"Hmph hahaha! Interesting! So much fun!

Doflamingo looked at the white feather hidden in the black robe and stuck out his tongue pervertedly!

"I thought it was! The package is so tight! I recognize you, white feathers! Hahaha! I didn't expect that the grandson of the Admiral Sengoku also came, it seems that you want to save the fire fist Ace? It's so much fun!

"Interesting! And even more interesting! "

White Feather held the Magic Knife Thousand Blades, turned on the Thunder Chakra mode, and slashed towards Doflamingo with a blue electric arc around his body!

I don't want to hurt the navy, but you are a seven-armed sea, I specially hit you without a little psychological pressure!

"Who is that guy!"

"Actually blocked Doflamingo's attack!"

"Abominable, can't judge his identity!"

"It's so tightly hidden!"

The white feather that suddenly appeared attracted the attention of most people!

Because he blocked the attack of Nanabu Sea, Doflamingo, and also pulled out his knife and slashed at Doflamingo!

And this guy who suddenly appeared is still hidden in his robe, it's hard not to attract attention!

But little Oz didn't have the energy to pay attention to the battle at his feet!

Little Oz, who was already confused, propped up one hand to the square, and reached out to Ace on the execution table with the other!

"It's almost there! Ace, wait a little longer! That's not it! Ace

looked at little Oz, his eyes moist!

"Doflamingo's bastard actually wants to damage Oz's body! This guy's body is what I want!

Moria's shadow instantly grew larger, and his hands waved upwards!

"Shadow Mage! Come on! Shadow Horn Gun!

Moria's shadow instantly transformed into countless small bats, and then converged to form a shadow spear, directly penetrating Oz's chest!

"Oz !!"

Ace gritted his teeth and clenched his fists!

"I, I'll save you!"

Little Oz kept bleeding from his mouth, gasping for breath, and little by little stretched out his hand towards Ace on the execution table!

"Ai... This! "

Just a little, little Oz can touch the execution table, but little Oz also lost consciousness and kept that position motionless!

"Hey, hee-hee! Look at that! To kill him so beautifully!

Moriah raised his hand and laughed!


As Ace shouted again, Oz, who had lost consciousness, took a breath again, his eyes were blurry, and the stopped hand trembled and reached out to Ace again!

"Ai, Ace, just a little!"

"Doflamingo! Lao Tzu doesn't have time to play with you here! If you dare to stop me, I will you in a moment! White

Feather looked back at Little Oz, and Doflamingo stretched out his hands, hooking countless transparent and tough threads, blocking White Feather!

"Hahaha! Interesting! I've heard about you! Is that special ability of yours a devil fruit or is it your own?

Doflamingo stuck out his tongue and licked it: "And your eyes, I am very interested in you!"

"Kan Nima! Nine Lamas! "

White Feather took the knife and turned and rushed towards Oz!

"Oh? By exposing your back to me, are you looking down on me? Five-color line!

Doflamingo frowned, his fingers took the pose of a beast claw, and five almost transparent silk threads appeared on his hand to grab the white feather!

The silk thread that resembles piano wire is enough to cut or even cut off the opponent's body!

But the next moment, Doflamingo turned his head sharply, and the five-color line swung back!

In the thick fog of the open sea, a pitch-black tailed beast jade shot out of the fog!

The target is directed at Doflamingo!

The tailed beast jade roared all the way to Doflamingo, and the wave of air set off by the battlefield directly swept away the pirates and navy who were fighting!

Doflamingo's five-color thread did not resist directly, and it was instantly melted!


With a loud bang, the tailed beast jade smashed directly on Doflamingo, followed by a big explosion!

The one on the outer edge of the square was blasted out of a big hole!

The wave of qi set off made the already weak little Oz shake!

But little Oz still tenaciously stretched out his hand to Ace on the execution table!

"Ai, Ace!"

Little Oz finally reached the limit, and the hand that reached out in front of Ace slowly fell down!

"Big man, hold me on! You've done enough! Leave it to me next! Bai

Yu stretched out his green glowing hand and pressed it on Little Oz!

Then, clench the magic knife thousand blades and rush forward along the slowly falling arm of little Oz!

Little Oz's blurry eyes saw the white feather rushing forward along his arm!

Although I don't know who it is, it must have come to save Ace!

"Ai, Ace, please..." Little

Oz braced his arms to provide the final springboard for White Feather!

When Bai Yu jumped towards the execution table, little Oz finally couldn't hold on anymore!

The huge body crashed to the ground and lay on the square!

"Oz !!"

Ace's tears could no longer be stopped, and he directly burst out of his eyes!

"Now is not the time to be sad! Ace! I'm here to save you! "

White Feather stretched out his hand towards Ace!

Just let me touch, just let me touch!

Ace was saved!

"White feather!"

Ace saw the face of the white feather under the hood!

Again sad and shocked!

It's sad because little Oz fell, and the shock is that I didn't expect Bai Yu to appear here!

"White feather! You brat! "

Warring States looked at Bai Yu and his pupils shook!

How could you be here!

Sengoku's raised hand hesitated the moment he saw Bai Yu!

This gave Bai Yu a chance!

However, at the moment when he was about to meet Ace, Borusalino, who had been touching fish, turned into a light and appeared!

"How could I let you touch..."

Borusalino was also stunned when he saw Bai Yu's, but his feet didn't stop!

The lightspeed kick that did not release water and did not have time to collect the force kicked violently on Bai Yu's back!


Bai Yu was directly smashed into the square, and a big pit was directly smashed out of the square!

"Ahem! Just a little! Bai

Yu coughed up two mouthfuls of blood and slowly got up from the pit!

Raise your head and look in the direction of the execution table!

The black robe of ordinary material on Bai Yu's body was directly shattered!

"Who is that guy!"

"That is, that is the white feathers of the Straw Hat Pirates! A supernova with a bounty of 298 million!

"How could he be here!"

At this moment, the audience was stunned!

The whitebeard side looked at the fallen little Oz!

And most of the middle and senior generals on the naval side looked at the white feathers in the deep pit of Marin Fandor Square!

Only Moriah, who is concentrating on his career, is excited!

The Shadow Horn Gun turns into a small shadow bat and returns to Moria's shadow!

"Hey, hee-hee! With this guy's corpse, you can create the strongest zombie soldier again!


Whitebeard looked at Oz who had fallen to the ground with a calm face!

"Flaws are exposed! Whitebeard! "

Vice Admiral Ronz of the Giant Race raised his double-edged big axe and slashed at Whitebeard!

Whitebeard didn't turn his head but just swung his fist to the left, and the atmosphere was shattered again!

The angry whitebeard smashed the double-edged axe with just one punch, then grabbed Vice Admiral Lonz's helmet and slammed the helmet head into the bow of the ship, and then slammed into the power!

The helmet was instantly shattered, and Lieutenant General Longz directly bled out, and then was thrown out by Whitebeard!

"Lieutenant General Longz!"

"Unexpectedly, I was knocked down by one blow!"

Everyone looked at this scene in shock!

Whitebeard single-handedly overturned a lieutenant general of the Giant Clan!

He is worthy of being the strongest man in the world!


Whitebeard looked at Oz who fell to the ground, and clenched the big knife Cong Yun Cut hard!

"Step on Oz!"

The Whitebeard Pirates, led by the captains, stepped on Oz and rushed towards Marin Fandor Square!

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