"Hey, uncle!"

Luffy turned to Whitebeard and said, "I just heard the communication from the warship..." Bucky

looked at Luffy waving his arms and shouted, "That brainless!" Just get killed by Whitebeard like that! Idiot, idiot!

Ivankov looked at Luffy and sighed: "How much guts this must be, it really deserves to be his son!"

Whitebeard looked at Luffy and frowned, "Advance the execution of Ace?" Is that really what you said?

Luffy crossed his waist and looked up at Whitebeard, "Say what preparations to do first, the rest is said in code, I don't know what it means!" Because we all want to save Ace, that's why we told you!


Whitebeard looked in the direction of the execution table and said, "This is indeed very important information!" I'm sorry!

Luffy crossed his waist and said, "It's okay, don't take it to heart!" "

Bucky, Ivankov and the third brother were shocked again!

"Why can that guy talk to Whitebeard on an equal footing!"

Normal people don't even have the courage to stand in front of Whitebeard!

Luffy is not only okay, but he also has an equal conversation with Whitebeard!

"Okay! Then I'll be on! Ace! I'm here to save you!

Luffy roared, jumped off the boat and rushed forward!

Bucky said frantically, "Where does he get his confidence!" "

Following Luffy all the way, Bucky still hasn't figured out Luffy's brain circuits!

"Hey, little imp with different eyes, aren't you on it?"

Whitebeard looked at the white feather in front of him!

"Above, that intelligence is likely to be used to deliberately provoke you to speed up your attack! I have a hunch that Grandpa Sengoku dug a big hole for you! But I don't know the specifics!

Bai Yu raised his head and looked at the white beard and said, "You guys better be careful, I don't want you to be destroyed before you rescue Ace!"

"Is it Yang Mou? Goo la la!

Whitebeard looked in the direction of the execution table and said, "It's worthy of being a Warring States!" No matter what, we're going to save Ace! Even knowing that there is a trap ahead! However, I still have to thank you for the reminder of this little imp with different eyes!

"If only you knew it yourself!"

White Feather jumped off the Moby Dick with a magic knife and a thousand blades in his hand and chased after Luffy!

"Rubber-rocket launcher!"

Luffy stretched his arms back and then jerked forward, and a large group of navies were knocked away!

"Dodge, dodge!"

"Is that Ace's brother?" We can't lose to that kid!

Joz turned and waved, "Third team, charge!"

"Let's go too!"

Jinping and Ivankov also moved!

Behind them is a group of rookie shemales armed with weapons!

The captain of the 14th team held up his riding gun and shield and shouted: "Team 14, let's go and spell out a bloody road!"

"Yes! Captain Kiel!

"Nine Lamas, Shouhe! You guys come in! "

White Feather followed Luffy with a weapon in hand, using the back of a knife to fight one navy after another!

"Got it!"

The two big bibiels, the Nine Lamas and Shouhe, repelled several lieutenant generals who blocked them, turned back into juvenile bodies, and rushed towards the bay!

Only the Nine Lamas and Shouhe mastered the armed color, and the lazy man of Isofu has only been able to have four styles in six by now!

Only two of them can briefly withstand the general's attack and counterattack!

Lieutenant General Burning Mountain and Lieutenant General Daubman were about to continue intercepting after they were repelled, but they were picked up by Bull Ghost and King Mu!

And then, still pull each other!

At this time, those lieutenant generals changed their faces and finally realized that these guys were really powerful!

A tailed beast must be contained by at least three lieutenant generals, and there is a risk of being defeated!

And the Nine Lamas and the Guardian Crane need at least five lieutenant generals for one tailed beast!

Almost all the vice admirals of the navy gathered at the head of the bay, and those vice admirals of the giant race who were beaten down by little Oz and were not too badly injured also got up and rushed towards the brigade, Sun Wukong, and them!

Sengoku looked at Luffy, who was charging with white feathers, with a calm face, and said, "Can such a little ghost boost their morale!" But there will be no effect on combat!

Sengoku raised the phone worm and waved, "Don't panic, follow the instructions!"

"That bastard in the Warring States, are you saying that there is no need to observe any execution time with the pirates?"

Whitebeard looked at the Sengoku on the execution table!

"So what preparation is the key!"

At this time, Marko returned here and told Whitebeard the intercepted news!

"I heard! Skuyard what about them?

"At the head of the bay, the lieutenant generals got into a bitter battle!"

Marko looked in the direction of Wantou and said, "Although those big guys share a large part of the pressure, they still can't rush in for a while!" Daddy, I'll support them!

"No, wait a minute! It seems that the boy with different pupils is right, let us get the news and want us to be anxious!

Whitebeard looked at the Sengoku on the execution table and said, "This kind of mistake that let us get the news, that guy will definitely not make it!" He is such a man! At

this time, the pirates on the white-bearded side in the bay have rushed to the edge of the square!

Just as they were climbing up, a beam of light suddenly appeared, and immediately after Borusalino suddenly appeared, flying up and kicking them away!

"Yes, it's a flash kick!"

"That's a yellow ape!"

The general Yellow Ape Borusalino is off again!

"Less give me smugness, how can I let you break through so easily!"

"You are, in Chambord!"

Luffy looked at Borusalino in front of him!

"If I don't catch you, Draco will come to annoy me every day!" Straw Hat Luffy! "

Borusalino raised his legs and the cross light flashed!

"It's going to be dead! Straw hat kid, get out of the way!

"Not good! Flash away! "

Bai Yu quickly rushed out from behind Luffy, and the magic knife thousand blades covered with armed color domineering directly slashed forward!

"White feather!"

"Leave it to me!"


The moment the big explosion occurred, Bai Yu quickly made a one-handed seal!

"Fire escape—the fire is extinguished!"

Two waves of power hedge against each other and cancel each other out!

"Oh~ blocked it?"

Borusalino turned around and kicked again, the target was still Luffy!

"Death wink!"

Ivankov winked, and a shock bounced Luffy away in advance!


"Thousand Blade Flying Star!"

Bai Yu turned around and the magic knife thousand blades slashed towards Borusalino, and the moment he cut out, the magic knife thousand blades turned into countless fragments, covered with armed color domineering and flew towards Borusalino!

Borusalino stepped back, opened the distance, stretched out his hand towards the white feather, and released the laser ray!


The Nine Lamas and Shouhe blocked in front of Bai Yu!

Luffy got up from the ground and looked at Ivankov!

"Good risk! Thank you, little Ivan!

Ivankov raised his hand and said excitedly: "My mission is to protect your life!"

At this time, Bucky, who was blown by the explosion wave, subconsciously raised his hand and said with tears: "Don't! I really want to go home! "

Captain Bucky!"

"What you just said is unbelievable!"

Bucky opened his mouth wide and realized that he had said the wrong thing!

These younger brothers under him are basically more powerful than him, and each of them is more notorious than him!

Being able to be the boss is entirely because of various strange misunderstandings and their Dihua!

Let them be convinced that they are a big guy!

Just as Bucky was thinking about how to round over, a little brother clenched his fists and said excitedly: "You said that you want to make him unable to eat and go, is it true!"

"It's really worthy of the legendary crew!"

"Don't be afraid of the Great General Yellow Ape in the slightest!"

Only the third brother is sober in the world!

"Have your ears been deafened by hope?"

Along the way, the third brother found that these notorious guys obviously have bad ears, and the brain is not fully developed, and the cerebellum is not developed at all!

It is estimated that he has been in the Advance City for a long time!

It's not normal anymore!

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