"Navy? Hahahaha!

Shi Ji raised his head and laughed: "Lao Tzu has been hiding for so many years, and he was actually killed by the navy at the door!" Why, can't the Navy drive warships to Lao Tzu's floating island!

"No warships!"

Brother Yindi waved his hand and said, "Just one, I don't know how he came up?"

Shi Ji said with a calm face: "Who is coming?" The three major generals are still Karp or Sengoku! Brother

Indi waved his hand and said, "It's not, it's a colonel wearing sunglasses!"

"What! I thought my plan was exposed!

The golden lion waved his hand with a cigar: "Since he is a school officer, don't care, those guys on the island will solve him!"

Indigo nodded and said, "That's what I said!" In that case, I'll go back to the lab first! The implementation plan is about to begin, and those guys will have to inject them again before releasing them to make them even more violent!

"Then it's up to you!"

Shiki was comfortable on the recliner again!

In the forest of Summer Island, Bai Yu stabbed more than ten berserk animals with a knife and backhanded!

At this time, the Nine Lamas pointed to the tree, and a monitoring phone worm was silently watching here!

"These creatures are all in an abnormal state of rage, there is a problem with this island, and there are surveillance phone bugs!"

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas glanced at each other, and then rushed towards the group of ferocious beasts!

"Ah~ I'm dead!"

"Abominable ferocious beast~"

With the pompous acting skills of Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas, on the other end of the surveillance phone worm, the surveillance personnel looked at each other after watching the navy that had just been violently torn apart by the fierce beasts!

Although it feels a little strange, it seems to be quite normal for that kind of fierce beast group!

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas concealed their figures, using the transformation technique to turn into a big bird and fly directly to the largest floating island in the center!

Although Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas had tried their best to hide away from those ferocious beasts, the ferocious beasts on the island were basically irrational, see who did whom!

Even if they are far away, they will come and fight when they smell!


Just like the flat-headed brother, either on the dry frame or on the way to the dry frame!

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas had no choice but to make a move, and after stabbing more than a dozen ferocious beasts, they finally came to the palace in the center of the floating island!

However, to Bai Yu's surprise, the ferocious beast that had just gone crazy and had to pout the Nine Lamas above suddenly roared, turned his head and ran!

But except for a row of trees surrounding the palace in front, there were no other powerful ferocious beasts!

And even if there are powerful ferocious beasts, these guys will ignore it and kill it!

Unless, there's something wrong with this tree!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu went to the tree, sniffed carefully, and found that there was some peculiar smell!

"It stinks!"

Finally taking a deep breath, as the smell entered his nose, Bai Yu nodded!

"So it is! This tree will release a toxin that the ferocious beast can't stand at all, so there is no ferocious beast approaching here! It seems that the owner of this palace relies on these trees to prevent fierce beasts from breaking in and destroying them!

"And this poison is also effective against people!" The more you smoke, the faster the onset!

"The effect is emmm, lignification, then internal organs too, and finally the cause of death is lignification of the lungs, unable to breathe and suffocating!" Hiccup~"

Plopped down, and the white feather fell to the ground!

The Nine Lamas rolled his eyes and pulled Bai Yu's legs to sneak into the palace!

These poisonous tree species that prevent ferocious beasts from entering, called Daft Green, surround the palace in a circular shape, like a fence, a natural fence!

"It seems that the security ability of this palace is not weak!"

Five minutes later, the toxin was purified by the white feather, and the white feather also got up from the ground!

Daft Green encloses Shiki's palace in the center in a circle, and the only gate is placed on the river for boats to enter and exit, and ordinary people who want to enter will be poisoned if they first touch the tree!

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas directly used the transformation technique to become patrol officers in the palace and began to scout in the palace!

Now two pieces of information are urgently needed, one is the owner of this floating island group, and the other is whether the fierce beasts on the island are influenced by them!

There is also the question, that is, what to do in the East China Sea!

At this time, Shiji leaned on the recliner and held the latest issue of the newspaper in his hand!

Although Shiji has been hiding on a floating island over the years, he is not completely isolated from the outside world!

There is no way to be self-sufficient in many of the necessities needed by the floating island group, especially the various materials needed for research!

Although Shiji does not have to go out in person, he will regularly send people to purchase or loot materials, and he himself sends people down to pick up people to collect materials!

Therefore, Shiji is always aware of the movements of the world!

After seeing the report that Whitebeard died in battle on the top a while ago, Shi Ji was furious, mainly angry with Blackbeard's old coin, and at the same time lamented that there were fewer and fewer contemporaries!

Now the active on the sea are the new generation, and there are few of them that he looks good at!

"Oh? That guy from the Warring States resigned from the position of marshal? Akainu became the new marshal of the navy, and the senior admiral green pheasant left the navy? Hahahaha! That's fun! "

Bucky the Clown serves as Nanabukai! Who is this clown? Let such a guy be the Seven Martial Seas, and the world government is becoming more and more unproductive!

Shi Ji touched his chin and said, "But how is this red nose a little familiar?" Roger's bastard seems to have a red nose on board! The hateful Roger died like that! After

speaking, Shiji touched the rudder inserted in his head!

"However, anyway, it must be Lao Tzu Golden Lion who comes to the world! As long as the plan goes well, destroy the East China Sea and subvert the world is just around the corner! Hahahaha!


"Huh? What's compelling? Shiji

turned his head and looked around, touching the rudder on his head!

"Maybe I heard it wrong!"

Then I continued to read the newspaper!

Bai Yu and the Nine Lamas covered each other's mouths and shrunk in the corner!

Just took a picture of Shiki, but fortunately the flash was not turned on!

When Bai Yu saw the rudder on Shiji's head, he knew that he might have found a big fish!

Although it was not the first two days to escape, it was also their own goal, and they were always fugitives who escaped from the Push City!

But take a closer look at it, if it is really the Golden Lion Shiji, this kind of strong person will have some feelings for the prying eyes of others, even if it is well hidden, it will be discovered!

So Bai Yu took a picture of Shi Jimeimei's!

Looking at the photo of Shiji lying on a recliner with a cigar and reading the newspaper, Bai Yu is sure!

"Found one escape, Golden Lion Shiki!"

Bai Yu was a little excited, and his fighting spirit was high!

Fortunately, the Nine Lamas patted Bai Yu's shoulder to stabilize him, otherwise he would be discovered by Shiji!

Golden Lion Shiji is just a more suitable opponent for Bai Yu, who has been cultivating for a while!

Because he is strong enough!

But the strong is limited!

Just right for Bai Yu at this time!

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