"What's wrong, what an incredible thing you did! Who the hell is that old man!

Usopp hid behind a chair and looked at Reilly!

"Hey, you guys who almost turned into slaves!"

Frankie lowered the white feather from his back and threw the key in his hand to those who had been auctioned before!

"The buyers have fled, so run now!"

Reilly jumped off the auction stand and walked towards Xiaoba!

"Just let so many people fall in an instant, this old man will not be a capable person! Also say Straw Hat or something, Luffy, is he someone from you?

Usopp turned to look at Luffy!

"I don't know him either, really!"

Luffy thought for a long time and found that he really didn't know this grandfather!

Xiao Ba said weakly, "That's the so-called domineering!" Although I don't know very well!

"When it comes to domineering, you should ask Bai Yu, he understands better!"

Solon put the knife into its sheath and looked at the white feather!

"Well, the previous one is overlord-colored domineering, it is born, and only one person with overlord-colored domineering will appear among millions of people!"

Bai Yu looked at everyone and continued to explain: "As for taking off the explosive collar, it is the highest level of armed color domineering application, I can only do hardening now, and I am about to touch the outer release, in addition to these two, there are entanglements and internal destruction!"

Sanji nodded with a cigarette, "So that's the case, so the collar just now was destroyed from the inside?" "

Oh? It seems that the little brother with different pupils knows a lot!

Reilly glanced at Bai Yu and said, "These things are not things that should be known in the first half of the Great Voyage!"

Bai Yu touched his head with a smile and said, "It's okay!" Just know a little more!

"You should be the white feather of the Straw Hat Pirates!" Not bad!

Renly raised his head and looked at the lively Law and Kidd, and they said, "Are you pirates here to visit?" Being able to resist my attack unscathed does not seem to be a nobody!

"I didn't expect to see such a big man here!"

Kidd looked at Reilly and said, "Hades, Sirbaz Reilly!" Why are the legendary people here!

"People on this island call me Lao Lei, a coating craftsman, don't call me by my name easily, I'm old and want to live a stable life!"

Reilly came to Xiao Ba's body and squatted down: "This injury can't be killed!" Xiaoba, I warned you not to walk around this island before!

"I'm sorry!"

"Forget it!"

Renly looked up at Luffy and said, "Thank you for saving my friend!" And you too!

Renly looked at Scorpion and Deidara!

"Although you made a big fuss on the island a few years ago, so that I didn't go out for months, but for your sake, forget it!"

The scorpion and Deidara nodded slightly and did not speak, and Bai Yu wiped the sweat on his forehead!

Yes, that's right, they did it!

None of my business!

"That old man!"

Luffy looked at Renly and said, "You just said you've wanted to see me for a long time, what's going on?"

"I'll talk about this later!"

Reilly got up and said, "The first task now is to break through!" "

At this time, outside the auction hall, the navy was already surrounded by a group, and they also brought a lot of heavy weapons!

"The prisoners are listening to me, immediately release the Rozwald holy family! The general will be here soon! I advise you to surrender obediently, especially the Xiao Organization! If you dare to hurt the hostages again, you will receive the harshest sanctions! Hearing

the shouts outside, Luo shook his head!

"We were involved and treated the same as them!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Kidd hugged his arm and said, "I saw the rumored madness of Straw Hat Luffy today!" I don't hate you, but I don't want to go head-to-head with the general right now!

"That's right!"

Reilly raised his head and said, "My power will not be used anymore, so I will leave it to a few of you, if it is exposed in front of the navy, I will be in trouble!"

"I don't plan to be sheltered by the old man, the longer it drags on, the more troops!" I'll go first!

Kidd smiled and waved his hand and turned to walk outside!

"Help you by the way! I'll deal with it clean outside! Rest assured! As

soon as Kidd's words fell, Luo and Luffy changed their faces at the same time, and chased after them with an unhappy look!

"All said nothing about you!"

"I'm bored! I said I'm coming!

"Go aside!"

"Kill the noise, shut up!"

"Don't order me!"

Luffy, Kid and Ro are three guys who are talking and walking outside!

"Let's prepare to break through next!"

Bai Yu handed the Magic Blade Thousand Blade to Robin and said, "You guys leave first, the general is coming, I'll attract firepower first and buy you time!" "

Except for the Straw Hats, everyone else doesn't understand what White Feather means!

Nami was a little worried: "Bai Yu, can you really be alone?"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't forget my ability, if I can't drag it out, I'll run straight away!" "

White feather!"

Robin looked at Bai Yu and said, "Then you have to be careful!"

"Don't worry, no problem!"

Solon and Sanji nodded and didn't say anything, because they knew Hakuha's abilities and knew that Hakuba would not be in danger before agreeing!

And the generals, no matter which one comes, even if they have become much stronger now, they will not be the opponents of the generals!

"Then let's prepare to break through!"

Reilly carried Xiao Ba on his back and said, "I can't make a move, so I'll leave it to you!"

"No problem, leave it to us!"

Frankie carries Kemi and Papagu, Solon, Sanji and Usopp on their backs and they are ready for battle!

Scorpion and Deidara didn't speak, just quietly tied up the three Draco!

Bai Yu stood in place and took out the beautiful pupil from his arms and put it on himself!

"What a bunch of confused guys!"

"I think you can't figure it out!"

Outside the auction house, Luffy, Kidd, and Law looked at the navy in front of them!

Luffy took a step forward and squeezed his fists, "You two back off!" "


Kidd hugged his arm and said, "Hear no, I told you both to back off!"

"You're ordering me to try it!"

Luo raised his hand and said, "I'll start with you, Eustace!"

"Ready to shoot!"

The navy raised their guns and pointed them at Luffy and the three of them!

"All three of them are captains, Monchi D. Luffy of 300 million Bailey! Eustace Kidd of 315 million Bailey! Trafalgar Rowe of 200 million Bailey!

"Leave it to me!"

"Let me have fun!"

"I'm enough alone!"

Kidd, Law and Luffy are still arguing about who shot!

"Everyone be careful, according to intelligence, there are also 298 million Bailey's white feathers, as well as the pirate hunter Solon with a bounty of more than 100 million, the tailed beast Nine Lama, and the killing warrior Kira!"

"Mortar, fire!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

In the face of the flying shells, Luffy directly bounced back with a rubber balloon!

Kidd just stretched out his hand and the shells flew straight back!

Luo used the ability to create a semi-circular transparent barrier, and with a wave of the knife and then a finger, a navy's head directly swapped positions with the shell, and the navy who lost its head was still alive!

"Everyone be careful, those three people are all capable people!"

"Don't be afraid, mortars are ready to fire!"

The mortar squad is aiming again and ready to attack!

Kidd stopped in front of Law and Luffy with open hands!

"Don't make a move either of you, it will only get in the way!"

Luo turned his head and said unpleasantly: "I should have said, don't order me!"

As a result, the two turned their heads again, and Luffy had already rushed over!

"Leave it to me!"

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