"Already entered their base! Where are they in ambush?

Franky held his arm and looked out to the sky and the sea!

Bai Yu pointed to the sky and the sea and said: "Up and down, these guys are a little interesting, and the ambush is in place!"

"Luffy, or that's it..."

Before Usopp finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Luffy to cast a spell!

"You have a rescue plan!"

Usopp was a little crazy, they all went to people's houses, and there was an ambush, and they had to rush inside!

There is a cage hanging in the most conspicuous position in front of you, and inside the cage is Xiaoba!

"Hey, Xiaoba!"

Kemi waved and shouted, "Are you all right!" We're here to save you!

"Marcoro give me out!"

With Luffy behind him, Papagu also stood in front and shouted at the three not very smart fish-man combinations!

Xiao Ba, who was facing away from the entrance, slowly turned his head and saw the straw hat pirate flag fluttering in the wind!

"It's over, it's really the ship of the straw hat kid! Will be killed by that guy with different eyes! Damn it! "

Xiao Ba struggled hard, but the rope was tied too strong!

"Still can't do it! No way, that's it! Octopus ink! Xiao

Ba spit out ink upwards and dyed himself black!

At this time, the Miles of Sunshine had already sailed into the base of the Flying Fish Knights!

"Hey, what's that black one?"

"Still in a cage!"

French and Usopp discover the little eight in the cage!

"How come there is still an inner one!"

"Cough, don't talk nonsense, it's traditional farming tools!"

The Nine Lamas and Shouhe drank juice and pointed at the guys in the cage!

"Let me see!"

Kemi lay on the side of the ship and looked at it for a long time, wondering: "That should be Xiaoba!"

"It seems that the time has come at the right time, and there is no one!"

Papagu affirmed: "It must be tea time!"

"Are you serious!"

Usopp said frantically: "Bai Yu has already said that there is an ambush!" And even if Bai Yu doesn't say it, this situation can be seen as a trap!

"It turned out to be so! We didn't even find out!

Kemi and Papagu looked shocked!

"That's why you've been arrested so many times!"

Franky directly broke the defense, this master and apprentice are completely brainless!

"Hey, Kemi, I'm here, it's okay!"

The Miles of Sunshine stopped in front of the cage!

"Ah! Little eight! How are you pitch black all over, are you beaten! "

I'll be fine!"

Xiao Ba looked at Kemi and Papagu and hurriedly said: "By the way, this is a trap, you go quickly, don't worry about me!" You know, I'm strong! "

Luffy, Nami, Usopp and Sanji, Solon looked at Kohachi and touched his chin!

"Sure enough, listen to the sound, and that rare silhouette!"

Solon held the knife and turned his head, "Hey, Nami, what do you think!"

"A little suspicious!"

Nami touched her chin and looked at Bai Yu, who was sitting on the deck yawning, and said, "Looking at Bai Yu's appearance, it can basically be determined!" "

If it were usual, Bai Yu would have saved people at this moment, instead of the current appearance of not waking up!

"Just ask me!"

Sanji turned his head with a cigarette and shouted at Xiaoba: "Hey, is Aaron okay!" "

Huh? Aaron?

Xiao Ba turned his head and said, "Aaron was killed, Tweet and Croobi were all caught by the navy, so I escaped alone, and now I have opened the coveted takoyaki shop!" "


Luffy was stunned for two seconds before reacting, opening his mouth and shouting, "It's you!" Octopus Eight Eight! Along's octopus Xiaoba there turned out to be the owner of the takoyaki shop! "

Ah! It's over, it's over! Xiao

Ba reacted, and he accidentally said that he leaked his mouth!

"Little Eight?"

"Is that octopus mentioned in the logbook and travel album?"

Joba, Robin, and Franky and Brooke have all seen it, and they know what happened to Nami's hometown!

"If we knew it was you, we wouldn't have come to the rescue!" But, but!

Luffy hesitated!

"You, you, is the takoyaki you made really that delicious!"

Luffy oscillates between reason and appetite!

Caught in an endless tangle!

Kemi, who was naturally dumbfounded, was still a little excited: "Does everyone know Xiaoba!" Are you friends with Xiaoba!

Solon said with a kind face: "It's not a friend!" "


Looking at Solon, who suddenly changed his face, Kemi was taken aback!

Usopp waved his hand and said, "Drive the boat back!" "


Kemi turned her head and looked at Nami pleadingly!

"I'm sorry, Kemi!"

Nami sighed and held her forehead, "I didn't expect your friend to be this guy!"

"How come! Then you won't help me save him!"

Kemi's tears of sadness came out, after all, this was the only person she could find who could help herself!

Xiao Ba hurriedly said, "Kemi, you've done enough!" Let's go! This is a trap!

"No, I'm going to save you! It's Xiaoba who saves us every time! Now it's our turn to save you! Papagu!

"Here, wait for us, little eight!"

Kemi and Papagu jumped on the side of the boat and shouted, "I will never leave you alone!" Come on! "


Kemi and Papagu jumped straight down!

"Miss Kemi!"

Although Yamaji was a little worried, he didn't move, because there was only one person who decided whether to save Kohachi or not, that is, Nami!

Xiao Hachi can be regarded as Nami's accomplice in killing her mother's enemies!

Although he doesn't understand anything and just does what he is told, it is undeniable that he has done a lot of bad things!

Nami disagreed, not only Yamaji, but everyone would not make a move, because the matter of Koko Yasi Village has always been a scar in Nami's heart!

Bai Yu also knew that Xiao Ba's essence was not bad, and he could only say that he was following the wrong person!

Bai Yu got up and lay on the side of the ship and said, "Although it is a little natural, it is quite brave!" Knowing that there are traps to go!

Qioba was a little worried: "They won't be fine!"

Usopp shook his head and said, "She is so confident, there must be some countermeasure!" "

The next moment, the three fishmen directly grabbed Kemi and Papagu and surfaced!

"Hahaha! Caught Kemi!

"You're the only one who talks!"

Usopp broke the defense in an instant!

"Then we are rich!"

"Every time Xiao Ba who came to rescue you, he was also caught!"

"See what you do this time!"

Kemi yelled and struggled, but was tightly grabbed by Marcoro!

"All said let you go! Kemi, Papagu! "

Xiao Ba was tied up and could only keep hitting the iron cage and trying to rush out!

"I'll save you now! Kemi!

"Bastard, the lady is innocent!"

Yamaji was about to jump over with a cigarette, but Bai Yu pulled Yamaji and pointed at Nami with his chin, while Nami was watching Xiaohachi desperately hit the iron cage!

Nami looked at Xiao Ba's appearance and sighed, "Okay, let's save Xiao Ba too!" "


Everyone looked at Nami a little puzzled!

After all, Xiao Ba used to be a cadre of Aaron's gang!

"Xiao Ba, he's fine, he's actually a good person!"

Nami turned her head and said, "And if we don't make a move, we'll break the agreement with Kemi!" "

In fact, Nami also knows in her heart that Xiao Ba is one of the few good people in Along's group, after all, he has been in Aaron's gang for so many years, Xiao Ba's nature is actually Nami very clear!

The reason why I didn't want to save it before was just that I couldn't pass the hurdle in my heart!

But looking at Xiaoba's desperate appearance for Kemi, Nami felt that Xiaoba was still worth saving!

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