"Covenant, Joseph? How could you be in the mouth of a bread shark! Bai

Yu looked at the strange combination of one person and one shark and was stunned!

Isn't this goods and Solon Usopp and they go after Nami?

How did you come back for dinner?

Do you bring your own ingredients?

Pulling Joseph out of the bread shark's mouth, wrapping it in a blanket and handing a cup of hot tea, Joseph slowed down and said: "Big sister Nami hasn't caught up yet, I was accidentally brought back by that shark, but I can guess her destination from her course!"

Luffy sat on the ground and looked at Joseph, "Wouldn't that bring her back?"

"However, if our estimate is correct, her destination is an incredible place, in short, she needs the help of Big Brother Luffy and Big Brother White Feather!"

"Then hurry up and talk while walking on the boat!"

Bai Yu stood up with a thousand blades of the magic knife and struggled!

It's cool to open and hang for a while, and it's always cool to open and hang all the time!

But after Bai Yu opened this hanging, there is no way to ignore the sequelae for the time being, and it is a state of closure in a short time!

Joseph looked at Bai Yu and hesitated and spoke, "Brother Bai Yu, are you really okay?" And do you want to change your clothes!

"Ah, it's nothing, eat more, and slowly recover!"

Bai Yu looked down at his tattered clothes that had been cut by Hawkeye: "As for Yiyi's clothes, my family has been taken away by Nami, where are the clothes!"

"Well, without further ado, we'll go now!"

Luffy stood up, and Joseph put on his clothes and helped the titled White Feather to walk out!

"Wait a minute!"


Sanji leaned against the fence and lit a cigarette and stopped Luffy, "We all have stupid dreams!" I'm for my purposes, for All, Blue! "


Haku and Luffy turned their heads to look at Sanji!

Sanji looked at Luffy with a cigarette and said, "Just accompany you to break in!" That so-called One Piece's dream! I'll be the chef on your ship!" In the end, it will not work!

Luffy and Bai Yu were stunned for a moment, and then showed a happy smile!

"Okay! That's great! "

Luffy and Joseph are happy to have a chef!

Bai Yu almost fell to the ground without Joseph's support!

Fortunately, there is a magic knife thousand blades in your hand, you can pestle it!

"It was so nice to finally not have to cook! There will be delicious food to eat in the future! Sanji

said goodbye to everyone, and Chef Paddy wanted to continue acting, but unfortunately he was directly pierced by Sanji!

I already know you're acting, and it's terrible!

Uncle Jepp hugged his shoulders and looked at Sanji with satisfaction!

"You want me to go to sea even if you do this, stinky old man!"

"That's right, stinky boy, and I really hate imp heads! Especially you!

"Che, then enjoy the rest of your life! Stinky old man! On

Yamaji's boat, Shiraha sits on the deck and rests against the bow, and Luffy takes a big backpack to collect food with the chefs, seemingly preparing to pack up even the human refrigerator!

Uncle Jepp was going to give Luffy his one-year logbook on the Great Voyage, but Luffy decisively refused!

One is that this is Uncle Jep's precious memories, and the other is that Luffy is confident that he does not need the help of a logbook!

In Sanji's room, Yamaji packed up his belongings and kitchen utensils, and looked through each room of the sea restaurant Barati!

This is a good memory of him and Uncle Jep!

But what he didn't know was that Bai Yu had just asked the shadow doppelganger to take pictures of all this place!

Standing in the hall, Sanji remembered the days when he opened a shop with Uncle Jepp to cook, and remembered what he once said to him!

"No matter what kind of person, even the big bad, as long as someone comes to this store hungry, we have to provide them with food, after all, we know how desperate hunger is!"

Uncle Jepp was also lying on the small bed in his room, looking at the leaky wall and thinking about the bits and pieces of being with Sanji as a child, this store started from scratch, and Yamaji accompanied him all the way!

Yamaji slowly walked out of the door of the sea restaurant Bharati with his suitcase and backpack, and looked at Shiraba and Luffy on the boat.

After kicking over Chef Paddy and Chef Carl, who were about to beat up Osamu before parting, they slowly walked towards the boat!

"Let's go!"

Luffy and Bai Yu looked at Yamaji and asked, "Don't you need to say hello?"

Sanji smiled and said, "No need!

Just as Yamaji put his belongings on the ship and was about to board the boat, Uncle Jepp lay on the railing on the second floor and looked at Yamaji's back and said, "Sanji, don't catch a cold!" "

At that moment, Sanji instantly broke the defense!

Bricks straight into the eyes!

Over the years, since Uncle Jepp saved Yamaji, the two have been living together, not father and son are better than father and son!

Uncle Jepp is the father to Yamaji!

Although Yamaji usually takes a bite of a smelly old man, he really respects Uncle Jepp in his heart!

"Daddy Jep!"

Sanji burst into tears, turned around and knelt down in the direction of Uncle Jepp and shouted, "For a long time, I really have been taken care of by you!" I will never forget your teachings to me! Uncle

Jepp looked at Sanji and smiled, and tears flowed unconsciously!

The chefs of the sea restaurant are also crying, and they are also reluctant to Yamaji!

Uncle Jepp wiped his eyes and shouted, "A bunch of silly boys! Men are going to leave silently!

Sanji wiped his tears and got on the boat!

"Gone! Sail!

Luffy stood on the bow of the boat and shouted with his hands raised!

Sanji came to the stern of the ship and waved goodbye to everyone at the sea restaurant!

"Everyone take care of your body! See you next time! "

Bai Yu was lying on the deck, rushing to the stern like a bug, and took a picture with great effort!

Although my body is still very sore, this experience is another unforgettable memory!

Uncle Jepp stood on the second floor looking at the distant boat and smiled!

"As long as there is a belief that you are not even afraid of death! You will definitely find All, Blue! "


On the sea, the sun is just right, and the breeze is not dry!

Bai Yu looked at Joseph, who was stunned, and said, "Joseph, now let's talk about it, where did Nami go!"

Luffy heard Bai Yu's words, and also ran to Joseph's side and asked, "Yes, where is Nami?" "

As soon as I heard Nami's name, Yamaji this guy instantly entered the idiot mode again!

"Miss Nami? Just thinking of her beautiful appearance, I feel so happy! I really want to see her soon!

Joseph hesitated after looking at Bai Yu, who had not yet eased up his pale face, and Luffy and Sanji on the side, and finally slowly spoke.

"The direction where Big Sister Nami is going is that Aaron's territory! That powerful guy with a terrible bounty of 20 million Bailey!

"He's a fishman from the Great Voyage! Now reigns over twenty towns! He is really scary! Very strong! "

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