"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

Bai Yu and Shiji are crazy against each other!

White Feather relies on Susa to carry Shiki's damage, and Shiki also controls the earth and stone covered armed color domineering to resist Shiro's attack around him!

The attacks of the two people were like waves crashing on the shore, wave after wave!

But Shi Ji is a great sword master after all, and his slashing is not comparable to Bai Yu's sword qi that needs Chakra's output to cut out!

It must be right to continue like this, after Bai Yu was familiar with Shi Ji's attack path, he mixed this fragment of the Magic Knife Thousand Blade in the attack, and then directly flew the Thunder God Face!

"Thousand Blades Judgment—Flame!"

Close up and slash at Shiji!


Shi Ji's sight and smell are very domineering, and after Bai Yu used the Flying Thunder God raid to suffer losses before, he has been guarding against Bai Yu's move!

When Bai Yu's slash came, Shi Ji reacted quickly, controlled his body to rise, kicked forward, and blocked this sword with two famous swords that acted as his feet!

But Shi Ji was not comfortable, Bai Yu's knife was strong, and he also carried the flames to make him resist a little hard!

After all, instead of holding a sword, the strength of using a sword as a foot is ultimately a lot worse!

Since Shi Ji escaped from prison in the Advance City, the battle has basically been to use the ability of the Fluttering Fruit to cooperate with the flying slash to fight the suppression effect battle, and there are very few hand-to-hand combat!

Facing Bai Yu's hand-to-hand combat, Shi Ji fell into a disadvantage, after all, Bai Yu turned on the Thunder Dun Chakra mode plus strange power and the first four doors of the eight doors of Dun Jia!

It's a knife crit!

The swords clashed, and the collision of armed color domineering produced bursts of shockwaves!

While fighting, Shiji suddenly raised his head, and his eyes seemed to be burning with flames!

"Boy! Lao Tzu hasn't fought so hard for a long time! "

Lion Wei—Ground Scroll!"

Six lion heads rushed out from below and rushed towards the white feather, forcing the white feather to retreat!


Shi Ji looked at Bai Yu and laughed: "Lao Tzu didn't defeat that guy Roger back then, but that doesn't mean that you can't take down this little guy from the East China Sea!" If even you can't take it, what else will Lao Tzu talk about ruling the world! "

Bai Yu is holding a magic knife with a thousand blades in front of him, and at this moment, Shi Ji's battle intent is high, and he is not in the chaotic state of senile dementia like before!

Bai Yu stared at Shi Ji with both eyes, concentrated on it, and swung his sword forward sharply!


"Double lion!"

With Shi Ji's roar, two black and somewhat purple lion heads carried unparalleled power and instantly rushed to Bai Yu's body!


Bai Yu stared at Shi Ji closely, under the white eyes, he started to block in advance!


The armed color domineering collision, the shockwave set off made Bai Yu take two steps back!

Looking at Shiji in the distance, and looking at the two black-purple lion heads who returned to Shiji's side!

That's the lion's head, the two famous swords on Shiki's legs, Sakura Ten and Deadwood!

The two famous swords broke away from Shiji's legs, wrapped around the armed color domineering, and were controlled by Shiji's ability to attack!

Bai Yu looked at the twin swords flying freely beside Shi Ji, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly!

"What is this special swordsmanship? Sword Immortal Shiki? "

Bai Yu listened to Whitebeard when he was in class, His Majesty the Nine Snakes of the country where the Seven Martial Sea Pirate Female Emperor Han Cook is located, and the warriors above can make the sharp arrows shot out with domineering!

So as to achieve long-range terrorist destructive power!

And Shi Ji's flying sword is far more powerful than the Nine Snake Warriors' attacks!


Shi Ji laughed maniacally: "Twenty years! Boy, this trick I have mastered since I left Advance City! And you are the first guy in these twenty years to force Lao Tzu to this extent! Lion - Dance! "

Shiki's hands are dazzling, and Sakura and Deadwood are under Shiki's control, flying up and down, casting various slashes from various tricky angles!

White Feather White Eyes and Kaleidoscope Sharingan Eyes are fully open, holding a knife to block the attacks of the flying sword, and some attacks that cannot react use Susa to resist!

With fluttering fruit, Shiji, who lost his feet, was not affected in the air battle, and when the two swords were freed, Shiji's combat effectiveness soared again!

Bai Yu was entangled in two flying swords, and he couldn't stop bearing the attack!

"There is only one way to break the enemy in this move!"

Bai Yu raised his head to look at Shi Ji in the distance, and raised the Magic Knife Thousand Blade in his hand!

"Thousand Blades—Wind Thorn!"

The wings of Susa behind the white feather sharply increased their speed, and with the blessing of the wind attribute Chakra, they stabbed straight at Shiji who shook the flower hand!

"Hahahaha! Is this impatient? Gremlin! Shi

Ji nimbly dodged Bai Yu's stabbing and continued to swing his flower hand to control the flying sword to attack Bai Yu!

Bai Yu held a magic knife thousand blades in the air and stabbed towards Shi Ji, and a sonic boom sounded in the air!

The straight spurt is extremely fast, but the steering is not very agile!

Several spikes were dodged by Shi Ji, and every time he turned, Shi Ji would grab the gap and shake his flower hand to give Bai Yu two swords!

"Bell! Boom! "

The armed color domineering energy attached to the two swords is limited after all, and the armed color domineering energy is exhausted by the continuous collision, and it is struck away by the white feather swinging the sword!

Shiji made a move with both hands, and the two swords returned to his hands!

Beads of sweat slipped down Bai Yu's cheeks!

Bai Yu stared at Shiji and did not dare to relax in the slightest, because Shiji had the ability to break through Susa's protection!

"This trick has been practiced for twenty years, it is really enough!"

This flying sword is enough to destroy eighty percent of the strong people on the sea!

High slash damage, tricky angle!

It's not easy to block at all!

When Shiji holds the sword again, the two famous swords once again cover the armed color domineering!

"Hahahaha, boy, you are very good, then try this trick again!"

Shi Ji waved his hand with his sword, and with a roar, the ground rioted again, and the earth and rocks soared into the sky, and then combined together to form a giant sword that was 100 meters long!

"See if you can carry it!"

As Shi Ji drank loudly, the 100-meter giant sword composed of earth and stone was directly covered with armed color domineering!

The giant sword slashed towards Bai Yu at a speed that did not match the huge size at all, and the power seemed to split the heavens!

"I wipe it! One sword opens the gate of heaven! "

The kaleidoscope writing wheel eye in Bai Yu's eyes spun rapidly!

"Susa Nidan!"

Meridians and flesh and blood appeared on the blue skeleton, and the Chakra cloak was draped over Susa!

Then he pulled out a long blue knife exactly like the thousand blades of the magic knife from behind him, and slashed towards the giant sword covered with earth and rock for a hundred meters!

"Susa - Thousand Blade Judgment - Thunder!"

"Boom !!"

The roar resounded through the heavens and the earth!

Huge swords collide, and the attached armed color domineering hedge!

In the sky, thunder shines brightly, rendering the sky blue!

"Boy is good! Then come again! Shi

Ji flew up and slapped his palm on the hilt of the giant sword!

"Thousand-bladed storm—Ten Thousand Thunder!"

The blue long knife shattered, and the thunder exploded!

Shi Ji's earth and stone giant sword also directly shattered into countless pieces!

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

Thunder roared, Bai Yu opened Susa against the falling rubble, and the blue long knife condensed again, raising the knife and stabbing at Shiji with a roaring flame!

"Susa - Senkaku - Flame Thorn!"

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