"What the hell is going on!"

"How strange!"

"This can't work!"

"Isn't there one!"

"Usually at this time, they will jump up and tease the Nine Lamas!"

Luffy, Choba, Usopp, and the Nine Lamas, Shouhe are sitting on the side of the boat fishing!

But not a single one after so long!

Brooke carried the fishing net on the side and said, "Please be patient and wait a little longer!" On

the lawn deck behind them, Shiraha, Robin, Nami, and Sanji, Franky were drinking tea and eating senbei around a table!

Solon rests with a knife leaning against a tree on the side!


" Luffy looked up at Nami and coquettishly said, "Haven't you arrived at Fishman Island yet?"

Nami almost choked on Luffy's movement!

"It's really noisy! We are getting closer there!

"Fishman! Merman! "

Thinking of the mermaid he was about to meet, Yamaji's whole body floated!

The eyes become cautious, and the body twists around like seaweed!

"Beautiful mermaid! The mermaid I envision!

Solon glanced at the springy Yamaji, turned his head and continued to close his eyes!

"Ah! So boring! No fish!

Luffy was just about to throw away the rod when Melly floated up from the sea and circled Luffy twice!

"There are schools of fish, just ahead, I found it!"

"Really! Meili, you are amazing!

Usopp followed the direction Meili was pointing and found a large school of fish!


Choiba cocked his feet happily!

Brooke also held the fishing net and said: "Look, as long as you wait patiently, you will catch it!"

"Oh! It's coming this way! It's so fast! "

Luffy threw the rod off!

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe pinched their paws, ready to come with a big wave!

Nami stood up and came to the side of the ship, looked at the sky, and then looked at the sea below!

"Nami, are you going fishing too?"

Choiba took out a fishing rod and handed it to Nami!

Nami shook her head and said, "I always feel weird!" At

this time, the fish swam directly past the Wanli Sunshine, did not stop at all, and did not look at the special bait of Usopp on the rod!

"Wait! Fish!

Luffy waved the fishing rod in his hand, and finally waited for a long time, why did he leave like this!

"Stop me!"

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe were about to jump off immediately!

"Wait a minute!"

Nami quickly pulled the Nine Lamas and Shouhe!

At this time, the sky suddenly darkened, and a large dark cloud suddenly floated ahead!

Countless whirlpools suddenly appeared on the sea, enveloping the Wanli Sunshine!

"Everyone be careful!"

Nami quickly turned around and reminded, "It's a snake current!"

"What is a snake current?"

Qioba turned his head and just asked, and the next moment, a stream of ocean currents rushed out of the whirlpool, like a thick python, constantly twisting!

"Everyone, be careful! Pay attention to protect the Sunshine!

Bai Yu put down the teacup, stood up, and observed the surroundings!

Solon frowned, "This current is like it's alive!"

Frankie raised his head and looked at the sea of snakes writhing in the air and said, "This is really tricky!" "


"I see! Damn, the rudder can't move at all! Hearing

Nami's shout, Yamaji rushed directly to the rudder and held it tightly!


"Be careful!"

A sea of snakes rushed towards Choba, and Solon protected Choba behind him and pulled out his knife and rushed towards the snake current!

"You have to be careful! The internal injuries are not good, what can be done! Leave it to me! "

The Nine Lamas jumped up, protected Solon behind him, turned around and used his tail to disperse the serpentine current!

Solon turned his head and said, "Hey, what are you doing!" Take the helm!

Sanji took a cigarette and roared, "It's noisy! The currents are too strong! The rudder can't move at all! At

this time, several ocean currents rushed towards the Wanli Sunshine!

"Weapon left hand!"


"Fire Escape - Hao Fireball Technique!"

"Wind Escape - Sand Scatter Bomb!"

"Wine bottle dance music - serial hit!"

Brooke smashes the snake current and saves Usopp and Choba!

"Are you okay everyone?"

"Saved! It's okay!

Brooke turned his head to look at the sea of snakes rushing out of the sea and said: "Snakes, snakes that play, what a tasteful name!" Whoops!

Usopp cradled as he held the mast, "Is it time to admire!" Pay attention to your surroundings!

"Rubber—machine gun!"

Luffy stood on the head of the lion's head of the Sunshine, raised his fist and smashed all the snake currents that pounced on the Sunshine!

Usopp and Choiba held their masts and shouted, "How long will this current last!" It's too dangerous! "

Star Shield!"

Frankie's arms turned into shields to block two snake currents!

"Do you want to spray with the wind!"

Nami looked ahead with her binoculars and said, "No!" You can't see where the current breaks! Even if you use the wind to spray, you can't rush out!

Choiba shouted in despair, "Huh!! How so! It's scary here too!

"It's okay! Leave it to Iso! "

Bai Yu grabbed Isofu's tail and climbed out of the entrance of the water tank!

"Don't sleep! Sleep every day, get up and work! "

Uh-huh~ got it!"

Isofu stretched his waist, released Chakra to control the snake current, and the snake current rushing towards the Wanli Sunshine was all controlled by Isofu, and the two collided!

"Whoops! Let's play a song!

Brooke took out his violin and smiled: "At this time, you must cheer up and cheer up, no matter what kind of storm or ocean current!" Sooner or later it will subside, be patient!

"Okay! Brooke!

Luffy sat on the lion's head and clapped his hands, "Come on, come on!" "

In the current of snakes, the Sunshine sailed forward under the protection of Isofu, and there was a beautiful violin sound from the ship!

After a while, Bai Yu looked ahead and smiled!

"Everyone, look ahead!"

Everyone looked up and looked ahead, in front of them was the break of the snake current, and in front was the majestic red earth continent!


Luffy put his hand on the straw hat and laughed, "It's the Red Earth Continent!" "

Red Earth Continent!"

"Finally here!"

"It was also a storm!"

Luffy, Hakuba, Solon, Sanji, and Usopp looked at the Red Earth Continent in front of them, recalling the dream they had made on the Merley with their feet on a barrel!

"Red Earth Continent! See you again! "

Meili is floating around happily, although she didn't bring everyone here this time, she was happy enough to accompany everyone to see the Red Earth Continent!

Brooke sighed: "Fifty years later, I have seen the Red Earth Continent again!"

"Everyone get ready!"

Nami pointed to the stout snake current in front of her and said, "Isofu, control that current, let's ride it!" French is at the helm!


"Leave it to me!"

French pushed his sunglasses and said, "But is this really okay!"

"Of course it's fine!"

Nami smiled confidently, "Back then, on the empty island, we experienced more powerful, and this time there is Isofu!" "

Soaring currents? Hahaha!

Luffy smiled and said, "That time was really fun!" "

With the efforts of Isofu and French, the Miles of Sunshine was successfully boarded!

French grabbed the lever and said, "In this case, you can use the wind to spray over!"

Nami turned around and shouted, "Everyone, collect the sails!"


White Feather and Brooke jumped on the mast and put the sails away!

"The wind is blowing!"

With Frankie's shout, the Miles of Sunshine launched the wind to spray and directly rushed out of the snake current area!

"Hahaha! Finally here! "

Thousands of miles of sunshine is the towering red earth continent!

"It's so nostalgic! It's a lot of emotion! "

Along the way, everyone has grown a lot, and there are so many new partners!

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