"So what are you going to do next? The whereabouts of Straw Hat Kid Luffy are unknown, and the members of the Straw Hat Pirates are also missing, it can be said that the Straw Hat Pirates have been disbanded, do you still want to be a pirate? Hearing

the words of the Warring States, Bai Yu looked at the phone worm in his hand and hesitated: "I..."

Your pirate's identity can be washed, during the war, although Sakaski's words were made up by him, it was enough to clean your pirate's identity!

"No, I can't go!"

Bai Yu refused the proposal of the Warring States, because Bai Yu really went to Marin Fandor, and the Warring States would definitely be able to wash Bai Yu's identity!

But that's also a deal, the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates have a deal!

Use White Feather as a hostage and reach an agreement with the Whitebeard Pirate Group to ensure the safety of Ace and the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and completely annihilate the Pirate Group under his command!

Although this is not the case, what do those masses think of the outside world?

The result was that Whitebeard and Ace died in the top war, and the Whitebeard Pirates were hit hard!

That is, the Navy did have an agreement with Whitebeard, and then reneged on it!

This has a great impact on the image of the Navy!

After all, the Navy is the embodiment of justice in the eyes of most of the world!

"The Straw Hat Pirates will not disband, but it may be silent for a while, and during this time, I have decided to hunt down the prisoners who escaped from Advance City!"

"Bai Yu, you..."

"Grandpa, this is my decision, I participated in the top war and caused casualties to the navy!" This is a fact, if I don't do something to make up for it, I can't care less!

Bai Yu held the magic knife and said, "And this can be regarded as the aftermath for Luffy's guy!" With his mind thinking at that time, only Ace was thinking, and he would not have thought of the serious consequences of the prisoner escaping from the prisoner who pushed into the city, and as his crew, he always had to solve the trouble for the unconscious captain!

"It's all bastard things done by Kapuna's bastard grandson!"

When I think of this Warring States, I can't get angry!

Gan, your grandson caused trouble!

Why should I let my grandson solve the trouble!

And you old bastard, you went home to recuperate!

That special death is a minor injury!

Not as badly injured as Kuzan!

Top the war to the end!

Sakaski was seriously injured, Kuzan was slightly injured, and Borusalino clothes were dirty!

"Since you've decided, go for it!"

The Warring States knew that if Bai Yu said it, he would definitely do it!

"But you must be safe! The prisoners who escaped from the prison in Push City are all extremely vicious people, and their strength is very strong!

"I know, I'm not weak either!"

Bai Yu is very confident in this, he has an immortal body, plus a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, as long as he does not lose himself in seconds, it is a protracted war!

Fight a protracted war, Bai Yu will definitely not be intimidated!

Boiling can also give him waste!

"I know you kid is very strong, but don't be stubborn, put your own safety first, and against those guys, you can call for naval support!"


Hearing the words of the Warring States, Bai Yu was stunned for a moment!

Call for naval support?

One pirate beats another pirate, but you can't beat someone, but also call the navy?

What's the difference between this and two people fighting and not being able to find the police to help?

When the time comes, the two of them will squat in the squad room together?

"Smelly boy, of course you can call for naval support, as a navy, is there anything wrong with calling headquarters support?"

Bai Yu's brain went down for a while, but he didn't react!

"Navy? Who? I?

"Remember that Navy uniform and officer ID you dropped from my office a few years ago?" Stinky boy, that's for you! Otherwise, how do you think those things are in my office, and I wouldn't look for them without them?

"No, I'm not the Navy! I don't want to join the Navy and work every day! If you are not free or die, I will lose that!

"Stinky boy, take a closer look at your documents! Not the average navy, and you don't have to clock in and out like that Borusalino guy every day! Hearing

the roar of the Warring States, Bai Yu turned over his officer ID!

"Colonel of the Navy headquarters, White Feather!"

Bai Yu turned another page!

"Affiliated with the Navy Secret Unit SWORD, unit number is classified !?"

Bai Yu was stunned!

This is actually true, although I don't know what this SWORD is, Bai Yu is really a navy now!

Forced, no, is to actively throw yourself into the net!

"Grandpa, what is that classified unit SWORD?"

"SWORD, which means blade, the members are both navy and not navy, they are a group of navies that have already submitted their resignations, the navy number has been returned to the army, there is no need to follow any orders, it is a guerrilla force that can move freely! It is even possible to start a war with the Four Emperors without the permission of the superiors! At the same time, the Navy and the World Government will not be responsible for their actions, and they can be dismissed from the military at any time! Hearing

the explanation of the Warring States, Bai Yu nodded and said, "I see, in short, it is a supernumerary of the Navy, a temporary worker!" There is work to do, and accidents are blamed!

"That's you! Others are still in the Navy! You are the real temp!

Sengoku rubbed his temples and said, "In short, your safety comes first, don't force yourself!" Tell me as soon as you have a special situation!

"Well, I see, don't worry! Grandfather! "

Report, Marshal of the Warring States..." The

voice of the meeting king sounded again on the other side of the phone worm!

"Grandpa, then you are busy, I don't have to worry here!"

"Okay then! Remember to stay safe! "

The Warring States still want to talk to Bai Yu for a while, but there are too many things to break about, although they have already reported to the above and recommended Kuzan!

But it is still said that it is necessary to study and study, and let the Warring States first stand in the position of marshal for a while!

Hanging up the phone worm, Bai Yu looked at the certificate in his hand and smacked his lips!

"Put it away first! I don't know what happened to Luffy, I hope he can withstand it! At

this moment, Luffy is being carried by Jinping and walking towards the shore, and Luffy now wants to return to the Chambord Islands to find everyone!

And Luo on the shore is holding Luffy's straw hat looking at the beach waiting for them to return, and the submarine that was damaged by Luffy's madness has been repaired at this time!

His crew is bored fishing!

At this time, I suddenly found that there was a sea king in the sea not far away, I didn't know what creature I was fighting, and it was killed after a while!

"What a terrible sea! Before he saw his opponent, he was killed! "

At this moment, an old man suddenly came up to the shore, bare-chested, holding clothes in his hands, and carrying a sword, wet all over, just climbing up from the sea!

"People? How can it be!

Luo looked at the guy who walked ashore in shock!

"You, you're Hades, Rayleigh!"

"Ah, what a nerve-wracking!"

Reilly looked up and saw Luo them!

"Oh, it's you! I've seen it before in the Chambord Islands!

Beibo was surprised: "How did the deputy captain of One Piece Roger appear here?"

Reilly said calmly: "The ship sank in the storm, and it can only swim all the way!" "

Tempest? The windless sea is calm all year round, that is, it is a shipwreck swimming all the way in the farther sea? So that the sea king class just now was also killed by you?

"Worthy of the legendary pirate!"

"I'm better at breaststroke, as for that, it wants to eat me, I accidentally killed it, speaking of which, I still want it to take me a ride, after all, I'm old!"

A certain old man who swam all the way from the Great Voyage to Nine Snake Island without wind and killed the sea kings and said that he was old twisted his wet clothes and turned to look at Luo: "I speculate that Luffy may be on this island, so come and take a look!" "

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