island! Please! Nightmare Luffy!


Luffy still waved his fist at Moria!

The bear stood on the top of the building, watching Oz and Moriah being beaten up by Luffy and the Nine Lamas!

Finally, Oz couldn't hold on, and the salt was directly scolded into the body by the Nine Lamas, and he was purified!

Oz opened his mouth wide, and Luffy's shadow rushed out of Oz's mouth and returned to Luffy!

And Moria was also beaten with a face full of blood, and the shadow of the white feather that he firmly grasped in his hand was ready to run, but was grabbed by the Nine Lamas and thrown back to the white feather!

Looking at the shadow under Bai Yu, Solon they breathed a sigh of relief!

Luffy fell from the air, smashed to the ground, and then staggered to his feet!

The shadow that was shoehorned into it rushed out of Luffy's body!

Luffy's figure slowly returned to its original state, and then fell to his knees!


"Hey, are you okay?"

Usopp, Chopper rushed towards Luffy!

"Oz and Moria, knocked down,"

"Win? It's not a dream!

"Yes win!"

Laura nodded and said, "Star of Hope, he won!" "

The people who were taken away jumped up with joy!

"Everyone's shadows are coming back!"

"The Terror Three-masted Sailing Ship is finished!"


Usopp rushed over and picked up Luffy!

"Hey, Luffy, cheer up! Choba, come and see! "

Choiba ran over and gave Luffy a brief check!

Laura looked at Qioba who examined Luffy and said, "It should be too tired, one person exerts the combat power of a hundred people!" I'm so sorry! "

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