"Lord Shiki, there is a big explosion in the experimental laboratory of Lord Indigo!"

"What do you say!"

Shiji was instantly furious!

"Didn't Indigo go back? How can it explode! What happened!

"That, Lord Schi, Lord Indigo's communication can't be reached, can't contact him!"

"Indigo will not betray me!"

Shi Ji slowly got up, and the surging momentum swept out from him, pressing the pirates on both sides almost unable to raise their heads!

"So something must have happened to him, and the only outsiders on the island are you who have just arrived, so..."

The door was knocked out of a big hole, and Indigo, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, was handcuffed and smashed into the hall with both hands!

"Golden Lion Shiki! Come out and see you! Hearing

Bai Yu's voice, Shiji suddenly raised his head!


Looking at Intigo who smashed in the hall, Shiji laughed angrily!

"It seems that rats have infiltrated my territory! Not only know me, but also hurt Indigo like this, and bombed my experimental research room, then let Lao Tzu see which guy it is, so daring! "

In front of the palace, Bai Yu stood above the golden gate of the entrance river with a magic knife and a thousand blades, and the righteous sword flew with the wind and snow!

The Nine Lamas stood on the square holding their paws, and the guards in the square were all lying on the ground moaning!


The gate of the palace was blasted open by Shiji's punch, and he walked out step by step with a cigar in his mouth, and the famous sword Sakura Ju and the dead wood on his legs made a sonorous sound when they touched the ground!


Shi Ji looked at the righteous man behind Bai Yu and laughed gloomyly!

"It seems that you are the mouse! I didn't expect you to have two strokes, not only were you not torn apart by the fierce beast, but also sneaked into my palace! Knowing who Lao Tzu is, and still having the courage to come alone?

"No, it seems that the navy has long known my whereabouts and sent you to monitor me, right!" Let those guys behind you come out! See which general? Or an old friend!

"You think too much! It's just me!

Bai Yu smiled helplessly: "You may not believe it, it was just an accident, I originally planned to go home to visit my relatives, but I accidentally found this place!" The environment here is really good, Golden Lion Shiji, it seems that you have had a good life over the years! "


Shiji's face turned dark!

What kind of accident will make you, the bastard navy, run to the floating island base that Lao Tzu has hidden for twenty years!

On the eve of my implementation plan, I beat my most trusted and powerful assistant unconscious, and blew up the experimental laboratory that I had worked so hard to build!

Is this an accident?

"Hey, hey, hey... Hahahahaha!

Shi Ji laughed loudly, slowly rose into the air to level with the white feather, and looked up and down!

"Little ghost! The Navy doesn't have a guy like you! Not only did he know Lao Tzu's identity, but after blowing up Lao Tzu's experimental research room, he not only did not run, but in turn provoked Lao Tzu! "

A colonel! Not even a general! How dare you! "


With a wave of Shiji's big hand, the snowflakes flying in the air gathered!

"Lao Tzu is a golden lion!!"

The wind and snow quickly condensed, turning into six huge lion heads, opening their mouths and emitting deafening lion roars!

"Lion Wei—Goshoji Scroll!"


The huge wind and snow lion head surrounded the white feathers, opened its big mouth and pounced!

"Thousand-Blade Storm—Flame!"

The flame whirlwind directly rose into the sky, and the wind and snow lion's head that was torn over was crushed and devoured between the whiskers!

"Is that how you say hello? Shiki! "

Bai Yu held the magic knife thousand blades and slashed a blue lingering arc slash towards Shi Ji!

"Thousand Blade Judgment—Thunder!"

Shi Ji turned around and dodged, and the blue slash slashed directly at the top of the palace, and then thunder flashed, and the building above was shattered by thunder!

"To be able to deliver such a slash! Very good! Hahahaha!

Shi Ji looked at Bai Yu and said, "Boy, your strength is not what a school officer should have, and how can a guy like you be unknown!" Who are you! "

Shi Ji saw that Bai Yu had the appearance of a general!

With such a strength as Bai Yu is still so young, how can the navy not publicize, especially when the position of marshal alternates and loses a general-level combat power!

"Maybe I don't have military registration yet! After all, it hasn't been long since he joined the Navy!

Bai Yu took off his sunglasses and put them away: "And Uncle Sakaski wouldn't be bad if he didn't hammer my head, how could it be publicized!" My identity is a bit sensitive!

Looking at Bai Yu's eyes, Shi Ji laughed!

White eyes and kaleidoscopic chakra eyes!

"I remembered, it turned out to be you, Heterochony White Feather! The grandson of that old guy in the Warring States! Aren't you a pirate? How did it become a navy!

Bai Yu shrugged and said, "Our captain said, temporarily cultivate, two years later in the assembly, such a long time, of course, you have to find something to do!" "

Captain of your guy? I guess it's Munchi D. Luffy! Karp that bastard's grandson! Hahahaha!

Shi Ji looked at Bai Yu with a calm face and said, "So you are planning to stop me?"

"Of course!"

Bai Yu raised the Magic Blade Thousand Blades and pointed it at Shi Ji, "The East China Sea can be regarded as my hometown!" Moreover, most of the crew on our ship are from the East China Sea, but there are many familiar people here, how can you destroy the East China Sea!

"Is it? Then stop it! Chopper! Shi

Ji raised his leg and kicked out, and a huge slash slashed at White Feather!

Shiji laughed loudly, "Little ghost, want to stop me? Or let your grandpa come them! As for greeting, this is greeting! Shi

Ji raised his hands, and then squeezed them hard, and the ground on the square instantly surged like seawater!

"Lion Wei—Ground Scroll!"

The earth and rocks on the ground were lifted up, forming six lion heads that roared out from the ground and rushed towards the white feathers!

This lion's head is much more powerful than the wind and snow lion's head just now!

Flying slash plus lion's head, Shiji raised his hand is a silky combo, and he wants to kill the white feather on the spot!

"Susa no Tsubasa!"

The kaleidoscope writing wheel eye turned, and a pair of blue Susa wings appeared behind Shiraha, directly soaring into the sky, avoiding Shiji's combo!

"Shiki, don't look down on me! You're not the only one who can fly! "

Hahahaha! Air combat? It's you who look down on Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu is a golden lion! Shiji

glared at Bai Yu!

On this sea, there are not many opponents who can fly!

But either being able to fly is a reason for you to provoke in front of Lao Tzu!

"Are you trying to challenge me? Lao Tzu is a man who wants to rule this sea in the air!

"That's right! You are strong enough! I need opponents like you if I want to get stronger!

Bai Yu looked at Shi Ji and said, "Moreover, I must defeat you!" Donghai, but there are still people I want to protect! "

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