When Bai Yu was sleeping, there were suddenly two loud noises, and the massage lady screamed and ran out like a frightened rabbit!

"What happened!"

Bai Yu got up in a daze, and heard the chaos outside!


"Quick, the pirates are attacking here!"

"Run away! What about the people from the security department!

"Everyone, get out of here!"

Bai Yu rubbed his face and spiritual spirit, squeezed his fists and came to the corridor!

"This is a rare leisurely getaway! Which abominable pirate dares to attack here! Don't want to live! "

At this time, the ceiling above the corridor suddenly shattered, and the water in the pool poured into the corridor from the ceiling!


Bai Yu directly smashed through the ceiling and rushed to it, just wanted to greet the other side, but forced the words back!

I have to hold back!

Take a closer look, isn't it his dearest idiot captain who takes the lead in destroying!


Luffy was carrying a little girl on his back, and his long legs were a sweep, and a row of buildings was directly swept down!

Bai Yu stood in place, touching his chin, how could he not figure out where the guy from this ship had provoked Luffy them!

That's right, it's Luffy them!

"Hundred eight troubled wind!"

Solon's three knives are directly a move of annoyance, and the wind will smash the restaurant!


Yamaji jumped high, spun and kicked at the pool, directly gouged through!

"Chili bomb!"

Facing the security guards rushing up with guns, Usopp directly raised his slingshot and shot his head with a chili bullet!

"Hoof Sakura!"

"Thunder Heaven!"

"Hook claw!"

"Nasal Song Sanding Sword Tail Slash!"

Joba, Nami, Robin and Brooke all shot one after another, and the

scene was chaotic!

Everyone directly turned into a demolition team and began to demolish this hot spring island ship!

"Hand over Sayu!"

Luffy raised his leg again and directly smashed the door plaque!

Seeing this, Bai Yu probably understood that this hot spring island ship was a black shop, and it actually tied up tickets!

And the person tied up seems to know Luffy!

"Alas! What a death! Bai

Yu sighed and jumped high, and directly smashed down with a kick!

"Heavenly keep!"


Bai Yu smashed out a large pit of more than ten meters with one foot, and cracks like spider webs spread for 100 meters!

The main upper half of the entire hot spring island ship was directly dismantled by more than half!

Bai Yu didn't exert all his strength, afraid that he would directly smash this place, and when the time came, the person who was kidnapped would also be killed!


Luffy raised his fist and shouted, "Hand over Sayu!"

"You bastards!"

The huge chimney was directly lifted and then put down, and upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was not a chimney, it turned out to be a cannon!

"Emm, what is this cannon going to do! We are here, who can it hit? As

soon as Bai Yu finished speaking, the other party gave an answer, and saw a flagpole raised in front of the cannon, but there was no flag, but it was helping a girl!

That girl must be what Luffy said about Sayu!


Facing the cannon muzzle that was tens of meters thick aimed at him, Sayou let out an exclamation!

"What a joke here!"

Manager Taro appeared in front of everyone sitting on the console!

"Do you know how much it cost to build the Onsen Island?"

Taro pulled the lever and lifted the cannon and fired a shot at the sea in the distance!

Cannonballs fall on the sea and make huge waves!

Then Taro aimed at Sayu again!

"Next time it's time to blow this girl up! I wanted you to unlock the secret of this notebook, but forget it, I'll do it myself! Give me the notebook or I'll bombard her!

The little girl who was lying on Luffy's back and called Lena shouted, "I'll give you notes, quickly return Sister Sayou to me!"


Sayu shouted, "Can't give it to him!" Bai

Yu yawned, what is this, to stage a bitter drama?

Bai Yu sighed and found a good recliner to lie down comfortably!

It turned out that the father of the little girl Sayou and Lena had been researching ways to make gemstones, leaving early and returning late, and caring much less for their daughter, and when the research was about to bear fruit, their father was targeted, and in order to protect the sisters, he lured away those guys!

Finally, give this notebook to the sisters and let them continue their research!

Sayou believes her dad a lot, but Lena says dad is a liar!

Finally, under Sayou's guidance, when she looked at the five-leaf clover in her notebook, Lena cried bitterly!

"Yes, you can achieve it by believing! Dad's dream will surely come true! I will never give you a notebook! "


Luffy smiled and said, "I'm going to do it!" "

You guys!"

Taro is directly going to shoot Sayou!

"Six Wheels of Flower!"

Robin directly activated the ability and directly controlled Taro!

"Look at me next! Chili bomb, bomb, bomb! "

Usopp raised his slingshot and fired at Thoro in a burst!

Bai Yu stood up and clapped his hands, "Leave it to me Sayou!" "

Bai Yu directly stepped hard, rushed directly to the flagpole, stretched out his hand and directly crushed the lock!

Taro, who was spicy and doubtful of life, still wanted to open fire, and Solon jumped on the chimney-like cannon with his sword!

"Three Dao Flow—Great Buddha Slash!"

Solon directly cut the chimney-like cannon into several segments!

White Feather jumped to Luffy with Sayu in her arms, and Lena jumped off Luffy and hugged Sayu tightly!

"Nice job!"

This guy Brooke was lying on the recliner where Bai Yu had just been lying, drinking cold drinks!

"You guys!"

Thoro struggled to press a red button!

The Hot Spring Island releases a lot of steam!

The entire Hot Spring Island began to vibrate, Robin dodged a fallen coconut tree, the fruit ability was lifted, and Tataro took the opportunity to turn the cut only a little cannon portion!

"Abominable straw hat boy, give me death!"


A shot directly pierced through the Hot Spring Island, and Luffy had already jumped up and dodged!

"Third gear—bone balloon!"

Luffy raised his legs high!

"Rubber giant tomahawk!"

Luffy's kick directly split the entire Hot Spring Island in half!

"Luffy, that guy is really messing around!"

White Feather grabbed Robin and Choba, and Solon jumped directly with Sister Sayu and Lena!

French has already driven the Miles of Sunshine!

However, Bai Yu vaguely seemed to see three familiar figures, as if they were Silver Foxi and them!

Luffy, who used up the third gear in the air, turned into a mini Luffy and touched his head!

"Oops, it will shrink after using this trick!"

Just as Luffy was about to fall into the sea, the Nine Lamas, Shouhe, and Isofu rushed out of the cracked Hot Spring Island, grabbed Luffy, and jumped onto the Sunshine!

Everyone stood on the deck of the Wanli Sunshine and watched the Hot Spring Island slowly sink to the bottom of the sea!

And just below that, there's an undersea volcano that looks like an X-shaped mark!

"What a big X-shaped mark, this is the submarine volcano that Dad drew on the map!"

Sayu and Lena recognized the mark at a glance!

Nami crossed her waist and shook her head, "Tsuro built this ship on the treasure he had been looking for for so long, but he didn't expect that the key secret was under his feet!" What a big! "

As submarine volcanoes come into contact with seawater, a large amount of steam is directly generated on the surface of the sea!

Then a rainbow appeared in the sky!

And it's still round!

"That's a round rainbow!"

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