"Victory! The Navy won!


"The Whitebeard Pirates have been defeated!"

"The war is over!"

"Long live the Navy! Long live the world government! "

The cheers resounded through the Chambordi Islands, and although the process was tortuous, both Fire Fist Ace and Whitebeard died, the Whitebeard Pirate Group was defeated, and the vicious Blackbeard Pirate Group also retreated!

This result is worth celebrating for them!

Because the navy, which represents justice in their hearts, did not lose!

At this moment, the headquarters of the Navy began to broadcast the notice of victory to naval branches around the world!

"Happened in the war between our naval headquarters in Marin Fandor against the Whitebeard Pirates, suffering the stubborn resistance of the Whitebeard Pirates! The battle lasted for a long time, but with the soldiers of the naval headquarters full of a sense of justice, the notorious Whitebeard Pirate Group and the pirate group under his command were all defeated! The complete victory of the Navy is hereby advertised! "

The navies of all branches heard the radio and all began to cheer and celebrate!

"Long live the Navy!"

"Hats off to the heroes!"


All the branches fired salutes and cheered!

And at this moment, the extremely evil generation who feel the changes of the times is also setting sail towards the new world!

"Start the ship and enter the new world immediately!"

"It only takes a blink of an eye, and the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates will fall into bloody storms..."

"The real winner of this war is only the Blackbeard who has gained Whitebeard's ability and found a new partner, and there is no doubt that they will start stirring up trouble next!"

"Is that Trafalgar Rowe really going to save the guy who will sooner or later become an enemy? I really don't understand! What exactly was he planning?

"Because of the forces that have risen in this war, Blackbeard is not a fuel-saving lamp!" The New World is a sea area ruled by the Four Emperors, one of which has been wiped out and the balance has been destroyed! A new era like never before is coming! Hahaha! "

Compared to other supernovae, Hawkins, no, it should be Huo Banxian, who is shuffling cards unhurriedly at the moment!

"It's strange, the survival rate of Straw Hat Kid Luffy, no matter how many times divination is not zero! And..."Someone

deceived the whole world!"

Divination so many times, the result is all that!

Then it means, that guy, he's not dead!

So who the hell is it?

What was done?

Let the one who died in full view of everyone....

How strange!

"Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore!"

Huo Banxian stood up and said, "Set sail and go to the New World!" "

As the newspaper gull flew from the great voyage to the four seas, the news of the victory of the navy in the top war of the greatest battle since the beginning of the era of sea pirates, in Marin Fandor, spread all over the world!

People everywhere are celebrating victory!

There are still great shipping routes in the East Sea, West Sea, North Sea, and South China Sea!

The news spread so fast that in the end everyone did not pay attention to the details, only knowing that the navy had won!

Everyone was immersed in joy!

But they don't know that the era of sea thieves will usher in a climax again!

All the pirates in the world will go crazy again!

Marin Fandor three days later!

Sengoku, who was wrapped in bandages, looked at the collapsed headquarters fortress in front of him, holding a telephone bug in his hand, he was waiting for a call!

He was waiting for that smelly boy to call him, shout grandpa like before, and then he was angry and thunderous!

But, it's been three days!

The phone bug didn't move at all!

The picture of Bai Yu's heart being pierced still flashed in front of the Warring States!

"White feather! You boy! "

Sengoku squatted on the ground in pain, and the pet lamb on the side was bleating!

But Sengoku doesn't believe that Bai Yu died like this, he must still be alive, because Bai Yu said that he will not die!

At this time, Brigadier General Branny, who had a bandage on his head, ran over!

"So you are here, Marshal of the Warring States!"

Brannew saluted and said, "The situation of the advance city has been determined!" "

After the war, there were so many things to deal with, and I only now learned about the situation in Advance City!

Sengoku squatted on the ground and said, "Magellan is okay!"

"I was seriously injured and in critical condition, and now the medical team is treating!" He's been nagging to take responsibility! With his current mental condition, after resuming his actions, it is very likely that he will apologize with death! "

Magellan, the warden of Advance City, is seriously injured and dying!

Magellan guarded the entrance to the advancing city, fighting until he lost consciousness!

"You must not let him do such a stupid thing!"

Sengoku sighed and said, "What happened in Advance City?"

Branny looked at the Warring States and said, "It is reported that the situation on the sixth layer of the Advance City is the most serious, it is simply miserable!" "


After listening to Brannew's report, the face of the Warring States changed greatly!

"That is to say, he took the most elite guy from the most vicious prisoner in the world!"


Brannew nodded, "And in addition to the four people who were taken away by Blackbeard, there are other prisoners from the sixth layer prison who escaped!"

Sengoku covered his head and said bitterly: "Prisoners who escape from the sixth layer, even if they escape one casually and enter a certain country, it may bring a great threat!" Quickly confirm the number of people and names, and issue a bounty order to the world!

"But, that!"

Brannel hesitated and spoke, "The World Government has ordered us to hide the matter of the sixth layer!" If there is a serious mistake, it will affect the credibility of the world government!

"What a joke!"

Sengoku clenched his fists angrily!

The group of bastards above, how can this kind of thing be hidden!

Those guys who escaped, every single one of them is a ticking time bomb!

Sengoku suddenly felt very tired and couldn't bring that group of bastards!

Sengoku suddenly wanted to take a good rest, just like the Kapuna bastard, yesterday he took injury leave, saying that he would go home and recuperate!

New world!

On board the Red Firth!

It's already the third day!

Bai Yu had completely lost consciousness since he was helped to the boat that day!

After the bandaging and treatment of the ship doctor, the breath was very weak, and when the effect of hyperexuberant hormones passed, the sequelae of opening and hanging on the battlefield also surged up!

The unconscious Bai Yu's body trembled involuntarily, and blood kept gushing out of his mouth!

But Shanks, they have no choice but to transfuse blood for Bai Yu and inject some nutrient solution!

Marko and these captains are also on board, because the remains of Whitebeard and Ace are here!

After the Red Firth, there are dozens of ships under Whitebeard's pirate group!

The atmosphere on board is depressing, everyone is sad!

In the last battle, they lost a lot!

"Boss, how is Little White Feather?"

Ratch Lu came over with a piece of meat, looking at Bai Yu like that in the past few days, he has eaten several bites of meat!

"I don't know!"

Shanks looked at the comatose Bai Yu and said: "Bai Yu, he was injured too badly, if he were an ordinary person, I am afraid that he would have died on the battlefield a long time ago, but he is still alive, his breath is weak, but I can feel that his body is slowly recovering!" By the way, Marko, how are they?

Beckman walked in and shook his head: "Marko, they are not in good condition, they have been guarding Whitebeard's side!"

"After all, this time

..." Marco, Joz and Bista were guarding the cabin, looking at the white beard covered with a white cloth and Ace with a sad face!

At this moment, one of the white cloths was suddenly lifted!

A figure sat up sharply!

Marko they raised their heads and widened their eyes in shock!

"Ai... Ace!!! "

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