"Hey! White feathers, when are we on? Sun

Wukong glanced at the white feather standing above the head of the Nine Lamas!

"Wait a minute, the situation is not quite right!"

Bai Yu frowned!

Uncle Kuzan's move is very wrong!

Although freezing the whitebearded boats in the bay makes them targets, it also gives them a foothold to charge!

It is clear that this move is wrong, and the best thing is to surround them and then gather fire, but there is no reaction to this wrong move, but instead let the navy hedge against the whitebeard pirate group on the ice field!

Engage in brutal hand-to-hand combat!

This is definitely problematic!

The biggest possibility is to prepare a big pit for the Whitebeard Pirates!

At this time, the pirate ships under Whitebeard began to shell the warships on the periphery of Marin Fandor!

Just as the shell was about to land on the warship, a slash slashed through, and the shell was neatly cut in half!

Lieutenant General Squirrel landed on the ground and put his knife into its sheath, and by his side were Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, Lieutenant General Stoloberg, and Lieutenant General Dauberman!

They who were severely injured by Bai Yu last time have recovered from their injuries, and now they are the backbone of the pirate group under Whitebeard!

And even Vice Admiral Tsuru came, and the vice admirals of the naval headquarters appeared at this moment!

"The vice admirals of the Navy headquarters have appeared!"

"I've never seen so many lieutenant generals gathered together! Even the Demon Slayer Order can't compare to this lineup!

"But the opponents are Daddy and us!" This lineup is also deserved! Hahaha!

Looking at those vicious pirates, Lieutenant General Burning Mountain turned his head and said, "Granny He, go to the back!"

"That's right!"

Lieutenant General Gumir said, "We'll leave it to us to clean up here, and you can go to the rear and drink tea slowly!"

Grandma Crane hugged her arm and said, "Don't be handsome, smelly boys!" Even if I retreat to the end of the sea, there will be no safe place!

Bai Yu looked at Granny Crane and turned her head and instructed: "If you go up in a while, stay away from that Mother-in-law He, it's the old woman who is holding her arm!"

Shouhe turned his head and said, "Bai Yu, you are familiar with her?"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Very familiar, and very powerful!" If you don't single out the real thing, you may not be able to beat Granny He! So it's better to stay away from her! "


At this moment, the pirate group under Whitebeard docked their ships on the ice field, brandishing their weapons and rushing towards the direction of the bay, and there was a big battle with the vice admirals who blocked the attack in front!

At this moment, there are two places on the battlefield, one is that the headquarters of the Whitebeard Pirates is rushing towards the shore of Marin Fandor in the bay, and the other is that the pirate group under Whitebeard is outside the bay, rushing towards the inside of the bay, trying to converge and attack together!

Hand-to-hand combat is the most brutal!

The sound of gunfire and shouts of killing is deafening!

From the sky, two torrents of crowds collided violently!

Flames, gunsmoke, blood, stump, every second a large number of people fell on the battlefield, and every second seemed to be extended to the limit!

The entire battlefield reverberated with bloody and furious fighting, and there were hoarse screams, more rumbling cannons and screams of gunshots across the sky!

This is the brutal war!

The Sengoku on the execution table and the whitebeard on the Moby Dick looked at each other, and no one moved!

This is a battle between soldiers and generals, emperors against marshals!

Bai Yu closed his eyes!

Like Karp, Bai Yu's heart is also suffering!

He wanted to make a move, but looked at the Sengoku grandfather on the execution table, and looked at the uncles who were fighting on the front line!

Bai Yu was very hesitant!

However, unlike Karp, Bai Yu's identity is a pirate!

He can shoot as long as he wants!

And Karp has no way to save Ace!

It is the best option for him to stand by and not participate in the war!

But Karp is saddled with justice!

Bai Yu is hesitating, waiting for the opportunity, facing a dilemma!

Bai Yu clenched his fists!

What would he do if it was Luffy?

That guy must only have Ace in his eyes, no need to think about it, no need to dwell on other things!

One by one!

Bai Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head!

Being simple-minded may not be a bad thing sometimes!

And at this time, someone in the Qiwu Sea, who thought he was coming to paddle, moved!

Mihawk pulled out his black knife and took a step forward!

Borusalino looked at Mihawk and pulled out his knife and said: "This is really rare~"

Sakaski also looked at Mihawk below!

"That Hawkeye, who goes his own way, actually wants to go to war?"

Doflamingo turned his head and said, "Why, are you going up?"

"Just go give it a try, the man in front of you!"

Mihawk's eagle-like eyes stared at Whitebeard!

"How far is it from us!"

Mihawk's action of drawing the knife attracted most of the attention!

Because he is the number one swordsman in the world!

The sword he swung casually was a height that most swordsmen could not reach in their lifetimes!

Mihawk aimed at Whitebeard and raised the black knife in his hand to swing forward!

A turquoise flying slash instantly appeared and slashed towards Whitebeard!

In the face of the oncoming slash, Whitebeard stood at the bow of the boat and just watched quietly!

The turquoise flying slash slashed through the ice field, leaving deep scratches, and everything that stood in its way was mercilessly cut off!


A strong man with dark skin, burly figure, and armor blocked the front of the slash, gritted his teeth, and raised his arms up forcefully!

The turquoise slash was forcibly changed by him and rushed towards the sky!

Mihawk was a little surprised!

The whitebeard looked down at the strong man and smiled!

Because that's his family, his son, Diamond Joz!

"Block, block!"

"The world's number one slash!"

The ice dust dispersed, and the navy looked at the guy who blocked the world's first swordsman's slash in shock!

"That's it, captain of the third team! Diamond Joz! "

Most of Joz's body turned into diamonds, and under the sunlight, the whole person was Bringbling!

Mihawk and Joz looked at each other, put away the black knife, and carried it on his back!



The Nine Lamas touched his chin and said, "If there is a man who can make Nami scream uncontrollably and take the initiative to give her a hug, it must be this guy!"

Shouhe nodded and said, "Definitely, this guy is very expensive at first glance!"

"Don't be poor!"

Bai Yu stared at the miserable battlefield looking for something!

"What about Uncle Kuzan? Where did he go to fish again? Say hello and disappear? Ace

looked at the tragic battlefield in front of him and gritted his teeth!

One familiar figure after another fell to save himself!

"It's really stupid, do you want to break through head-on?"

Sengoku looked at the battlefield, raised the phone worm in his hand, and gave the combat order!

"Shell the troops, aim at enemy ships, as well as pirates in the rear! The front-line soldiers blocked it with all their might, and they must not be allowed to board the square! "


The heavy artillery turned its muzzle and slammed into the pirate ships under Whitebeard who had not yet landed on the ice field and the pirates who landed on the ice field!

The pirates rushed forward under artillery fire and suffered heavy losses!

And on the ice field in the bay, the battle situation is scorching, but the naval side is in a weak position!

The lieutenant generals of the backbone are blocking the pirate group under Whitebeard, and on the ice field in the bay, the backbone is not enough!

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates slammed into a group!

Completely rely on the number of people to block!

At this time, someone stood up again under the execution table!

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