In the restaurant, Brooke is washing dishes, and Sanji is making tea on the side!

"It's really a big help, with your help washing the dishes, I can easily make tea for Miss Nami!"

"As a partner of everyone, although I want to show myself in many places, I need to help with everything first! Whoops!

Brooke raised his head and was wiping the plate in his hand!

"Consciousness is high!"

Sanji took a cigarette and turned around with a tray, "Then I'll go and serve tea to Miss Nami first!" "

Sanji-sanji, where are these going to be placed?"

"Just put it over there!"

As soon as Sanji finished speaking, Brooke stepped on the foam on the ground with a stack of plates, slipped directly on his feet, his body kept shaking, and he was about to fall, and the plate in his hand was directly taken off!

"Don't panic!"

Sanji quickly stuffed the tray with the teacup and teapot to Brooke, and then a Thomas roundabout rolled up the plate, stood on one foot, and the left and right hands and arms were full of plates, and even two stacks on the right foot!

Fortunately, it was all caught!


"Great, you're big! You almost broke the plate!

Sanji also roared with a plate in his mouth!

"Then as a reparation, I'll go and serve tea to Miss Nami!"

Brooke took the tray and turned upstairs!

"Hey! Wait, I'll send it! "

Sanji can't wait to give Brooke this old six a kick!

"Boom! Boom!

"Miss Nami, your tea has arrived!"

"Please come in!"

Brooke pushed open the door and said, "Can I admire your panties?" "


"Can I give you a knife!"

The corners of Bai Yu's mouth twitched slightly, and the hand holding the knife trembled slightly!

Originally, Bai Yu thought that Brooke was carrying tea, it was difficult to open the door, and helped Brooke open the door, but Brooke pushed the door in and came in with this sentence!

"Ah! Mr. Shiraha, you are also there! Excuse me!

"It's okay, next life, ahem! Come on in!

Bai Yu turned sideways to let Brooke in, and then put away the travel album that had just been added and organized!

Nami is drawing a chart on a measuring table wearing glasses!

"I'm drawing charts!"

Brooke poured Nami a cup of tea and handed it over!

"Well, things have been less recently, hurry up and draw some!"

Nami took the teacup and took a sip!

"Miss Nami's dream seems to be to draw a map of the world!"

"That's right, after using my navigation skills to travel around all the world's oceans, draw a map of the world as you see it!"

"What a lofty ideal! If there is anything I can help with, just ask! Want another drink?

"Thank you! It's enough to have that heart!

Nami handed the cup to Brooke!

"Such a beautiful and modest Miss Nami! That's awesome!

"Really, it's that good!"

Brooke poured the tea directly overflowed without paying attention, and the teacup came out directly!

"Brooke, are you all right?"

"It's okay, I almost burned my finger! However, I don't seem to have skin that can be burned! Whoops!

"It's okay, ah! Chart! As

soon as Nami turned her head, she found that the freshly drawn chart was full of freshly sprinkled tea!

"It's me who is too careless! Don't worry, look at me! Brooke

took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped it on the chart!

"Look! It's already wiped clean!

"It's really been wiped clean!" It's too clean! "

The chart that Nami just drew was directly wiped out, and Nami ran away in an instant!

"I'll leave first!"

Bruker pushed open the door and ran away!

Solon, who was exercising with an overweight barbell in the small garden, and Bai Yu, who was practicing the art of flying thunder god, looked at each other, what happened to Brooke?

On the deck, Brooke grabs the explosive head and doubts life!

"In this way, I feel like I can't help anything!"

"Hey, Brooke!"

Just after breakfast, Luffy, who was holding two pieces of meat and nibbling, beckoned to him!

"The two of them seem to be doing something very interesting, do you want to come and see it!"

"Okay! Mr. Choba, what are you doing? Brooke

walked up to the foredeck and saw Joba sitting on the deck, with two pieces of cloth behind him filled with herbs!

Qiao Ba looked at the herbs behind him and said, "I'm taking advantage of the good weather to dry the herbs again!"

Luffy pointed at Franky and Usopp and said, "Oh, Brooke, Franky they're testing a new weapon!" "

Frankie and Usopp are surrounded by a new type of cannon!

Frankie poured a barrel of Coke into the fuel port and said, "This is a super long-range French cannon made using Coke energy!" Higher range and accuracy than the current cannon!

"And with my shooting skills, it's definitely going to be a big boost!"

Usopp gets in the driver's seat and pulls the lever!

"Wow cool wow cool! So excited, so excited!

Brooke raised his hand and said, "If there is anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to speak!"

French nodded, "Then help us get a bucket of Coke!"

"A piece of cake!"

Brooke turned and ran to the cabin, and in a moment a bucket arrived!

"Coke delivered, please instruct!"

"Very good, fall there!"

French pointed to the fuel fill, then checked the cannon with Usopp to get ready to fire!


Brooke put down the barrel and said, "Fill it up!"

"The target is that rocky reef!" Fire!

"Good! Look I'll pierce it right away! Launch! "

Usopp aimed at the reef and pushed the launch pole!

The air valve on the cannon began to move constantly, Luffy put down the meat and looked at the rock reef in front of him, and Choiba covered his ears!

However, the gas valve moved for a long time and then stalled, and nothing happened!

"Strange, Usopp, you put some more pressure!"


Usopp pulled the lever again, and the next moment the valve began to move wildly, and then the cannon began to leak steam!

"It doesn't seem to be right!"


French quickly pulled Usopp to dodge, and the next moment, the cannon directly blew itself up!


The cannon was directly blown to pieces, and the cola fuel in it was also scattered everywhere!

Usopp turned his head and said, "It's a complete failure!"


French was a little puzzled, obviously his design is fine!

"It seems salty!"

Luffy dipped his fingers in the Coke on his face and tasted it!

Hearing Luffy's words, Qioba also stuck out his tongue and licked the cola on his face!

"Coke seems to have something mixed in it!"

Brooke looked at the barrel in his arms and stretched out his hand to taste it!

"This is soy sauce! Well? Why are you all looking at me?

"Stop playing the fool! You brought the soy sauce bucket as a cola barrel!

"Ah, sorry! I took it wrong! It turned out to be a soy sauce barrel, I made a big mistake!

"No need to explain! You bastard! Frankie

rushed over, picked up the soy sauce bucket and started chasing Brooke!

"What do you mean by taking soy sauce! Having said that, let you take Coke here!

"Sorry, my fault!"

Franky chases Brook running all over the boat!

"Hahaha! This guy is so cute!

Luffy looked at Brooke and laughed, took a bite of meat stained with Coke and soy sauce and smiled, "Hmm! With cola and soy sauce, the meat tastes better! Bai

Yu looked at the noisy people here in the small garden and shook their heads with a smile!

"It's so energetic!"

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